Jun 1967 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Jun 1967 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Jun 1967 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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I *<br />

M<br />

T*B ion ta wtrnw, Ifiti tOm brighter,<br />

toHtr . ITt- Sprin* In His<br />

A perfca trip for tfc. d»y for<br />

MM FMNITr Tap It olf nrlnV dl'mw art Ed<br />

Food<br />

CtcUMt. Mi mtK» Hut b«<br />

i '<br />

Restaurant, Witdwood, N. J.<br />

KIDDp:- Ml-AUS "•<br />



IPM.IDHPM, ,•<br />

l<br />


THE<br />

WEEK!<br />

tmm<br />

BUI WOWS'<br />


' IN THE<br />



Democrats Belittle GOPI<br />

At Fund Raising Dinner!<br />

"The Farley-Sandmen mod can''get:-tn -their yachts arid then<br />

I <strong>of</strong> State Senator Frank S. T&riey hftppuy pp «nd blithely sail down fne<br />

I and Rep. diaries W, Aintii—. Jr., Iland Inland wairnw U> *>rt lauderoHtel lAUrten&te<br />

I "is drawing few believers who nowere<br />

they cart roHrc, I gUtes, ^^ on<br />

linger are footed by the. Words at the Unemployment: l t cheeks." h<br />

I til<br />

I man Marvin D Pergkie told some<br />

1200 persons at. a J5(ki-plate fund-<br />

| raising dinner <strong>of</strong> the Cape May<br />

I County Democratic Organization.<br />

Hie banquet was held at Zaber-<br />

I er's Anglesey Inn. North Wlldwood<br />

Principal speaker was former Con-<br />

I gressman Thaiias C McGrath. who<br />

said Ssmamflir Bagnpta^r<br />

licly shown "his distaste for Farley"!<br />

not too long ago "when he cMledl<br />

ipe to Impound Atlantic County I<br />

vottng macMnes following me Re-f<br />

publican gubernatorial primary"<br />

PersWe pointed out Fbriey in his I<br />

duties as state senator "did not con-1<br />

ceive <strong>of</strong> brins forward one bill |<br />

I is presently general counsel for the for Cape May County, arid only In-<br />

Federal Department <strong>of</strong> Housing anrl troduced 29 bilk ••Forty-three <strong>of</strong><br />

I Urban Development<br />

my bills have either now been sign-<br />

"i .'•!•_/' "*i<br />

P*±rskie. who is opposing ed into law by Governor Hughes<br />

| for the State Senate seat from the or are waiting to be signed by the<br />

Antique ^ar Parade Rolla Along Asbury av<br />

• May-Atlantic Counties district, governor, and I think .that it la a<br />

compared his opponent to the w£z- pretty good record for a freshman<br />

ard in tte children's tale, "Hie l««Kor," PersWe went on. Me Rixey<br />

Wsard <strong>of</strong> Oz." The wizard was sdp- reviewed his successful efforts to<br />

posed to be a man "with a deep, get state funds without having the<br />

CMhutd from<br />

booming voice, jarful oppeflr- local tnunicipalirits put up any<br />

HONORKES. Dr. John B Townsend (left) day evening. Shown with the guests <strong>of</strong> honor [ anee who terrified tte enmtryBide" money fer beach antoi ttorfcs at<br />

bemuse the Democrats wen in<br />

, and Hiss Mary Kassab (right) were honored is Mrs. William CroeJrford, Club president. but in reality he was only a fright.<br />

power,<br />

Gatm May Point and West WM-<br />

; by the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Teachers Club last Thurs- —Senior Photo • " - ened little man Bke my opponent wood, and added that a bill <strong>of</strong> his Rixey btastcd Sentinel-Ledger re-<br />

who now finds he has to come Into fa presently being studied by the govporting <strong>of</strong> mtlvltiei <strong>of</strong> the Board<br />

Teachers Club Honors<br />

Cape May County to campaign." cmor concerning aid tor erosion in <strong>of</strong> FreehaUen, stating "the tafor-<br />

