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Adele's death, he felt deprived of his juvenile years, 'iiber die ich jetzt mit niemandem mehr reden und Erinnerungen austauschen kann' ('Gedenkblatt fur Adele' SW 12, 458). 20 Moreover, Hesse would often reluctantly part from those personal effects with which he used to surround himself, since objects can resuscitate segments of people's past (see 'Spaziergang im Zimmer' in KF, 254): 'und ich habe meine Sachen gern, ich trenne mich nicht gleichgiiltig und unbewegt von ihnen, ich bin ihnen treu und suche sie zu retten und sie mir lange zu erhalten' ('Kofferpacken' in KF, 212). Hesse shared Adele's inclination to preserve and rescue things from time: 'Adele hatte, ebenso wie ich, in sich eine Neigung und einen Auftrag zum Bewahren' ('Gedenkblatt fur Adele', SW 12, 461). As Hesse himself maintains, this tendency is fundamental to his writing: soweit ich mich erinnern kann, habe ich als die Funktion des Dichters immer vor allem das Erinnern gesehen, das Nichtvergessen, das Aufbewahren des Verganglichen im Wort, das Heraufbeschwdren des Vergangenen durch Anruf und liebevolle Schilderung. ('Epigraph' to KF, 5) The power words have to evoke what is otherwise doomed to fade away lies at the forefront of Hesse's concern as an artist. Hesse cherishes his memories, and memory generally maintains a positive connotation throughout his works. However, the urgency of forgetting surfaces in his correspondence and diary entries, as well as in his works. His characters are sometimes confronted with the need to forget and break the mould of their own identity (e.g. Veraguth's final choice to part from his wife and the bourgeois lifestyle he has lived, in Rofihalde). 21 Hermann Lauscher, whose memory retains his past faithfully, experiences that 'only what never ceases to hurt remains in the memory' (Weinrich, 131). 22 War memories and the difficulty in dealing with them intrude into the pages of Der Steppenwolf: 20 Although Hesse was particularly afraid of dying prematurely, he lived long enough to write numerous memorial pages for relatives and friends who had passed away. On such occasions, he would search his memory for a memorable aspect of the personality of the deceased, as in the case of his friend and singer Ilona Durigo: 'Von alien Erinnerungsbildern aber, die sich mir beim Denken an die Durigo aufdrSngen, ist das starkste und schonste dieses' (Musik, 213). 21 The work of "memory" also involves a complex process of negotiation between remembering and forgetting, between the destruction and creation of the self (King, 180). 22 'Mein [...] GedSchtnis war scharf und peinlich treu' (Musik, 121) 119

mit Entsetzen erinnerte ich mich an jene scheufilichen Photographien von der Front, die man wahrend des Krieges zuweilen zu Gesicht bekommen hatte, an jene Haufen ineinander verknauelter Leichname, deren Gesichter durch Gasmasken in grinsende Teufelsfratzen verwandelt waren. (SW 4,184) Moreover, a sense of guilt permeates the whole novel, affecting individuals ('Man wird geboren, und schon ist man schuldig'; Ste, SW 4,193) as well as the judgement about entire societies and epochs, the failings of which are reflected in works of art. This is the case with Wagner and Brahms, whose music, in the eye of the narrator, is marred by 'die Schuld ihrer Zeit' (Ste, SW 4,193). Such feelings trigger an intense longing to expiate, which Haller mingles with his search for oblivion and death: 'Ich begehre ja nichts anderes als zu biifien, zu biifien, zu bufien, den Kopf unters Beil zu legen und mich strafen und vernichten zu lassen' (Ste, SW 4, 200). In Das Glasperlenspiel, knowledge and history appear as a particularly burdensome and laborious task which threatens to crush the memory of an individual under its weight. As a man of culture and a humanist, Hesse was aware that forgetting is essential to discarding those elements which are unnecessary or redundant to the brain; indeed, memory cannot retain every single detail of a life experience. As he stresses in his diary: Tausende von Biichern habe ich in meinem Leben so gelesen und schnell wieder vergessen. Ware das Vergessen nicht, die unentbehrlichste aller Fahigkeiten, so sahe mein Kopf wie eine Buchhandlung aus; das tut er aber nicht, ich habe Ubung im Vergessen. ('Stiller Abend' in KF, 240) Alcoholic oblivion is a short-term palliative sought by Hesse and his characters (e.g. Klingsor, Haller) in their attempts to forget: 'haufig suchte ich meine Freude, meinen Traum, mein Vergessen in einer Flasche Wein, und sehr oft hat sie mir geholfen, sie sei dafur gepriesen. Aber sie geniigte nicht' ('Kurzgefasster Lebenslauf, SW 12, 57). However, they know that, if they want to throw their memories into relief, a different path has to be followed. The episode of Haller and the young girl mentioned in the preceding section illustrates 'the idea that events might have turned out differently, and if interpreted differently, might still be capable of changing the subject's understanding of [his] life and [his] self (King, 23). 120

