Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...

Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...

Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...


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different tumor types does not help. In fact, because of multiple testing we have to adjust the<br />

nominal p value and make the test even less powerful. Since the individual animal is the unit<br />

of experimentati<strong>on</strong>, the greatest power can be gained by using the entire pattern of lesi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

seen in a given animal and by using <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong>e or two hypothesis tests for the entire sex X<br />

species experiment.<br />

The appendix describes a method of multivariate analysis that does it. General<br />

multivariate methods foe analyzing chr<strong>on</strong>ic toxicity studies can be found in Salsburg. The<br />

specific method described in the Appendix was applied to six AZO dyes, whose bioassays<br />

took place at the same site during the same period of time, and these analyses are discussed<br />

in the next secti<strong>on</strong>.<br />

If the Paracelsean thought experiment is correct, and with it the hypothesis that any<br />

treatment has an effect, then a powerful statistical test should detect a significant treatment<br />

effect in almost all studies – “almost all” because no statistical test has 100 % power.<br />

B. C<strong>on</strong>structing Additi<strong>on</strong>al Studies to Test the Hypothesis<br />

Statistical tests that show a shift in tumor patterns for all or almost all compounds, sexes,<br />

and species in these studies provide str<strong>on</strong>g evidence in favor of the hypothesis. However,<br />

scientific hypotheses are not necessarily proven by the reanalysis of old data. We usually try<br />

to c<strong>on</strong>struct new experiments that provide an opportunity to refute the hypothesis.<br />

We can c<strong>on</strong>struct such studies by taking compounds that appear to show a complicated<br />

shift in tumors and trying to find the biochemical or tissue changes that occur as a result of<br />

treatment. We have to be careful to recognize that this is a very general hypothesis, and we<br />

should not restrict the search for changes in milieu to specific horm<strong>on</strong>es or to specific<br />

histopathological events. We also have to be careful that such studies are used primarily to<br />

examine the validity of the Paracelsean hypothesis. If, for instance, we find a set of changes<br />

that seem to be associated with <strong>on</strong>e class of chemical compounds, and if that class tends to<br />

be mutagenic or ‘carcinogenic” in other models, we cannot assume that we have found<br />

marker or proximate events unique to that class, and far more work will be needed to<br />

establish such findings as indicative of that class. I propose a set of experiments of<br />

following type: We pick 10-20 of the compounds that have shown paradoxical shifts in<br />

tumors in the NCI/NTP program (increase in tumor incidence for <strong>on</strong>e type of tissue<br />

associated with decreases in tumor incidence of another type of tissue, where the<br />

paradoxical events may be in different sexes or species). Using the same doses and the same<br />

strains of animal, we redo the feeding study for a small number of animals over a relatively<br />

short period (1-3 m<strong>on</strong>ths). At the end of this time, we sacrifice the animals and examine the<br />

target tissues (tissues in which paradoxical tumor increases or decreases have occurred).<br />

The hypothesis predicts that we will find differences in “milieu”. There are rough tools<br />

for comparing general patterns of proteins or fragments of active agents between two sets of<br />

tissue, which have been used in the primary screening of undifferentiated biological<br />

products where we are looking for something “new”. It would not be necessary to identify<br />

these differences. It should be sufficient to show that there are discernible differences. If<br />


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