PersWe said that Farley "ignored Strathjnem'<br />

niatJon had to came second hand,<br />

Townsend, Miss Kassab Coming Events In <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> this county (or a yeaMor>a4BrI and Other speakers ws# county- clerk<br />

as always, and fa completely un-<br />

only showed up during the cam- candidate Joseph OrwdL who point,<br />

reliaMe!"<br />

Dr. John B. lownscnd dud Miss TODAY (Tueniay)-<br />

THURSOAV— '<br />

paign. He did nothing for this county ed to tte "gre _ conem td the | 1*e freeholder erlttclMd an Af-<br />

Maiy Kassab TWSC honored at the <strong>Ocean</strong> Oty High School graduation, Guest and Apartment House Asso- but' try to ride the shirt tails <strong>of</strong> Republican candidates" as evidence OOf Press story, .saying that<br />

jretaBatwi dinner <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong> Gly 8 p.m., on tile Music Pier.<br />

ciation meeting, 8 pja,, at the Am- Charlie ^andmari,*'<br />

that the Democrats arc making in- an account quoting a member <strong>of</strong><br />

"Rarfuus dub Thursday cveidng at<br />

encan Legion Hall<br />

* * *<br />

The Assemblyrrmn stated Farley roads witji the electaBte,<br />

Whetstone's committee was incor-<br />

• • •<br />

iFort-O-Odl.<br />

m following up Sandman's "grand].<br />

Krfghls <strong>of</strong> Columbus mooting, 8<br />

Middle Township Ctmmittoernan rect, "tel ea^- beaver reporter<br />

CBMC luncheon meeting, 1215 ose scheme to dig a canal tram<br />

Dr. TtuWECod. win was honored by pjn., at 349 West av. KleorJmvaf <strong>of</strong>-<br />

Samuel DeVlco. who is a candidate gave him (the committee member)<br />

P-m , at Frynsajth Xrsi. Rev, IDteier<br />

the Board <strong>of</strong> Education, has rcfired fleera.<br />

Manasquan to Cape May sa Oatfor<br />

reelection, served as raasQnas- headBnes without cheddne the au-<br />

Peterson <strong>of</strong> the Evangelical Alli-<br />

* * *<br />

all their liiHnptoyed and Jobless ter.thenticity<br />

ot who he may repre-<br />

after serving 4D years as school phyanct-.<br />

Mission, gueat speaker, AB<br />

sents. It is a shame that<br />

sician. Miss Kassab. vriw has teugbt Yacht Club Duplicate Bridge game, men welcome,<br />

paper repartag has to oome to such<br />

tuology at <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> High School S pjn_. ftir members only.<br />

• • •<br />

sorry plights as this article and the<br />

for 38 years, also retired and was<br />

Tournament bridge game, I pjn,, Mainland Coming Events •editorial' In the <strong>Ocean</strong> Gift" Sen.<br />

presented a gilt by Mis Anne Smith.<br />

at the yacht Club, For members<br />

TOMORROW (Wsdnoday)—<br />

• local kindergarten teacher wto was<br />

only<br />

TODAY (Tu8»d.y)—<br />

tinel-Led^r," Rbsey said.<br />

ISchoaL<br />

MorganJlanck UnH 137 American<br />

• • • •:<br />

a pupil in Miss Kassah's first class<br />

Somers Feint Public Library Ass><br />

? * *<br />

Bui the freeholder, a fanner Navy<br />

Legion Auxiliaiy mcotinB, S pjn,<br />

t Ine evening's festivities included<br />

Ror.iry Club dinner meeang, 6:15 daUon i<br />

Sotners polrt WA Grade Promo. petty <strong>of</strong>ficer, reserved his biggest<br />

