Natural Hazards: Causes and Effects - Disaster Management Center ...

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Success in diverting lava flows by bombing depends on several factors. Bombing may be ineffective until the flow has developed a well-established feeding tube, a channel confined between levees at a level above its surroundings, or a lava pool confined at a high level in a thin-walled cone. Even when one or more of these conditions exists, there must also be good visibility to permit selection of the best targets and accurate bombing. Very commonly, during eruptions visibility from the air is poor because of volcanic fume, smoke from burning vegetation, and ordinary clouds. Even if bombing can be accomplished, the successful diversion of the flow is dependent on favorable topography. If a flow is in a valley appreciably deeper than the flow is thick, there is no hope of directing the diverted lava out of the valley. The new lava stream will simply follow the margin of the old one, and it may actually flood over the old one and rejoin its feeding river downslope. Although there does appear to be a considerable possibility of diverting fluid basaltic lava flows by bombing where conditions are favorable, it is not at all certain that the method would work on the more viscous block lava flows. Diversion of lava flows from important areas may also be accomplished by means of artificial walls, designed not to act as dams but to turn the flow through a relatively small angle into a new course. The possibility depends on the fact that many flows exert a surprisingly small amount of thrust against objects in their path. The diversion barriers can be constructed by bulldozers, using loose rock materials readily at hand, or ripped up from the substrata by the bulldozers. The height of wall that is necessary depends on the local topography and the size of the lava flow it is to divert. Still another method of restricting and diverting lava flows has been the subject of half-joking conjecture for several decades. The idea, finally tried, was simply to spray water from fire hoses onto the edge of an advancing lava flow to chill it and retard its progress. It was given some credibility by the behavior of some lava flows on entering the ocean. For instance, when the 1911 flow of Matavanu, Samoa, entered the ocean it turned and advanced along shore, instead of continuing straight on into deep water. It seemed possible that the change of course was caused by chilling of the oceanward side of the flow, making it easier for the lava to spread laterally. It was also possible that the change was at least partly the result of the lava following the broad depression between the shoreline and the low ridge at the outer edge of the coral reef. However, in 1960 at Kilauea the flow behaved in the same way, and there was no depression parallel to the shoreline to guide it. Later in the 1960 eruption, on several occasions the Hawaii Fire Department tried spraying the flow margin to determine its effects. One example may be given. For several days the edge of the flow had been creeping slowly toward a wooden house. When the lava was about six meters (20 feet) from the house, volunteer firemen, who were not then otherwise occupied, turned two streams of water from 75 millimeters (three-inch) hoses onto the side of the flow. Within a few minutes the lava stopped moving, and it remained stationary for several hours. In short, it was found that even with rather small amounts of water the spread of the flow could locally be checked for periods long enough to remove the contents of buildings, or even to move entire buildings to safety. The use of the spraying method depends, of course, on the availability of large amounts of water and of suitable pumps and other equipment. Its success depends on favorable topography and on the volume and rate of flow of the lava. 16

Volcanic Zoning and Risk Mapping With most of the world’s volcanoes lying on plate boundaries, the nature of the boundary can give at least some indication of the type of volcano to be found there. The mid-Atlantic ridge is a divergent plate boundary where the two halves of the Atlantic are pulling apart and volcanoes are forming the new crust in the spreading zone. In this case the magma originates from the depths of the mantle and is therefore almost exclusively composed of basalt—the silicadeficient, highly fluid material that forms very mobile lava flows with relatively little explosive activity, typical of the Icelandic volcanoes. In complete contrast, convergent plate boundaries, which account for most of the Pacific Ocean rim, involve one plate being overrun and destroyed by another, with vast amounts of surface rocks being dragged down to great depths. At these depths the temperatures are high enough to cause melting and the generation of magma— which can on the convergent plate boundaries be of almost any composition. Most significant is the fact that these volcanoes can produce the viscous, gas-charged, silica-rich magmas that generate the more explosive types of eruptions. The island arc volcanoes situated very close to plate boundaries, such as in the East and West Indies, are characteristically rhyoites, or silicarich volcanic rocks. With magmas of this nature the violence of Pelee or Krakatau is only to be expected. The basis of risk evaluation lies in geological and historical studies of the exact nature of previous eruptions, inference of the likelihood of mudflows or the extent of lava flows, deduction from anticipated composition and viscosity, and consideration of the volcano’s topography. 17 The delineation of areas of type and degree of hazard from volcanoes is generally known as volcanic zoning. In several parts of the world attempts are being made to identify which volcanoes are potentially dangerous and to indicate on maps the areas subject to different degrees and types of risk. Thus far work of this sort has been very limited. It is the only logical basis for deciding when an eruption starts or appears imminent, which areas should be evacuated, and for what periods. The earliest zoning maps appear to have been made by the Volcanological Survey of the Netherlands Indies after the 1919 eruption of Kelud. The areas indicated as dangerous were chiefly those that had been previously devastated within historic time, and they show clearly the effects of topography on the flows. The work is being continued by the Geological Survey of Indonesia. In recent years similar maps have been prepared for some of the Kamchatkan volcanoes. In New Zealand, a general appraisal of volcanic risk has been made for the city of Auckland. 18 Disaster Preparedness and Response Response to a volcanic eruption must be swift and efficient. The initial response by local authorities usually includes evacuating the area and taking care of the victims by providing short-term feeding and emergency shelter. This initial response can be assisted by cash provided by foreign intervenors. The secondary response by local authorities consists of relocating the victims if necessary, and providing all victims with credit and financial assistance. Special efforts must be made to restart the economy by providing the necessary assistance to agriculture and small business. The secondary response provided by foreign intervenors should parallel that of the local authorities. In general the appropriate types of aid to give to volcano victims include: cash, temporary lodging, short-term feeding of normal foods, surgical aid for the injured, loans or credit and agricultural assistance.

