A Journey Through The Old Testament - Elmer Towns

A Journey Through The Old Testament - Elmer Towns A Journey Through The Old Testament - Elmer Towns

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agreed with the settlement, the other objected, offering to withdraw her claim on the child if the child’s life were preserved. Solomon discerned the maternal instincts of the true mother and decided the case in her favor. “And all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had rendered; and they feared the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to administer justice” (v. 28). Whereas David appeared to rule as a benevolent dictator making most of the decisions and being at the center of all action, Solomon appeared to be a better manager and delegated authority to others. David did not seem to have the efficient organization. But Solomon organized and implemented a large organization to administer the affairs of the nation during his reign. This had several positive effects. First, this helped insure an increased standard of living for the people of the land (4:20). Second, it helped insure the security of the kingdom throughout the reign of Solomon (v. 21). Third, it further established Solomon’s reputation for wisdom (v. 30). Finally, it freed up the king so he could devote time to other interests, including the collecting of proverbs and writing of songs (v. 32). THE YOUNG LOVE OF SUCCESS The third of the wisdom books traditionally attributed to Solomon is entitled “The Song of Solomon.” Like his father before him, Solomon had a deep love for music which resulted in his writing a thousand and five songs during his life (1 Kings 4:32). The Song of Solomon is related to Solomon in its introductory verse (Song 1:1) and refers to him by name in the song itself (3:11; 8:11-12). Traditionally, the Song was thought to be a love song written by Solomon when he was a young shepherd in the fields of Bethlehem who was in love with a Shulamite girl. She did not believe or know he was the heir to the throne until he returned to marry her. Therefore, it is a book of pure love. Because the song makes specific reference to themes relating to human sexuality, traditions say the rabbis allowed only males over the age of thirty to read the book. Others say the book was written to all, making human sexuality a part of life. Some historic commentators interpreted the Song of Solomon as an allegory of God’s love for Israel and/or the church. Among the best known devotional commentaries based on this view is J. Hudson Taylor’s volume entitled Union and Communion. Recently, some conservative commentators have suggested the book was not one of Solomon’s love songs but rather the love song of a shepherd and his Shulamite spouse who remained faithful to the one she loved despite the advances made to her by Solomon. Those holding this latter view point to Solomon’s reputation for immoral behavior (3:9-10) and confession of sexual frustration (Ecc. 7:25-29) to suggest it highly unlikely Solomon would express love to the Shulamite in the way the shepherd seems to do in this book. Some holding this second view also see an allegorical interpretation of the book and application to the spiritual relationship between Christ and the believer. The primary application of the book according to all recent commentators is to teach four essential principles which tend to build the relationship between a husband and his wife in marriage. However, the Song of Solomon probably suggests the beauty of love, both physical and emotional. This elevation of love is violated by Solomon in his later life. Evidence shows that he wrote the book early; it was probably among his first writings. The key verse is Song of Solomon 2:7, “Do not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases.” This suggests a young person should not stir up sexual passion until a person is ready for marriage fulfillment. The story is simple in its beauty. Solomon and the Shulamite girl fall in love as they work in the field. (Solomon didn’t expect to be king because he was not the firstborn and his mother was not a Hebrew.) Solomon leaves for Jerusalem, and the anguish of separated love is expressed and anticipated. He returns

for her and they visit her home. There she is finally vindicated for all the rebukes she received while growing up. THE WORSHIP OF SOLOMON (1 Kings 5:1-9:9) One of the chief concerns of Solomon early in his reign was the building of the temple his father David had desired to build. The plans had been drawn and much of the supplies for building the temple had been collected by his father David, but God had not allowed David to build the house of God. No expense was spared by Solomon in erecting the temple his father had wanted to build. The finest craftsmen and materials were imported at great expense. Solomon introduced conscription to raise the number of laborers which would be needed for the job. Stones were mined and cut before shipping to reduce the need for on-site cutting of stones. Though Solomon invested huge resources into the building of the temple, it still took seven years to complete the task. Solomon’s temple was one of the marvels and wonders of the ancient world. It was twice the size of the tabernacle and completely overlaid in gold. In later years when the remnant would return to the land after a seventy-year absence the glory of Solomon’s temple would still be remembered. On the completion of this temple, Solomon organized what may well have been the most spectacular dedication service of any religious structure in the history of mankind. Thousands of musicians and singers were a part of the planned music for the occasion. The number of sacrifices offered on this occasion was so great that no attempt was made to count them. But the most spectacular feature of the service was unplanned. God Himself attended the celebration and filled the temple with His Shekinah glory cloud. The people and priests could do nothing but recognize and enjoy the presence of the glory of the Lord. Clearly, that day was among the most spectacular in the long history of God and His people. At a moment like that, it is hard to believe there would ever be a time when Israel might not be enthusiastic in its zeal to worship, serve, and follow God. But God knew that many times would come when His people would rebel against Him. That evening, God appeared to Solomon to warn of a time when Israel might be subject to the judgment of God, and to propose a strategy that would bring spiritual renewal to replace the wrath of God with the blessing of God. Throughout history, the principles revealed by God that evening have been recognized as the key to experiencing revival blessing.

for her and they visit her home. <strong>The</strong>re she is finally vindicated for all the rebukes she received<br />

while growing up.<br />


(1 Kings 5:1-9:9)<br />

One of the chief concerns of Solomon early in his reign was the building of the temple<br />

his father David had desired to build. <strong>The</strong> plans had been drawn and much of the supplies for<br />

building the temple had been collected by his father David, but God had not allowed David to<br />

build the house of God.<br />

No expense was spared by Solomon in erecting the temple his father had wanted to build.<br />

<strong>The</strong> finest craftsmen and materials were imported at great expense. Solomon introduced<br />

conscription to raise the number of laborers which would be needed for the job. Stones were<br />

mined and cut before shipping to reduce the need for on-site cutting of stones. Though Solomon<br />

invested huge resources into the building of the temple, it still took seven years to complete the<br />

task.<br />

Solomon’s temple was one of the marvels and wonders of the ancient world. It was twice<br />

the size of the tabernacle and completely overlaid in gold. In later years when the remnant would<br />

return to the land after a seventy-year absence the glory of Solomon’s temple would still be<br />

remembered.<br />

On the completion of this temple, Solomon organized what may well have been the most<br />

spectacular dedication service of any religious structure in the history of mankind. Thousands of<br />

musicians and singers were a part of the planned music for the occasion. <strong>The</strong> number of<br />

sacrifices offered on this occasion was so great that no attempt was made to count them. But the<br />

most spectacular feature of the service was unplanned. God Himself attended the celebration and<br />

filled the temple with His Shekinah glory cloud. <strong>The</strong> people and priests could do nothing but<br />

recognize and enjoy the presence of the glory of the Lord. Clearly, that day was among the most<br />

spectacular in the long history of God and His people.<br />

At a moment like that, it is hard to believe there would ever be a time when Israel might<br />

not be enthusiastic in its zeal to worship, serve, and follow God. But God knew that many times<br />

would come when His people would rebel against Him. That evening, God appeared to Solomon<br />

to warn of a time when Israel might be subject to the judgment of God, and to propose a strategy<br />

that would bring spiritual renewal to replace the wrath of God with the blessing of God.<br />

<strong>Through</strong>out history, the principles revealed by God that evening have been recognized as the key<br />

to experiencing revival blessing.

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