Eleollon at <strong>of</strong>fioers.<br />

Installation <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers for 19G7-6S<br />

p m at Plymouth ten.<br />

tion Exercises. 8 p.m., in blast for Whetstone, win he claim-<br />

• m *<br />

with WBlttuJm McEwan, county su.<br />

• * •<br />

linwaod Mothers League<br />

R « l Jfl^i School.<br />

ed does not hoW a commission as<br />

•penniooda* <strong>of</strong>'sd»ols, uUudutinjr. Imroy Duplicate Bridgi>, 7:30 pm <strong>Ocean</strong> OW Humane &elety meet, p.m.. in the home <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Samsn<br />

a Navy commander, but (hat <strong>of</strong> a<br />

LlbaseseHteddreMts William Crock<br />

ait the <strong>Ocean</strong>it Hotel.<br />

injj 8 p.m., in the CD buildmg, BBi Price, W, Devonshire av., Nonthfield.<br />

Dtotriet Lmders"<br />

lieutenant commander. "As a lieu-<br />

* • *<br />

iford,, president, Mrs Unbent Lewis,<br />

st and Wesley av,<br />

# « •<br />

tenant cwnmander, he ia not entable<br />

MMUm, 8 pja,. In<br />

,,vice (itesddent; Joseph Banner, cor- Boxwood DupliCEitc Bridge muster<br />

Central Methodist Hannah Circle<br />

OUed to be addr^sed by his rank,<br />

MethodM Sunday Setari tasment<br />

Responding secretary; Mrs. Harvey point game, 7:45 pjn., at 416 Atlan- FRIDAY—<br />

mX p,m,. in the home <strong>of</strong><br />

but, is addressed as 'Mater,<br />

^ p . e orae o<br />

• • m<br />

;<br />

iWarren, recanting secretary; and<br />

tic av.<br />

Natona Council DfBree at FDcahon- Mrs. tiiarfej Kresge, 23 EL MO rd. Bireh Grave nudUfe m<br />

