Natural Hazards: Causes and Effects - Disaster Management Center ...

Natural Hazards: Causes and Effects - Disaster Management Center ... Natural Hazards: Causes and Effects - Disaster Management Center ...
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Impact of the Disaster The impact on the countryside around a volcano depends on the topographic and environmental conditions. On and close to the volcano, falling bomb-like masses and blocks may break branches rom trees, crash through roofs and walls of houses, start fires, and injure or kill animals and people. During the 1968 eruption of Arenal, Costa Rica, falling blocks crashed through houses 3 kilometers (2 miles) from the erupting vent. On Heimaey, Iceland, bombs started fires in the town of Wetmannaeyjar. The finer ash is seldom hot enough when it reaches the ground to start fires. Commonly, however, the weight of deposited ash causes roofs to cave in. Thus, during the 1971 eruption of Fuego, in Guatemala, a thickness of 30 centimeters (12 inches) of ash eight kilometers (five miles) west of the volcano caused about one fifth of the roofs in the town of Yepocapa to collapse. When it is dry, the ash may be light enough for the roof to support it, but rain may rapidly increase its weight and result in sudden collapse of the roof. Working outdoors during a heavy ash fall may be difficult, however, due to breathing of the ashladen air and to the intense darkness that often prevails. The sharp ash particles are extremely irritating to the respiratory passages, and inhalation of excessive amounts of ash may result in death. The darkness and poor visibility are harder to combat. They are due partly to the shutting out of daylight by the ash-laden atmosphere, and partly to a decrease in the transparency of the air because of the load of fine particles in suspension. The intense electrical storms that frequently develop in the ash cloud may make radio communication impossible and cause severe noise and spontaneous ringing of bells on telephone circuits. Some fires are started by lightning. Heavy ash loads often break the branches of broad-leafed trees and may do serious damage to fruit and nut orchards. This can be averted to some extent by shaking the ash from the trees from time to time. Conifers, with their adaptation to winter snow loads, commonly suffer much less. Deeper ash piling up around the trunks of trees may kill them. At Paricutin, Mexico, within the area where the ash was more than one meter deep, even the largest trees were killed. Ordinarily, however, many of them can be saved by digging the ash away from their trunks. In addition to direct damage to agriculture, some damage to crops may be surprisingly indirect. Thus, near Paricutin, sugar cane was killed by an infestation of cane borers, because the ash had destroyed another, predatory insect that normally kept the population of stem borers at a low level. During the eruption of Cerro Negro in Nicaragua in 1971, the cotton harvest was lost over a wide area because ash deposited on the cotton bolls damaged the harvesting machines. Heavy ash falls may disrupt water supplies by clogging streams and wells, or filters in water systems. Water may become acid from leaching of the ash. During the eruption of Irazu, Costa Rica, in 1963, ash suspended in river water clogged the filters in the water works of the city of San Jose. Suspended ash can be removed from piped water by a temporary filter, or even a cloth bag tied over the faucet. As soon as the possibility of a dangerously heavy ash fall becomes apparent, sufficient water to serve essential needs for several days should be stored indoors. Ash washed from the streets of San Jose during the Irazu eruption blocked the storm

drains, causing flooding during subsequent rains. In such circumstances, drains should be cleared as soon as possible to prevent flooding. 9 Enormous quantities of dust, ash and pumice—called tephra—heaped on the steep slopes of a classical conical volcano provide a dangerously unstable situation, especially if saturated with water from the heavy local storms often generated by an eruption. The finer tephra—the ash— can very easily move down the volcano, and although it may do so when it is dry and even still hot, it more usually moves as an almost liquid mudflow. Mudflows are very common on some of the Indonesian volcanoes, where they are known as lahars. Although modern examples are limited in extent, prehistoric volcanic mudflows cover 10,000 square kilometers (3,900 square miles) in the Yellowstone Park area of the United States. The most fluid and mobile mudflows are caused by enormous amounts of water being added suddenly to the ash through the volcanic melting of snow or ice. In 1877 an eruption melted the summit icefield on Cotopaxi, in Ecuador, and the resulting floodwater mixed with unconsolidated ash to form a really fluid mudflow that damaged a village 240 kilometers (150 miles) downstream. 10 The eruption of the Krakatau volcano, in 1883 generated tsunamis that destroyed coastal villages on nearby Java and Sumatra and killed more that 36,000 people. Such tsunamis are to be expected during cataclysmic eruptions of other island volcanoes. 11 Volcanic activity should not be regarded as a totally unavoidable catastrophe. Ash falls do not present a major hazard, unless they are exceptionally heavy or of the hot weldable type, or unless they are not treated with due respect and precaution. Grazing animals may suffer from very slight ash cover and their evacuation to uncontaminated pastures is an immediate necessity. In urban areas the most urgent task is to prevent excessive ash accumulation on roofs, which can lead to their collapse under the weight—especially when the ash is wetted by the rain storms commonly generated around erupting volcanoes. Loose cold ash is easily swept off house roofs. The danger of ash accumulation was shown by the villagers of Ottaviano in southern Italy when Vesuvius erupted in 1906: they all rushed to the church to pray, where most of them were killed when the church roof collapsed under the weight of ash. 12 Volcanic Prediction The avoidance of loss of life and property damage during eruptions is heavily dependent on reasonably accurate prediction of the time, place and nature of the eruptions, as well as the behavior and course of different sorts of flows and the distribution and thickness of tephra. The type, severity, and duration of the eruption are at least as important as the time. To date, the best basis for predicting the nature of a coming eruption is by analogy with past eruptions of the same volcano, coupled in some cases with the length of time since the last eruption. Individual volcanoes are likely to continue similar behavior over many centuries and through many eruptions. Determination of the history of the volcano entails a geologic study to ascertain the composition and types of lava flows and tephra; the proportion of tephra and its distribution; the presence or absence of domes and deposits of glowing avalanches, ash flows, and lahars; the extent of the flows, etc. Dating of the rocks may give some idea of the frequency of past eruptions. Thorough studies of this sort have as yet been made on only a small proportion of the earth’s potentially active volcanoes. 13 Also useful are patterns of activity within the period of eruption. For example, it was observed that lava always started to pour out of Mexico’s Paricutin volcano a short time after ash