Success in diverting lava flows by bombing depends on several factors. Bombing may be<br />

ineffective until the flow has developed a well-established feeding tube, a channel confined<br />

between levees at a level above its surroundings, or a lava pool confined at a high level in a<br />

thin-walled cone. Even when one or more of these conditions exists, there must also be good<br />

visibility to permit selection of the best targets <strong>and</strong> accurate bombing. Very commonly, during<br />

eruptions visibility from the air is poor because of volcanic fume, smoke from burning<br />

vegetation, <strong>and</strong> ordinary clouds. Even if bombing can be accomplished, the successful<br />

diversion of the flow is dependent on favorable topography. If a flow is in a valley appreciably<br />

deeper than the flow is thick, there is no hope of directing the diverted lava out of the valley.<br />

The new lava stream will simply follow the margin of the old one, <strong>and</strong> it may actually flood over<br />

the old one <strong>and</strong> rejoin its feeding river downslope.<br />

Although there does appear to be a considerable possibility of diverting fluid basaltic lava flows<br />

by bombing where conditions are favorable, it is not at all certain that the method would work on<br />

the more viscous block lava flows.<br />

Diversion of lava flows from important areas may also be accomplished by means of artificial<br />

walls, designed not to act as dams but to turn the flow through a relatively small angle into a<br />

new course. The possibility depends on the fact that many flows exert a surprisingly small<br />

amount of thrust against objects in their path.<br />

The diversion barriers can be constructed by bulldozers, using loose rock materials readily at<br />

h<strong>and</strong>, or ripped up from the substrata by the bulldozers. The height of wall that is necessary<br />

depends on the local topography <strong>and</strong> the size of the lava flow it is to divert.<br />

Still another method of restricting <strong>and</strong> diverting lava flows has been the subject of half-joking<br />

conjecture for several decades. The idea, finally tried, was simply to spray water from fire<br />

hoses onto the edge of an advancing lava flow to chill it <strong>and</strong> retard its progress. It was given<br />

some credibility by the behavior of some lava flows on entering the ocean. For instance, when<br />

the 1911 flow of Matavanu, Samoa, entered the ocean it turned <strong>and</strong> advanced along shore,<br />

instead of continuing straight on into deep water. It seemed possible that the change of course<br />

was caused by chilling of the oceanward side of the flow, making it easier for the lava to spread<br />

laterally. It was also possible that the change was at least partly the result of the lava following<br />

the broad depression between the shoreline <strong>and</strong> the low ridge at the outer edge of the coral<br />

reef. However, in 1960 at Kilauea the flow behaved in the same way, <strong>and</strong> there was no<br />

depression parallel to the shoreline to guide it. Later in the 1960 eruption, on several occasions<br />

the Hawaii Fire Department tried spraying the flow margin to determine its effects. One<br />

example may be given. For several days the edge of the flow had been creeping slowly toward<br />

a wooden house. When the lava was about six meters (20 feet) from the house, volunteer<br />

firemen, who were not then otherwise occupied, turned two streams of water from 75 millimeters<br />

(three-inch) hoses onto the side of the flow. Within a few minutes the lava stopped moving, <strong>and</strong><br />

it remained stationary for several hours. In short, it was found that even with rather small<br />

amounts of water the spread of the flow could locally be checked for periods long enough to<br />

remove the contents of buildings, or even to move entire buildings to safety.<br />

The use of the spraying method depends, of course, on the availability of large amounts of<br />

water <strong>and</strong> of suitable pumps <strong>and</strong> other equipment. Its success depends on favorable<br />

topography <strong>and</strong> on the volume <strong>and</strong> rate of flow of the lava. 16

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