Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...

Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...

Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...


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Sándor Hoffmann and Katalin Berecz<br />

University of Pann<strong>on</strong>ia, Georgik<strong>on</strong> Faculty of Agricultural Sciences<br />

Deák F. str. 16, H-8360 Keszthely/Hungary<br />

Eleven variati<strong>on</strong>s of farmyard manuring (FYM) and mineral fertilizati<strong>on</strong> treatments of a<br />

l<strong>on</strong>g-<strong>term</strong> field trial have been selected for the present investigati<strong>on</strong>s. Attributes of<br />

changes in soil fertility were investigated. FYM and equivalent NPK fertilizati<strong>on</strong><br />

resulted in similar pHH2O values, while FYM increased TOC c<strong>on</strong>tent of the soil by 10%<br />

as compared to equivalent NPK fertilizer. FYM increased K, while equivalent doses of<br />

NPK fertilizer increased P c<strong>on</strong>tent of soil to a higher degree, as compared to nil plot.<br />

Yearly 14 t ha -1 FYM or equivalent NPK fertilizer kept soil P and K c<strong>on</strong>tents at the<br />

range of “medium-well-supplied”. However, not even yearly 21 t ha -1 of FYM resulted<br />

in maximum yields in 1998-2006. 35; 70 and 105 t FYM ha -1 5 year -1 increased grain<br />

yields to a lesser extent (by 0.66, 1.44 and 0.85 t ha -1 , respectively), as compared to<br />

equivalent NPK doses, which was mainly due to the better utilizati<strong>on</strong> of mineral<br />

fertilizer. After harvesting all the plots c<strong>on</strong>tained relatively high amounts of nitrate in<br />

the 0-300 cm soil layer. Nitrate c<strong>on</strong>tent of the n<strong>on</strong>-treated plot was c<strong>on</strong>siderably high as<br />

well. Despite the low yield resp<strong>on</strong>se to FYM-treatments, less nitrate was found in the<br />

soil, than with mineral fertilizati<strong>on</strong>.<br />


Field experiments are essential means for studying the changes in soil fertility as<br />

affected by different fertilizati<strong>on</strong> and farming systems. With changing ec<strong>on</strong>omical and<br />

social c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s and farming systems, also the judgement of the role of farmyard<br />

manuring (FYM) kept changing. The effect of FYM <strong>on</strong> soil fertility is very different.<br />

However, the nutrient c<strong>on</strong>tent of FYM have the most direct and highest effect, which<br />

can be compared to the effect of equivalent NPK fertilizer doses. This effectiveness is<br />

influenced by various factors and it is generally lower, than in case of fertilizers with<br />

the same active ingredients and equivalent doses. Nevertheless, this tendency may turn<br />

with the increase of clay c<strong>on</strong>tent in the soil (Sarkadi, 1993). The NPK fertilizer<br />

equivalency of FYM can be de<strong>term</strong>ined not <strong>on</strong>ly in experiments comparing the effect of<br />

FYM and NPK fertilizers of equivalent doses, but also in combined polyfactorial<br />

experiments (Baldock and Musgrave, 1980; Bouldin et al., 1984), and the results are<br />

nearly similar (Hoffmann, 1999). Many authors detected that the nutrient effect of FYM<br />

can be fully substituted for fertilizati<strong>on</strong> (Stumpe et al., 2000), others founded that the<br />

effect of fertilizati<strong>on</strong> is higher except for the case of very heavy soils (Árendás and<br />

Csathó, 1994). On the other hand, the sec<strong>on</strong>dary effect of FYM, namely the increase in<br />

general soil fertility is very important and it manifests itself in the structure, organic<br />

matter compositi<strong>on</strong> and microbial activity of soil, and this effect can not be substituted<br />

for mineral N-fertilizati<strong>on</strong> in many instances (Albert, 2001).<br />


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