Dialogue Editing

Dialogue Editing

Dialogue Editing


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What Are Noises? 189<br />

Electronics<br />

Brief but loud clicks caused by electrical disturbances or static<br />

discharge<br />

Clicks caused by bad mic cable connections (usually louder and longer<br />

than static discharge clicks)<br />

Radio mic breakup (usually a long-duration problem that most often<br />

requires replacement of the shot)<br />

Crew<br />

Dolly pings<br />

Camera pedestal hydraulic/pneumatics<br />

Crew footsteps<br />

Crew talking(!)<br />

Continuity stopwatch(!)<br />

Grip tool rattles<br />

Another common source of damaged dialogue is sounds that don’t come<br />

from the set, but we’ll deal with them later.<br />

Finding Noises<br />

Before you can fi x the noises in your dialogue, you have to fi nd them. In most<br />

cases, eliminating noises isn’t diffi cult, but noticing them is daunting. It<br />

sounds easy, but it’s a skill that separates experienced dialogue editors from<br />

novices. Even if you pride yourself on your superhuman listening skills and<br />

canine hearing, you have to learn how to listen for the annoying ticks, pops,<br />

and screeches that besiege every dialogue track. They’re in there, coyly taunting<br />

you to fi nd them.<br />

First, you must discover as many noises as you have time, patience, and<br />

budget for. Then, before blindly eliminating every one, you have to ask yourself,<br />

“What is this noise? Does it help or hurt the story?” Period. It’s actually<br />

as simple as that; you just have to stay awake and aware.<br />

Focusing on Noises<br />

Every step in the process of fi lmmaking is sorcery. It’s all about getting the<br />

viewer to believe that this story really happened as shown in the fi nal print.<br />

As a fi lm professional you like to think that you’re immune to this seduction.<br />

You know it’s not real. Yet when you screen the offl ine picture cut or watch a<br />

scene over and over, the most obnoxious noises might slip right past you. Just<br />

like the average movie fan, you’re sucked in.

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