Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...

Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...

Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...


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At the same time, the genesis of floods is indirectly linked to the geological factor: the<br />

lythology and the structure both influence the movement of water and the development<br />

of the type of drainage.<br />

Because of its hydrical and physical properties, the soil is an important factor<br />

regarding water flow <strong>on</strong> its surface. The vegetati<strong>on</strong> acts directly up<strong>on</strong> discharge by<br />

influencing the regime of soil humidity, and indirectly by protecting against erosi<strong>on</strong> .<br />

Antropic activity acts against the genetic factors of flow (by clearance, plantati<strong>on</strong>,<br />

pasture etc.) <strong>on</strong> the <strong>on</strong>e hand, and against the flow from the riverbed <strong>on</strong> the other hand<br />

(by the mitigati<strong>on</strong> of debits, embankments, water c<strong>on</strong>sume usages).<br />


To emphasize the territorial and temporal differences between the floods of the Almaş-<br />

Agrij Depressi<strong>on</strong> and the floods of the Cluj and Dej Hills, there were analysed and<br />

processed data that originate from nine hydrometrical stati<strong>on</strong>: Almaş, Hida, Românaşi<br />

(Almaş-Agrij Depressi<strong>on</strong>), Căpuşu Mare, Mera (Rădaia), Aghireş, Maia, Borşa and<br />

Luna de Jos (Cluj and Dej Hills) <strong>on</strong> the: Almaş, Agrij, Căpuş, Nadăş, Olpret, Borşa and<br />

L<strong>on</strong>ea rivers. The data are resulted from the observati<strong>on</strong>s and measurements performed<br />

over a period of 28 years (between 1976 and 2004), and they are archived in the Annual<br />

Hydrological Studies of the Somes-Tisa Water Department of Cluj-Napoca.<br />

The time frequency of floods within the studied time interval <strong>on</strong> the rivers of<br />

Almas- Agrij Depressi<strong>on</strong> and Cluj-Dej Hills has been analysed based <strong>on</strong> these data. The<br />

seas<strong>on</strong>al frequency of floods has been graphically represented, calculating the total<br />

number of floods in each seas<strong>on</strong> at each hydrological stati<strong>on</strong>. The m<strong>on</strong>thly frequency of<br />

floods has been represented the same way using the same method, the calculati<strong>on</strong> being<br />

made for each m<strong>on</strong>th.<br />

Then, also based <strong>on</strong> these data, it were described two types of parametres of flood<br />

(the maximal debit and the durati<strong>on</strong>). The main characteristic parameters of a flood are:<br />

debits (maximum debit, base debit), durati<strong>on</strong> (total durati<strong>on</strong> or total time, increasing<br />

time, decreasing time), water volumes, the form coefficient of flood, the medium flowed<br />

layer, etc. Maximum debit ( Qmax m 3 /s) represents the parameter of the maximum<br />

interest, because this is the moment of the biggest danger, the maximum overflow. The<br />

durati<strong>on</strong> of floods is an important element of which depends the size of the effects<br />

which could be generated (Sorocovschi, 2005). The whole durati<strong>on</strong> or total time is<br />

composed by increasing time and decreasing time<br />

The maximal debits ( Qmax ) of floods <strong>on</strong> the rivers of Almas-Agrij Depressi<strong>on</strong> and<br />

Cluj-Dej Hills have been graphically represented for the period between 1976 and<br />

2004. The years with highest and lowest risk of inundati<strong>on</strong>s have been clearly<br />

underlined.<br />

The total durati<strong>on</strong> (Tt) of the flood has been obtained by calculating the number of<br />

hours, from the time when the debit overpassed the basic debit, until the time it came<br />

back to the value of the basic debit (of course, after reaching the maximal debit - Qmax).<br />

The increasing time of flood has been obtained by adding the number of hours<br />

from the time the debits started to grow until the time the maximal debit (Qmax) has been<br />

recorded.<br />


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