Libreria Antiquaria Pregliasco

Libreria Antiquaria Pregliasco Libreria Antiquaria Pregliasco


52. ShAkeSpeARe, William. – chAGALL, Marc. The Tempest. Paris, Editions A. Sauret & F.Mourlot, 1975, € 9.000 folio, pp.235, full margins, original cardboard, preserved into the original vellum box. Edition printed on vélin d’arches in 270 copies (n. 122, with autograph signature in pencil by chagall) illustrated with 51 original lithographs by the great artist, 31 full page and 20 of different sizes. A perfect copy [7191] 53. SOLdO, Mauro. descrizione degl’Instrumenti, delle macchine e delle Suppellettili. Raccolte ad uso Chirurgico e Medico dal P. Don Ippolito Rondinelli. Faenza, 1766, €7.000 4to, pp.X, 119, with vignette, large folding plate, 72 folding plates, large head and tail piece vignettes, all engraved on copper. Contemporary stiff vellum. First and only edition of this remarkably rare volume, an illustrated catalogue of Rondinelli’s Museum in Ravenna, the first devoted to all sort of medical and surgical instruments, for dentistry, obstetrics, ophthalmology and orthopedics. Waller 8159. 40 54. TAGLIAcOZZI [11354]

54. TAGLIAcOZZI, Gaspare. de curtorum chirurgia, libri duo. Venetiis, G.Bindoni, 1597, € 23.000 folio, pp.(28), 94, 2 blanc, 95, 47, (32), modern red morocco. Woodcut text illustrations, including 22 full page depicting the author’s instruments and the individual steps of the various reconstructive operations through the post-operative stage. First edition of the book which founded plastic surgery, and among the most important medical books of the 16th century. Tagliacozzi describes the method of rhinoplasty that uses a graft from the patient’s arm; yet his contemporaries refused to adopt his methods, because the Catholic Church regarded it as meddling with the work of God. Garrison-Morton 5734. Durling 4310. Rutkow p.157. Wellcome I, 6210. [18890] 41

52. ShAkeSpeARe, William. – chAGALL,<br />

Marc. The Tempest. Paris, Editions A. Sauret &<br />

F.Mourlot, 1975, € 9.000<br />

folio, pp.235, full margins, original cardboard, preserved<br />

into the original vellum box. Edition printed on vélin<br />

d’arches in 270 copies (n. 122, with autograph signature<br />

in pencil by chagall) illustrated with 51 original lithographs<br />

by the great artist, 31 full page and 20 of different<br />

sizes. A perfect copy [7191]<br />

53. SOLdO, Mauro. descrizione<br />

degl’Instrumenti, delle macchine e delle<br />

Suppellettili. Raccolte ad uso Chirurgico e<br />

Medico dal P. Don Ippolito Rondinelli. Faenza,<br />

1766, €7.000<br />

4to, pp.X, 119, with vignette, large folding plate, 72 folding<br />

plates, large head and tail piece vignettes, all engraved on<br />

copper. Contemporary stiff vellum. First and only edition<br />

of this remarkably rare volume, an illustrated catalogue of<br />

Rondinelli’s Museum in Ravenna, the first devoted to all<br />

sort of medical and surgical instruments, for dentistry,<br />

obstetrics, ophthalmology and orthopedics. Waller 8159.<br />

40<br />

54. TAGLIAcOZZI<br />


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