Glossary - Schultze & Braun GmbH

Glossary - Schultze & Braun GmbH

Glossary - Schultze & Braun GmbH


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<strong>Glossary</strong><br />

English<br />

Cross-border<br />

Insolvency and<br />

restructuring<br />

Bankruptcy<br />

and Te r minsolvency s

Cross-border<br />

Insolvency and<br />

restructuring<br />

Bankruptcy<br />

and Te r minsolvency s<br />

German appropriate translation closest English law equivalent closest U.S. law equivalent<br />

Absonderungsrecht right to separate satisfaction right as preferential creditor secured claim (up the value of the colletoral)<br />

Aktiengesellschaft corporation public limited company, PLC corporation<br />

Anerkennung / Feststellung allowance of a claim allowance of a claim allowance of a claim<br />

Anfechtbarkeit voidability voidability voidability<br />

Anfechtung avoidance avoidance avoidance<br />

Aufrechnung set-off set off setoff<br />

Aussonderungsrecht right to separation right to segregation creditors reclamation and return right<br />

Berichtstermin reporting date statement of proposals disclosure statement (Ch.11)<br />

Bürgschaft bond / guarantee guarantee bond / guaranty<br />

Dienstbarkeit easement easement easement<br />

Dienstverhältnisse contracts of employment employment contract employment contract<br />

Dingliche Rechte rights in rem rights in rem property right<br />

Dingliche Sicherheit security in rem security interest lien<br />

Dinglicher Arrest attachment attachment attachment<br />

Drohende Zahlungsunfähigkeit imminent illiquidity imminent illiquidity ***<br />

Eidesstattliche Versicherung affidavit affidavit statutory declaration / affidavit<br />

Eigenkapitalersetzendes Darlehen equitable subordination equitable subordination loan recharacterized as equity<br />

Eigentumsvorbehalt retention of title retention of title reservation of title<br />

Eigenverwaltung self administration *** debtor in possession<br />

Einstweilige Verfügung injunction injunction restraining order / injunction<br />

Erfüllung fulfilment / safitsfaction of a claim fulfilment fulfillment/satisfaction/performance<br />

Erfüllungswahl right to opt to perform an executory contract *** right to assume or reject any executory contract<br />

Faktischer Geschäftsführer factual director shadow director ***<br />

Forderung claim claim claim<br />

Forderungsanmeldung filing of proof of claim filing of proof of debt filing of proof of claim<br />

Gerichtsstand court of jurisdictiction competent court venue<br />

Gerichtsvollzieher bailiff bailiff marshal<br />

Geschäftsführer managing director director director<br />

Gläubiger creditor creditor creditor<br />

Gläubigerausschuss creditors committee creditors committee creditors committee<br />

Gläubigerbenachteiligung fraudulent conveyance transaction defrauding creditors fraudulent conveyance<br />

Gläubigerversammlung creditors‘ meeting creditors‘ meeting creditor‘s meeting<br />

Gleichbehandlung non-discrimination pari passu non-discrimination<br />

Globalsicherheit global security floating charge floating lien<br />

<strong>GmbH</strong> limited liability company private company limited by shares (Ltd.) limited liability company (LLC)<br />

Grundbuch land register HM Land Registry real property records<br />

Grundpfandrecht security interest in land land charge morgage or deed of trust<br />

Haftung liability liability liability<br />

Handelsregister commercial register company register company register<br />

Hypothek mortgage mortgage mortgage<br />

Inkongruente Deckung incongruent coverage preference preference<br />

Insolvenz insolvency insolvency bankruptcy<br />

Insolvenzantrag file for insolvency insolvency petition filing of the petition<br />

Insolvenzeröffnung commencement of insolvency proceedings commencement of administration/winding-up entry of order for relief<br />

Insolvenzforderung insolvency claim insolvency claim prepetition claim<br />

Insolvenzgeld funding of wages *** ***<br />

Insolvenzmasse (Masse) estate estate estate; property of the estate<br />

Insolvenztabelle insolvency schedule list of creditors claims register<br />

Insolvenzverfahren insolvency proceedings insolvency proceedings bankruptcy proceedings<br />

Insolvenzverschleppung deepening of insolvency wrongful / fraudulent trading zone of insolvency / deepening insolvency<br />

Insolvenzverwalter insolvency administrator insolvency practitioner trustee<br />

Kommanditgesellschaft limited partnership limited liability partnership (LLP) limited liability limited partnership (LLLP)<br />

Kongruente Deckung congruent coverage preference preference<br />

Liquidation liquidation liquidation liquidation<br />

Massearmut insufficiency of assets deficiency in the insolvency estate no-assets case/report<br />

