Libreria Antiquaria Pregliasco

Libreria Antiquaria Pregliasco Libreria Antiquaria Pregliasco


LIBRERIA ANTIQUARIA PREGLIASCO di Umberto Pregliasco & C. s.a.s. 10123 TORINO - Via Accademia Albertina, 3 bis Tel. (+39) 011.8177114 - Fax (+39) 011.8179214 - CEE/EEC n. IT 04919830010 (IVA/VAT/TVA) C.C.I.A.A. 670286 - C/C postale n. 21690102 List of a few books from our large stock exhibited at the I.L.A.B. INTeRNATIONAL BOOk FAIR in ZuRIch, at the congress house 27Th - 30Th SepTemBeR 2012 STANd N° 11 A complete description in English and French of each item can be supplied on request



di Umberto <strong>Pregliasco</strong> & C. s.a.s.<br />

10123 TORINO - Via Accademia Albertina, 3 bis<br />

Tel. (+39) 011.8177114 - Fax (+39) 011.8179214<br /> -<br />

CEE/EEC n. IT 04919830010 (IVA/VAT/TVA)<br />

C.C.I.A.A. 670286 - C/C postale n. 21690102<br />

List of a few books from our large stock<br />

exhibited at the<br />


in ZuRIch, at the congress house<br />

27Th - 30Th SepTemBeR 2012<br />

STANd N° 11<br />

A complete description in English and French<br />

of each item can be supplied on request


1. ALdROVANdI, Ulisse. de piscibus libri V, et<br />

de cetis lib. unus. Io.c.uterverius collegit. m.A.<br />

Bernia in lucem restituit. Bononiae 1638 (but at<br />

end: Typis Io. B. Ferroni, MDCLXI, € 8.000<br />

folio, pp. (6), 732, (28),<br />

bound in contemporary full<br />

stiff vellum. Engraved titlepage<br />

inside a very fine<br />

illustrated border. Estimated<br />

third edition (after 1612 and<br />

1638) illustrated by 400<br />

splendid woodcuts of fishes<br />

and cetaceas. Great important<br />

monography on fishes, including<br />

a long chapter on whale.<br />

“Ce qui est precieux sont les<br />

figures. Elles se composent de<br />

toutes celles de Gessner, de Rondelet et de Belon, et d’un<br />

grand number de dessins nouveau”. One of the best early<br />

monographs on fish. Nissen n.70. Ceresoli p.41. [10432]<br />

2. ARABIc-LATIN BIBLe. evangelium Sanctum<br />

domini nostri Jesu christi conscriptum aq quatuor<br />

evangelistis … Rome, 1591, € 14.000<br />

folio, pp. 462, full vellum binding. This is the first Gospel in<br />

Arabic language, with interlinear translation in Latin.<br />

Illustrated with 149 fine woodcuts, large one third of page<br />

each, signed LP (Luca Pennis or Leonardo Parasole). The<br />

Arabic text is printed<br />

with Granjon’s famous<br />

large font, the<br />

catchwords are in the<br />

small Arabic (Avicenna<br />

Arabic). The<br />

Latin tex was prepared<br />

by Antonius Sionita.<br />

The beautiful woodcuts,<br />

of 81 different<br />

kinds, were executed<br />

after designs by A.<br />

Tempesta. Graesse, II,<br />

531. Brunet, II, 1122-<br />

23. [3320]<br />


3. ARchImedeS. Opera non nulla. A Federico<br />

commandino urbinate nuper in latinum conversa<br />

et commentariis illustrata. Venice, apud<br />

Paulum Manutium Aldi filium, 1558, € 5.000<br />

folio, 2 parts in one vol., roman type for the first part, italics<br />

for the second. Bound in contemporary vellum, preserved<br />

into an elegant box. Aldus’ devices on two titles and at the<br />

end. Illustrated by a great number of woodcuts of technical<br />

diagrams. First edition of the translation from Rereek<br />

by Commandino of the five books of Archimedes, and first<br />

issue of the Commentaria. Very rare genuine copy.<br />

Renouard 173.3. Ucla IIIb, 448. Riccardi I,42. [4936]<br />