tsis piibUe cart<br />

Willtom Ijauer, treasurer.<br />

party, 8 p.in,, in Northfleld,<br />

I p.m., in Central M.Tthodfcrt Oiurch<br />

the American<br />

- Following dinner and the ceremo- Jaycocs meeting, 8 p.m., fit Port-O-<br />

Hall. # a a<br />

l%rtor.<br />

.nies a film oh a cruise tn* fe Oill.<br />

Pour Seasons Garden aufc<br />

Artisans Mclorama, I;;30 p.m., on<br />

.was shown by Stanley Hurst<br />

Annual Flower Sm, 2 to 5 Unwood Qty Quaiell mectir^, |<br />

the h Music i Pi Pier,<br />

and 7 to 9 pjn., in ^noal ItaU. p.m.<br />

Kiwunds Club luncheon nieetmg. the Music Her.<br />

12:15'p.fn. at Sunms'<br />

' The Brest pleasure in life is doing<br />

JKUl i. i . • '<br />

Central Methodist: ndeliry Oioup<br />

. <strong>of</strong> Shore Memorial Hos-<br />

.'what pcoplt my jfpu cannot da-Wal-<br />

King <strong>of</strong> Qubs DunBarte Bridge g<br />

pital executive board<br />

Square Dance class and workshop,<br />

Fh ld<br />

ter Bagehot<br />

8:30 p.m., in the Youth Center.<br />

game. 8 p.m_, in the Fnnishian Building.<br />

Slh St. and Haven av.<br />

Sorrttts Point Kh«inLs Club THURSOAY-<br />

meeting, 7 p.m., in Daniel's Restaur-<br />

• • •<br />

aWifland Re^onal<br />

ant.<br />

BcaehcoJrAers ^IBTB Mnce Qub,<br />

grnduation, -<br />

S:30 p.m., in the youtn'OeriOT. Jtal<br />

field.<br />

cEiUer, * i -<br />

Somers Mat fire Company <strong>On</strong>e<br />


meeting, 1 p.rn,, In B«hcl rd. fln> Bethel WSCS luncheon W«*ir« j<br />

WEDNESDAY Hnufh SUNDAY— haU. .<br />

the home ot Mrs. E3Ia Mounts,<br />

AUGUST a. . 12, 1987<br />

Southern New Jersey Anmifd Meth-<br />


odist CtHtf«renee,<br />

* * *<br />

lamtlton'fiv., Ljnwodd,<br />

* • •<br />

TOMORROW (Wsto«day)~<br />

THE Supreme* • Baja Marimba Badd • DON RICE<br />


Poat 353 American<br />

IMernatunBl and CoanopotdHn I Legion meeting. 8 p.m.<br />

Annual JMsterW OoitfereBiee YIJUUI Qub's "Pom Auoridn, 8 30 p_m-. in<br />

* • m<br />

AUUUST A, e. T, m<br />

fnr Christ,<br />

Daniel's Restaurant. Fubhc invited.<br />

Somers F\nnt Jaycecs<br />

• a *<br />

* s •<br />

THE Kmg Family • Allen &Rossi • HALF BROTHERS<br />

pm., in Harry's Inn.<br />

FRIDAY through SUNDAY-<br />

Unwind Eighth. Grade Promotion<br />

AUGUST S, 1O, 11<br />

Annual Artisans Weekend Outing,<br />

I pjn,, in Bdba\en av FRIDAY—<br />

J<strong>of</strong>aufy Canon • KAYESTB^S«EOMd«AH0N.HfJYClAnK<br />

F.ither's Day.dAnce. 9 p.m., a* Our<br />

Lady <strong>of</strong> Sorrows pori^i haU.<br />

AUOUST12<br />

* w *<br />

Townsend Inlet Dredging Job<br />

TWO SHOWS MBHIIY— t PJU. a £30 PJI.- tz, «3,« 60, tncfc tna «5<br />

Sliver Moon Council Di^ree <strong>of</strong> Poc-<br />

4<br />

" AUTO RACES<br />

ahorrtas meeting, g pjn_, in Bethel<br />

Is Set To Begin, Roe States HftU.<br />

•HUNT CAR*<br />

•tOCK CARS<br />

* • *<br />

AupBl 5 & 12,1 P.M. —13, {4<br />

Aopist 6,1 P.M. - J3, J4<br />

TRENTON -r. Emergency dredging Township boricr on the Carson In- Seafood dinner, 4:30 to 7 p.m., at<br />

operations to create a permanent<br />


let Stone Harbor and North Wild-<br />

BOX OFHCE HOUBSi Weekdays<br />

Somers Point VFW Hall, Bethel rd.<br />

ltCtET. worth Jl. given with each<br />

navigable channel through the outer<br />

(Monday thru Friday) 6 to 9 pm.<br />

wood ,-UTJ adjacent to the Hereford<br />

Round Seat Grandstand Ticket Saturdays, Sundays, Hohdsyj 1 to ocean bar at TowtKcnd Inlet wan Inlet<br />


poittUMd 6yAiigost4,<strong>1967</strong> 9 pm.<br />

scheduler to begin at San Isle <strong>City</strong> TTie sWecBster dredger snehs up<br />

Saturday (<strong>Jun</strong>e 11), Commissioner<br />

HAMPTON. VA. — The student<br />

MM. OflWBS FIUED - enclose check, stamped self addressed envelope<br />

sand from the channel while mov-<br />

Robert A. Roe <strong>of</strong> the New Jersey<br />

body <strong>of</strong> Phoebus Elementary School<br />

ing in . and out- <strong>of</strong> the inlet and<br />


Department <strong>of</strong> CojKervation and Eco-<br />

"adupted" a wnuhded Navy veteran<br />

pumps sand directly through a disnomic<br />

Development said TTiursday.<br />

who JuKt returhed fn«n Vietnaim<br />

charge pipe about 80 feet to the aMes<br />

A1HBTQWH. PA. lafltt - 433-7641<br />

HoKpitalman 2C Allen Neal Keller<br />

Commisdoner Roe siid that Army <strong>of</strong> the channel. The hopper type<br />