Masseforderung claim against the estate preferential debt administrative claim<br />

Nachlassinsolvenz administration in bankruptcy of deceased‘s estate Insolvent estates of deceased persons administration in bankruptcy of decedent‘s estate<br />

Nichtigkeit voidness voidness voidness<br />

Offene Handelsgesellschaft general partnership partnership general partnership<br />

Pfandrecht lien charge lien<br />

Rangklassen ranking priority priority<br />

Reallast charge on land mortgage charge on land<br />

Rechtsmittel appeal / remedy appeal / remedy appeal / remedy<br />

Restschuldbefreiung discharge of residual debt discharge discharge<br />

Sachverständiger expert expert appraiser, expert<br />

Sachwalter supervisor IVA supervisor / CVA supervisor US trustee<br />

Sanierung restructuring restructuring reorganisation<br />

Sanierungsplan restructuring plan rescue plan reorganisation plan<br />

Schuldner debtor debtor debtor<br />

<strong>Schultze</strong> & <strong>Braun</strong> business recovery business recovery business recovery<br />

Sicherungsmaßnahmen preservation measures preservation measures ***<br />

Sicherungsrecht security interest charge security interest<br />

Sicherheitentreuhand security trust trust deed ***<br />

Treuhand trust / escrow escrow escrow<br />

Treuhandkonto account in trust escrow account escrow account<br />

Überschuldung over-indebtedness over-indebtedness over-indebtedness<br />

Übersicherung over-secured over-secured over-secured<br />

Übertragende Sanierung rescue through transfer of assets sale as going concern sale as a going concern<br />

Verfügungsverbot automatic stay moratorium / automatic stay automatic stay<br />

Verjährung statute of limitation(s) statute of limitation statute of limitation(s)<br />

Verjährungshemmung suspension of the period of limitation suspension of limitation period suspension of limitation period<br />

Vermögen(swerte) assets assets assets<br />

Verteilung distribution distribution bankruptcy distribution<br />

Verwertung realisation of assets realising assets section 363 sale<br />

Vorläufiger Insolvenzverwalter provisional administrator interim receiver interim trustee<br />

Zahlungsunfähigkeit illiquidity illiquidity illiquidity<br />

Zession assignment assignment assignment<br />

Zinsen interests interests interests<br />

Zustellung service service service<br />

Zwangsvollstreckung enforcement enforcement foreclosure<br />

*** due to lack of any somehow similar concept, this term was left blank.<br />

This glossary is a compilation of German, English and US insolvency and bankruptcy<br />

terms, where the underlying concepts are similar or at least comparable. It also contains<br />

an appropriate translation of the German terms to help users better understand<br />

legal texts in this area. Terms are not interchangeable and must be used very carefully.<br />

<strong>Schultze</strong> & <strong>Braun</strong> does not accept any liability for use of the terms by third parties.

<strong>Schultze</strong> & <strong>Braun</strong> has offices in<br />

Germany, the United Kingdom and France.<br />

For further information or advice, please contact:<br />

United Kingdom<br />

London<br />

<strong>Schultze</strong> & <strong>Braun</strong> LLP<br />

33 Throgmorton Street<br />

UK-London EC2N 2BR<br />

Phone +44 (0)20 71 56 50 29<br />

Fax +44 (0)20 71 56 52 23<br />

Internet: www.schubra.eu<br />

E-Mail: Mail@schubra.de<br />

France<br />

Strasbourg<br />

Tour Sébastopol<br />

3, quai Kléber<br />

F-67000 Strasbourg<br />

Phone +33 (0)3 88 23 70 53<br />

Fax +33 (0)3 88 23 71 21<br />

Internet: www.schubra.eu<br />

E-Mail: Mail@schubra.fr<br />

Germany<br />

Achern<br />

Eisenbahnstraße 19-23<br />

D-77855 Achern<br />

Phone + 49 (0)78 41/7 08-0<br />

Fax + 49 (0)78 41/7 08-3 01<br />

Berlin<br />

Schützenstraße 6a<br />

D-10117 Berlin<br />

Phone + 49 (0)30/3 08 30 38-0<br />

Fax + 49 (0)30/3 08 30 38-1 11<br />

Frankfurt<br />

Olof-Palme-Straße 13<br />

D-60439 Frankfurt<br />

Phone + 49 (0)69/5 09 86-2 00<br />

Fax + 49 (0)69/5 09 86-2 10<br />

Internet: www.schubra.eu<br />

E-Mail: Mail@schubra.de

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