Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...

Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...

Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...


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Table 2 The effect of provenance and developmental stage of explant up<strong>on</strong> the rate of<br />

embryogenic inducti<strong>on</strong> in Q. robur (test Duncan)<br />

Nr.<br />

crt.<br />

Stage of explants<br />

(zygotic<br />

embryos)<br />

Provenance<br />

Embryogenic inducti<strong>on</strong> and its significance*<br />

S1 S2 S3 S4<br />

Average <strong>on</strong><br />

provenances<br />

1 Tg. Mureş 0.88a 0.66abc 0.58bc 0.47c 0.65 A<br />

2 Ştefăneşti 0.78ab 0.66abc 0.61bc 0.45c 0.63 A<br />

3 Dumbrava Sibiului 0.73abc 0.64abc 0.48c 0.42c 0.57 B<br />

Average <strong>on</strong> stages 0.80M 0.65N 0.56NP 0.44P<br />

*Differences am<strong>on</strong>g any variants followed by <strong>on</strong>e comm<strong>on</strong> letter are not significant.<br />

DS 5% for the interacti<strong>on</strong> between provenance and stage: 0,225-0,261.<br />

DS 5% for provenance: 0,050-0,051.<br />

DS 5% for the stage of explants: 0,134-0,145.<br />

We can c<strong>on</strong>clude that it is very important to harvest the acorns for somatic<br />

embryogenesis experiments in early stages, and when it is not possible, to plant <strong>on</strong><br />

culture medium a big number of explants (5 fold more than usually), in order to ensure<br />

the somatic embryo inducti<strong>on</strong>, despite of the very low efficiency.<br />

It is also useful to preview a big number of explants when new provenances are tested,<br />

because of their effect up<strong>on</strong> the embryogenesis.<br />

Table 3 The effect of provenance and culture medium up<strong>on</strong> the rate of embryogenic<br />

inducti<strong>on</strong> in Q. robur (test Duncan)<br />

Nr.<br />

crt.<br />

Provenance<br />

Culture<br />

medium<br />

Rate of embryo inducti<strong>on</strong>(%) and significance*<br />

QE1 QE2 QE3 QE4<br />

Average <strong>on</strong><br />

provenances<br />

1 Tg. Mureş 0.64ab 0.65ab 0.65ab 0.65ab 0.65 A<br />

2 Ştefăneşti 0.60ab 0.59ab 0.62ab 0.69a 0.63 A<br />

3 Dumbrava Sibiului 0.57b 0.57b 0.55b 0.58b 0.57 B<br />

Average <strong>on</strong> culture media 0,61M 0,60M 0,61M 0,64M<br />

*Differences am<strong>on</strong>g any variants followed by <strong>on</strong>e comm<strong>on</strong> letter are not significant.<br />

DS 5% for the interacti<strong>on</strong> between provenance and medium: 0,092-0,110.<br />

DS 5% for provenance: 0,050-0,051.<br />

DS 5% for culture medium: 0,184-0,200.<br />

As it can be seen in the table 3, the effect of culture medium up<strong>on</strong> the rate of embryo<br />

inducti<strong>on</strong> was insignificant, despite of some differences am<strong>on</strong>g provenances.<br />

We can c<strong>on</strong>clude that the compositi<strong>on</strong> of culture medium was not a limitative<br />

factor, media with different nutritive compositi<strong>on</strong>s and auxin/cytokinin ratios of 5/1<br />

(QE1, QE3) and 1/1 (QE2, QE4) being equally suitable for the inducti<strong>on</strong> of somatic<br />

embryogenesis.<br />


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