<strong>of</strong>" Newport News has been awarded<br />

Corps <strong>of</strong> Enginoers has notified him dredger; normally used at Imlets<br />

two Purple Hearts. The 325 students<br />

that it plans to dispatch Ita side ston-. the dredged sand for dumping<br />

"adopted"<br />

caster dredfie Merritt to Sea Isle at sea.<br />

Keller when he wrote a<br />

letter <strong>of</strong> thanks .far a box they<br />

dry on thjrt date to start the project<br />

sent.<br />

to increase booting safety and aecesjibility<br />

in tho Tiflet through the Bridge<br />

crauon <strong>of</strong> a ISO-foot wide channel<br />

that will be debt feut deep at low An average <strong>of</strong> 60 was mode at the<br />

tide.<br />

Kmg <strong>of</strong> dubs Duplicate Brfdfee game<br />

played Friday evening. Top scorers<br />

Guimissianer Hoe said that the were Sylvia Brown nnd: Bess Rowe<br />

Federal government has allocated with 7«4 in the North-Souih section<br />

$159,000 for the: initial dredging pro- and Lake Mayer and Joe Ptafsbl<br />

ject with the understanding that the with 77 In the East West section.<br />

The Wildwoods<br />

State and local governments will as-<br />

Ruhnersup. for NOTUI-SDUUI wen?<br />

sume the: future maintenance cnsN<br />

Ed Zemer and Olive Kfahohy with<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ne«' channels croutcd by the<br />

are beautiful in<br />

62. and Lou Znacket-and John Vlar-<br />

Corps <strong>of</strong> Enswcrs at Townsend. eUa also with 63 Also above average<br />

Cbraon.: and Hereford Inlets. The in the North-South section were; Peg<br />

Springtime<br />

Cape May County'Board <strong>of</strong>. Freehold- McOaustuid and Vlvmn Camertin,<br />

