Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...

Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...

Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...


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envir<strong>on</strong>ment for three years, then the morphological features of the c<strong>on</strong>trol individuals<br />

(which remained in the original habitat) were compared with the transplanted <strong>on</strong>es. The<br />

study looks for answers to the following questi<strong>on</strong>s: (1) whether there are differences in<br />

morphological features between the two species, excluding those used for identificati<strong>on</strong><br />

and collecti<strong>on</strong>, (2) whether the transplanted individuals differ from the c<strong>on</strong>trols in their<br />

morphological features (3) whether reproductive features more readily reveal tax<strong>on</strong>omic<br />

differences than do vegetative features (4) whether there is any obvious separati<strong>on</strong><br />

between the two species - and am<strong>on</strong>g other Poa species - based <strong>on</strong> AFLP markers.<br />


Plant material: The shoot clusters for transplantati<strong>on</strong> were collected in May 2003 from<br />

sandy, sandy loam and alkaline soil pastures in Hajdú-Bihar County, Eastern Hungary<br />

(Table 1). Two individuals of P. pratensis and an individual of P. compressa were also<br />

included in the molecular part of this study because the genetic distance am<strong>on</strong>g P.<br />

pratensis, P. angustifolia and P. humilis may give more informati<strong>on</strong> about their<br />

tax<strong>on</strong>omic status.<br />

Table 1: Origins of studied P. humilis, P. angustifolia, P. pratensis and<br />

P. compressa populati<strong>on</strong>s.<br />

Populati<strong>on</strong> Origin Lat. (N) L<strong>on</strong>g. (E) Associati<strong>on</strong><br />

P. humilis (1) Józsa 47°34’ 21°36' Agrosti-Alopecuretum<br />

P. humilis (2) Pallag 47°36’ 21°40' Cynod<strong>on</strong>ti-Poetum<br />

P. humilis (3) Martinka 47°35’ 21°46' Astragalo-Festucetum<br />

P. humilis (4) Mikepércs 47°28’ 21°39' Trifolio-Lolietum<br />

P. humilis (5) Hajdúbagos 47°25’ 21°41' Agropyro-C<strong>on</strong>volvuletum<br />

P. angustifolia (1) Pallag 47°36’ 21°40' Cynod<strong>on</strong>ti-Poetum<br />

P. angustifolia (2) Martinka 47°35’ 21°48' Astragalo-Festucetum<br />

P. angustifolia (3) Martinka 47°36’ 21°50' Cynod<strong>on</strong>ti-Festucetum<br />

P. angustifolia (4) Zsáka 47°09’ 21°26' Agrosti-Alopecuretum<br />

P. pratensis (1) Bagamér 47°28’ 22°00' Caricetum acutiformis-ripariae<br />

P. pratensis (2) Martinka 47°35’ 21°51' Caricetum vulpinae<br />

P. compressa Mikepércs 47°29’ 21°39' Trifolio-Lolietum<br />

Additi<strong>on</strong>ally, to estimate the genetic relati<strong>on</strong> within the aggregati<strong>on</strong> it is informative to<br />

compare the three species with P. compressa as a distinct species outside the<br />

aggregati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

The shoots of the 12 populati<strong>on</strong>s were separated to small tiller units and planted in<br />

the Botanical Garden of University of Debrecen in the same plot. There were 10 rows in<br />

the plot, <strong>on</strong>e row for each populati<strong>on</strong>. A row c<strong>on</strong>tained 15 tillers. The distance between<br />

tillers was about 100 mm, the width of a row is 500 mm. Plastic dividing walls of 200<br />


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