Dialogue Editing

Dialogue Editing

Dialogue Editing


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360 INDEX<br />

Picture editing (Cont.)<br />

screenings, recuts, completion, and<br />

music, 40<br />

sound, 38–40<br />

telecine and digitization, 33–37<br />

wrap-up, 40–42<br />

Picture editor, 47, 325–326<br />

Picture start, 119–121<br />

Pilot tone, 11, 343–344<br />

Pitch<br />

in ADR editing, 280–281<br />

in alternate takes, 207<br />

in PAL print mastering, 30<br />

in room tone, 153–154<br />

Pixys video recorders, 84<br />

Planning<br />

multitrack editing, 168–169<br />

premix, 314–315<br />

Plops. See Sync pops<br />

Plosives<br />

in ADR, 275<br />

in alternate takes, 212<br />

Point of view (POV), 344<br />

PostConform, 20<br />

for auto-assembly, 74–75<br />

defi ned, 344<br />

spotting sessions, 87–90<br />

Post-lock changes. See Conformations<br />

Postsynchronization (postsync), 247–252<br />

ADR in, 251<br />

introduction of, 9<br />

Precedence effect, 105<br />

Premix, 14–15<br />

approval, 318<br />

defi ned, 344<br />

forgoing, 317–318<br />

goals, 311–312<br />

planning, 314–315<br />

preparation, 332<br />

recording, 315–317<br />

Preparation steps, 325–330<br />

Preroll, 344<br />

for crossfades, 160<br />

Principal actors, 344<br />

background voices of, 249<br />

Print masters, 15<br />

creating, 319<br />

defi ned, 344<br />

Printing<br />

EDLs, 64<br />

wild sound logs, 126–128<br />

Production FX. See PFX<br />

Project timesheets, 92–93<br />

Pro Tools (workstation brand)<br />

for ADR editing, 264, 269, 278<br />

for alternate takes, 204<br />

for click noise removal, 197–199<br />

for conformations, 242–243<br />

fade control, 183–185<br />

for recording guide tracks, 238<br />

for marking scene changes, 115<br />

making reference tones with, 118<br />

for room tone editing, 151–153<br />

shuffl e mode, 108<br />

Pudovkin, Vsevolod, 8<br />

Pulldown process, 344<br />

information for, 35<br />

Pulldown Start Frame setting, 67<br />

Pullup process, 344<br />

Pyramix (workstation brand), 246<br />

Quick turnaround projects, 96<br />

Radio microphones<br />

in multitrack editing, 159<br />

overlaps, 161–163<br />

Reconform, 54, 345<br />

Record channels, 61<br />

Record end time, 61<br />

Record In and Record Out columns, EDL,<br />

for alternate takes, 205<br />

Record start time, 61, 67<br />

Recording<br />

in ADR sessions, 264–269<br />

ADR takes, 267–268<br />

premix tracks, 315–317<br />

Recording engineers, 267<br />

Recording logs, for ADR, 256, 261<br />

Recuts, in picture editing, 40<br />

Reels<br />

A/B, 67<br />

editing, 345<br />

editorial, 40<br />

exhibition, 345<br />

fi rst and last, 99–100<br />

splitting, 52–53

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