ers, Sea Isle <br />

doom aty, to woe director <strong>of</strong> the<br />

rWeholders Board and he; appW- out <strong>of</strong><br />

aiUy, would suc«-«i to Sehuck's<br />

d if the director <strong>of</strong> the board<br />

was unable to be present at sudi<br />

a eommiUee meeting.<br />

Wiietstnne, advised <strong>of</strong> Rixey's<br />

statenem, gMd, *'Y^, I admire ^semhlymaa<br />

PeraHe because he Is a<br />

man. He is; djfferent ton» these<br />

political haefctf"<br />

Th» controversy fa which tte<br />

freeholders and Whetstone are en.<br />

gaged stemi mainly ftom polities.<br />

WbeMone ksked PeisWe to obtain<br />

aid far the beach at Cape Jtay<br />

Point, and Persfcie got a grant <strong>of</strong><br />

$300,1X10 (since, increased by close<br />

to J200.000 more) tat Jetty consSTiet.<br />

ion in the small Mjiuuunity.<br />

Later, Whetstons arranged Itf<br />

a meetuw la Washington to discuss<br />

beach erosion problems, and to It<br />

.0HJUNE18.THE<br />


HERFS som:<br />

„ School<br />

8 p.m., on die- athletic<br />


irjfenrle^ to DO eai "actkn«eonv<br />

•njrjttef." Hlxcy addiU. '<br />

Whetstone, according to Rixey<br />

got himself named us a special assistant<br />

to Pcrskie as one <strong>of</strong> his first<br />

acts.<br />

"Now, I ask you, how can he<br />

serve a Republican Board <strong>of</strong> Frfi»holders<br />

anil a Democratic Aimnblynun<br />

witlinut Bettinc hmisflf<br />

broiled in a contruveisy'*" Itixt-y<br />

demandBd.<br />

He went on to say that the committee<br />

is set up to have two delegates<br />

from each <strong>of</strong> the county's 16<br />

municipahtics, the mmibers to be<br />

"authenticalod" try the municipality<br />

from which they ome<br />

He raid, haftevcr, that the latest<br />

list submitted to the freeholders<br />

showed tight monbera from Cape<br />

Past Sorvii<br />

May, none from Avalon, none from<br />


Stone Harbor, two fnvn Cnpe May<br />

Point, none from Dennis Township,<br />

one from Upper Township, two from<br />

LOWLT Township, one from Middle<br />

Township, none from North Wildwood,<br />

on ^from <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, one<br />

fmm Sea Isle <strong>City</strong>, none from West ] "YOUR RELIABLE<br />

y,<br />

WUn>oad, and Wildwood ond 1811 Asbury Avenue<br />

wood Cicst sharing one iracftiber.<br />

The dLrector <strong>of</strong> freeholders. Dr.<br />

i«*. **<br />

1 K-<br />

Want a great<br />

car<br />

HAMflTON, I<br />

BENRUS and!<br />

WAT<<br />

WATCH<br />

RINGS If<br />

• CHRYMM<br />

PENCIL S #<br />

Better start with a great car. A<br />

SeeyoarPontiacdcalerforagrcat deal onagr^at car.<br />

PRUCK MOTOR CO., INC., <<br />

OCEAN<br />

•\<br />

AY, JUNE 13, <strong>1967</strong><br />

juation Night Wednesday<br />

Linwood Eighth Graders<br />

R<br />

C<br />

o<br />

N<br />

D<br />

O<br />

N<br />

E<br />

D<br />

WORKING or.,...<br />




AT ....<br />

WITH OUR ., •<br />

PAST and<br />



FULL COURSE LUNCHEON only s 1.60<br />

ON THE BOARDWALK • OppMlte Motlc Pier<br />


<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s Finest<br />

SINCE 1934<br />

9TH<br />

Class Graduated<br />

At St. Joseph's<br />

TOanaa, Wi, FerWni w»s<br />

Kiaduatc Irom ihe United States<br />

Naval Academy 'at' Annapias, Md,<br />

kist Wedixsnay. He ranked In tbe<br />

tap 10 percent <strong>of</strong> bis class <strong>of</strong> f~"<br />

In, Perkins is the son <strong>of</strong> Mr, and<br />

Mrs. Tom pirMns, <strong>of</strong> am OealrHl<br />

av, and Choltenliam, ftu After a<br />

leava hem in <strong>Ocean</strong> Oftr ho will report<br />

to Pensaeola, Fta., lor ffl^t<br />

trainings • '<br />


LAKELAND, FLA. ~~ Adelaide<br />

Hannah Howlano. <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> qty. is on<br />

the dean's academic honors list at<br />

Florida Southern OoUoge, Lakeland,<br />

having compiled a "B" plus or better<br />

during the second sonester. A 1S65<br />

graduato — Hghth grade promo-<br />

Jar Llnwoad PnbUc<br />

j tomorrow (Wed-<br />

8 P^ 11 _<br />

(FJITNO J I<br />

Machines" and a patriotic medley<br />

byOiebnnd. Sara Jo iRcynoIds will<br />

SOMERS POINT—Graduation exer- SQMBIIS POINT — "Man and IBsFlastiir,<br />

Susaii Gray, Jo AnnH<strong>of</strong>fcr- John J3. Gowlner, ,Ir, Xoroicrly^<strong>of</strong><br />

apeak at ABtronamlfwi ^trp'ii fMI<br />

*" Belhaven av.<br />

School-were- -Worid^-wJU—be-*the-4hemo—<strong>of</strong>—t<br />

by a song ot "Swinging on a Star"<br />

, thane will be "Space,<br />

held Saturday morning i foUowdne 9 30 Somers Point Eighth Grade Promo- McNelis, Siie Ann Snath and<br />

Robert. Matteo will talk on Galactic Mass<br />

tion Exercises to be held tomorrow<br />

members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Gains after which "Moan River" The prize for general excellence (Wednesday) at S pjn. in Mainland<br />

nng the processional and In-and<br />

"How Hight the Moon" -will be was awarded to Christine Hlnchcllffis. Regional High Sohool<br />

I by , t<br />

USN, '!J»I uf Mi IIIKI Mi?<br />

D. Tuimr SI

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