Adele's death, he felt deprived of his juvenile years, 'iiber die ich jetzt mit<br />

niemandem mehr reden und Erinnerungen austauschen kann' ('Gedenkblatt fur<br />

Adele' SW 12, 458). 20 Moreover, Hesse would often reluctantly part from those<br />

personal effects with which he used to surround himself, since objects can resuscitate<br />

segments of people's past (see 'Spaziergang im Zimmer' in KF, 254): 'und ich habe<br />

meine Sachen gern, ich trenne mich nicht gleichgiiltig und unbewegt von ihnen, ich<br />

bin ihnen treu und suche sie zu retten und sie mir lange zu erhalten' ('Kofferpacken'<br />

in KF, 212). Hesse shared Adele's inclination to preserve and rescue things from time:<br />

'Adele hatte, ebenso wie ich, in sich eine Neigung und einen Auftrag zum Bewahren'<br />

('Gedenkblatt fur Adele', SW 12, 461). As Hesse himself maintains, this tendency is<br />

fundamental to his writing:<br />

soweit ich mich erinnern kann, habe ich als die Funktion des Dichters immer<br />

vor allem das Erinnern gesehen, das Nichtvergessen, das Aufbewahren des<br />

Verganglichen im Wort, das Heraufbeschwdren des Vergangenen durch<br />

Anruf und liebevolle Schilderung. ('Epigraph' to KF, 5)<br />

The power words have to evoke what is otherwise doomed to fade away lies at the<br />

forefront of Hesse's concern as an artist. Hesse cherishes his memories, and memory<br />

generally maintains a positive connotation throughout his works. However, the<br />

urgency of forgetting surfaces in his correspondence and diary entries, as well as in<br />

his works. His characters are sometimes confronted with the need to forget and break<br />

the mould of their own identity (e.g. Veraguth's final choice to part from his wife and<br />

the bourgeois lifestyle he has lived, in Rofihalde). 21 Hermann Lauscher, whose memory<br />

retains his past faithfully, experiences that 'only what never ceases to hurt remains in<br />

the memory' (Weinrich, 131). 22 War memories and the difficulty in dealing with them<br />

intrude into the pages of Der Steppenwolf:<br />

20 Although Hesse was particularly afraid of dying prematurely, he lived long enough to write numerous<br />

memorial pages for relatives and friends who had passed away. On such occasions, he would search his memory<br />

for a memorable aspect of the personality of the deceased, as in the case of his friend and singer Ilona Durigo:<br />

'Von alien Erinnerungsbildern aber, die sich mir beim Denken an die Durigo aufdrSngen, ist das starkste und<br />

schonste dieses' (Musik, 213).<br />

21 The work of "memory" also involves a complex process of negotiation between remembering and forgetting,<br />

between the destruction and creation of the self (King, 180).<br />

22 'Mein [...] GedSchtnis war scharf und peinlich treu' (Musik, 121)<br />


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