Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...

Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...

Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...


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was the explant type (the developmental stage of the zygotic embryo used as<br />

explant); the early developmental stages of the zygotic embryos 1 and 2 had a<br />

significant positive effect up<strong>on</strong> the embryo inducti<strong>on</strong> efficiency, but the more<br />

advanced stages (3 and 4) had a negative effect, comparing to the average.<br />

4. We can c<strong>on</strong>clude that it is very important to harvest the acorns for somatic<br />

embryogenesis experiments in early stages, and when it is not possible, to plant <strong>on</strong><br />

culture medium a big number of explants (5 fold more than usually), in order to<br />

ensure the somatic embryo inducti<strong>on</strong>, despite of the very low efficiency.<br />

5. The sec<strong>on</strong>d factor affecting the embryogenic ability, as importance, was the<br />

genotype. The best embryogenic ability was found in Q. petraea and the worst, in<br />

Q. frainetto. The embryogenic ability of Q. robur (average, 17,8%) and Q. petraea<br />

(av. 18,5%) was similar, but that of Q. frainetto was significantly inferior (average<br />

10,4%).<br />

6. C<strong>on</strong>cerning provenances, in Q. robur, the best results were obtained in the<br />

provenance Tg. Mures (av. 22,9%) and the worst, in Dumbrava Sibiului (av. 12,9).<br />

Between the Q. frainetto provenances, Griva was superior (av. 12,5%), and<br />

Padurea sarului was the worst (average 8,3%).<br />

7. The effect of culture medium proved to be totally insignificant, besides the<br />

differences observed am<strong>on</strong>g the variants cultivated <strong>on</strong> different media. The<br />

situati<strong>on</strong> was the same as well for the nutrients as for growth regulators<br />

8. The compositi<strong>on</strong> of culture medium was not a limitative factor, media with<br />

different nutritive compositi<strong>on</strong>s and auxin/cytokinin ratios of 5/1 (QE1, QE3) and<br />

1/1 (QE2, QE4) being equally suitable for the inducti<strong>on</strong> of somatic embryogenesis.<br />


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Suppl.1: 344s-350s.<br />


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