Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...

Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...

Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...


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• the pluviometric regime was also higher than the average multinati<strong>on</strong>al values, being<br />

quite uniformly distributed throughout the whole year;<br />

• climatic accidents as the hail-storms in Moldavia and Dobrogea did not severely affect<br />

vine plantati<strong>on</strong>s.<br />

Losses of buds due to low temperatures during winter (-18 0 C) were of 0 and 35%, a<br />

normal situati<strong>on</strong>, solved by compensati<strong>on</strong> cuttings.<br />

Autumn was l<strong>on</strong>g and warm, favourising sugars accumulati<strong>on</strong> and colour for the red<br />

grape sorts.<br />

An excepti<strong>on</strong> from a microclimatic point of view for 2006 was Transylvannia Plateau,<br />

where thermic resources were quite low, the annual average temperature being 9,9 0 C, the<br />

pluviometric regime 589,4 mm, the average multiannual value being of 644,6 mm. Also,<br />

the lowest temperature (-20,3 0 C) affected frost-sensitive buds. Haziness and massive<br />

rainfalls during the ripening period favourised mouldiness <strong>on</strong> grapes.<br />

On the whole, we can say that 2006 was a microcimatic faourable year for most of the<br />

wine-growing regi<strong>on</strong>s, this leading to good producti<strong>on</strong>s, in quantity as well as in quality.<br />


* Ministerul Mediului şi Gospodăririi apelor<br />

* Administraţia Naţi<strong>on</strong>ală de Meteorologie www.inmk.ro<br />

* Raport 2006 ICDVV Valea Călugărească<br />

* Raport 2006 SCDVV Odobeşti<br />

* Raport 2006 SCDVV Bujoru<br />

* Raport 2006 SCDVV Murfatlar<br />

* Raport 2006 SCDVV Blaj<br />

* Raport 2006 SCDVV Iaşi<br />

* Raport 2006 SCDVV Miniş Măderat<br />


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