Impact of the <strong>Disaster</strong><br />

The impact on the countryside around a volcano depends on the topographic <strong>and</strong> environmental<br />

conditions. On <strong>and</strong> close to the volcano, falling bomb-like masses <strong>and</strong> blocks may break<br />

branches rom trees, crash through roofs <strong>and</strong> walls of houses, start fires, <strong>and</strong> injure or kill<br />

animals <strong>and</strong> people. During the 1968 eruption of Arenal, Costa Rica, falling blocks crashed<br />

through houses 3 kilometers (2 miles) from the erupting vent. On Heimaey, Icel<strong>and</strong>, bombs<br />

started fires in the town of Wetmannaeyjar.<br />

The finer ash is seldom hot enough when it reaches the ground to start fires. Commonly,<br />

however, the weight of deposited ash causes roofs to cave in. Thus, during the 1971 eruption<br />

of Fuego, in Guatemala, a thickness of 30 centimeters (12 inches) of ash eight kilometers (five<br />

miles) west of the volcano caused about one fifth of the roofs in the town of Yepocapa to<br />

collapse. When it is dry, the ash may be light enough for the roof to support it, but rain may<br />

rapidly increase its weight <strong>and</strong> result in sudden collapse of the roof.<br />

Working outdoors during a heavy ash fall may be difficult, however, due to breathing of the ashladen<br />

air <strong>and</strong> to the intense darkness that often prevails. The sharp ash particles are extremely<br />

irritating to the respiratory passages, <strong>and</strong> inhalation of excessive amounts of ash may result in<br />

death.<br />

The darkness <strong>and</strong> poor visibility are harder to combat. They are due partly to the shutting out of<br />

daylight by the ash-laden atmosphere, <strong>and</strong> partly to a decrease in the transparency of the air<br />

because of the load of fine particles in suspension.<br />

The intense electrical storms that frequently develop in the ash cloud may make radio<br />

communication impossible <strong>and</strong> cause severe noise <strong>and</strong> spontaneous ringing of bells on<br />

telephone circuits. Some fires are started by lightning.<br />

Heavy ash loads often break the branches of broad-leafed trees <strong>and</strong> may do serious damage to<br />

fruit <strong>and</strong> nut orchards. This can be averted to some extent by shaking the ash from the trees<br />

from time to time. Conifers, with their adaptation to winter snow loads, commonly suffer much<br />

less. Deeper ash piling up around the trunks of trees may kill them. At Paricutin, Mexico, within<br />

the area where the ash was more than one meter deep, even the largest trees were killed.<br />

Ordinarily, however, many of them can be saved by digging the ash away from their trunks.<br />

In addition to direct damage to agriculture, some damage to crops may be surprisingly indirect.<br />

Thus, near Paricutin, sugar cane was killed by an infestation of cane borers, because the ash<br />

had destroyed another, predatory insect that normally kept the population of stem borers at a<br />

low level. During the eruption of Cerro Negro in Nicaragua in 1971, the cotton harvest was lost<br />

over a wide area because ash deposited on the cotton bolls damaged the harvesting machines.<br />

Heavy ash falls may disrupt water supplies by clogging streams <strong>and</strong> wells, or filters in water<br />

systems. Water may become acid from leaching of the ash. During the eruption of Irazu, Costa<br />

Rica, in 1963, ash suspended in river water clogged the filters in the water works of the city of<br />

San Jose. Suspended ash can be removed from piped water by a temporary filter, or even a<br />

cloth bag tied over the faucet. As soon as the possibility of a dangerously heavy ash fall<br />

becomes apparent, sufficient water to serve essential needs for several days should be stored<br />

indoors. Ash washed from the streets of San Jose during the Irazu eruption blocked the storm

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