Jun 1967 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Jun 1967 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Jun 1967 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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I<br />

Police Chief Will Command The Police<br />

i. i A* 1 )*!<br />

safety, h.<br />

, eopimand <strong>of</strong><br />

ji^CdiinmWsIonftr'Chance was backed<br />

__,„___.__ ,.„„,_,£ arnieetiag^iiH the.<br />

Chid,' ISa ?lawr}' it\*' meeting^attebded by<br />

K ice <strong>of</strong>fl^UijJni^udin^i^rTgeants, announced<br />

Chief* would be given a*£ree hand He is<br />

the boss. ;M he" succeeds' fn, maintaining, law<br />

and prd^rin <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> the arrangement will<br />

rjbnthiue,-4f: not, the-commissioners said,<br />

Bomethtag else would have to be done.<br />

^ Chief. Dungan deserves a free hand in<br />

'--+ his' department and solving its prab-<br />

* Die new administration's announce-<br />

»tes he wil|vJ»ave'a free hand.<br />

., ntly, the" cflmmlssioners believe that<br />

,WQ'bur/k Stops with Chief Dungan, They haw<br />

told hhn, in effect; -'You are the boss We'll<br />

back yon. "It is up to you to prove you can<br />

keep the pea'c# and, restore badly shattered<br />

niorale among the 1 policemen." ,<br />

,". The-announcement by the commissioners<br />

also indicates that they anticipate giviflgyclty<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficials a: chance:to prove then* worth. Jt<br />

"•• Ijinttoiall top <strong>of</strong>ficials in alt. city<br />

S jittoall top <strong>of</strong>ficials in alt.<br />

rojhente-that it would be the part o*<br />

for'tbem to prove'themselves,<br />

ho w g t t t<br />

p m<br />

, Tho new arangetnent comes at a good<br />

time. Policemen, 'in fact #11 city workers, are<br />

about to receive an $800 annual pay increase.<br />

That shau)d improve police morale. It should<br />

make it possible tq employ more policemen,<br />

and to keep go'od men who otherwise might<br />

leave the force.<br />

Morale, o* course, is built on more than<br />

money. It will be up to the Chief to straighten<br />

out other problems which have been destruc-<br />

tive pf police morale.<br />

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