Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...

Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...

Joint International Conference on Long-term Experiments ...


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Bunta, Gh., (1999/b) - Ereditatea nucleo-citoplasmatică a toleranţei grâului la<br />

toxicitatea i<strong>on</strong>ilor de aluminiu. Probl. genet. teor. aplic., XXXI, (1-2), 1-12 p.<br />

Camargo, C., E., Felicio, J., C., (1988) – Wheat breeding at the Campinas Agr<strong>on</strong>omic<br />

Institute. Wheat breeding for acid soils; review of Brazilian/CIMMYT<br />

collaborati<strong>on</strong>, 1974 - 1986. Mexico, D., F., CIMMYT, Ed. Kohli, M., M. and<br />

Rajaram, S., 39-49 p.<br />

Ittu,Gh., Săulescu, N., (1988) – Cercetări privind crearea de soiuri de grâu de toamnă<br />

tolerante la toxicitatea produsă de i<strong>on</strong>ii de aluminiu. Probl. Genet. Teor. Aplic.,<br />

XX, 3: 139 – 149 p.<br />

Neenan, M., (1960) – The effects of soil acidity <strong>on</strong> the growth of cereals with particular<br />

reference to the differential reacti<strong>on</strong> of varieties thereto. Plant Soil, (12), 324 -338<br />

p.<br />

Voica, Maria, Dumitraşcu, Navara, (2002) – Toleranţa unor genotipuri de grâu de<br />

toamnă la toxicitatea i<strong>on</strong>ilor de aluminiu. An. ICCPT Fundulea, LXIX : 51 – 63 p.<br />

*** 2005 – Catalogul oficial al soiurilor de plante de cultură din România. Bucureşti,<br />

110 – 111p.<br />


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