4. ARTIS AuRIFeRAe, quam chemiam vocant,<br />

volumina duo… Accessit noviter volumen tertium.<br />

Basileae, typis Conradi Walkirchi, MDCX<br />

(Basle 1610), € 6.000<br />

8vo, three parts in one vol., pp.(16), 405, (23, 4 blanks); 346,<br />

(16, 2 blanks); (2), 185, (5). Contemporary vellum. With<br />

21 hermetic woodcuts, one in the first part (the well known<br />

“Turba philoshorum”) and 20 illustrating the “Rosarium<br />


Philosophorum”.<br />

First edition complete<br />

of the third part,<br />

which contains some<br />

unpublished works<br />

by Lullus. Fine copy<br />

(some illustrations<br />

with the genitalia<br />

erased). Ferguson I,<br />

51-52: “his is one of<br />

the chief collections of<br />

standard alchemical<br />

authors”. Caillet n.<br />

477: «Recueil rare et<br />

important». [4385]<br />

5. BAReTTI, Giuseppe. An Introduction to the<br />

Italian Language, containg Specimens of both<br />

prose and Verse…with a literal translation and<br />

grammatical notes…London, Millar, 1755, € 1.100<br />

8vo, pp.XI, (1), 467. (1), contemporary full calf binding.<br />

First edition of Baretti’s (1719-1789) English translation<br />

of 37 fragments of texts by celebrated Italian writers<br />

(Boccaccio, Petrarca, Machiavelli, etc.) with the Italian<br />

original version. Probably was Dr. Johnson to suggest<br />

Baretti to offer the present double language study, uncommon.<br />

Courtney and Nicholl Smith, 73. [5155]<br />

6. BÉGIN, Émile. Voyage pittoresque en Suisse,<br />

en Savoye et sur les Alpes. Illustratons de mm.<br />

Rouargue Frères. Paris, Belin-Leprieur et<br />

Morizot, 1852, € 1.200<br />

large 8vo, pp.VIII, 460, fine half green morocco binding,<br />

decorated ribbed back. Important large description of any<br />

aspect of the history, arts, naturalistic, popular, religious,<br />

linguistic of each Canton of Switzerland and of bordering<br />

regions. Illustrated by 24 engraved plates, 16 of views and<br />

8 of popular costumes well painted in colours by hand.<br />

First edition, fine fresh copy. Perrin, livres de montagne,<br />

n.350. Not in Lonchamp. [17600]<br />


7. BemBO, Pietro. historiae Venetae libri XII.<br />

Venetiis MDLI (at end:) Venetiis, apud Aldi Filios,<br />

1551, (Legato con:) GIuSTINIANI, Agostino,<br />

castigatissimi annali. Genoa, Antonio Bellone,<br />

1537, € 8.500<br />

4to, 2 works in one volume, ll. (4), 204, (1 of errata); (14),<br />

282, bound in a fine contemporary pigskin over boards,<br />

richly blind-tooled. Aldus’ device at the end of the first<br />

work, title in red with Genua coat-of-arms at the second.<br />

First editions of the principal Renaissance chronicles of<br />

these two powerful towns. The history of Venice by<br />

P.Bembo starts on 1487 and goes on till 1547 when he<br />

died; Giustiniani had published in 1516 the celebrated<br />

Polyglot Psalter. A special copy on large and thick paper,<br />

in mint condition (on both titles stamps of the<br />

Franziskaner Kloster of Hall in Tirol, near Innsbruck). I)<br />

Renouard 152.17: “il y a des exemplaires inprimés sur un<br />

papier de plus grande dimension”. UCLA 370. II) Sander II,<br />

3191. Harrisse n. 220. Leclerc, Bibl. Americana 642. [5018]<br />


8. BIccI, Antonio. I contadini della Toscana<br />

espressi al naturale secondo le diverse loro vestiture<br />

in sessanta stampe a colori. Firenze, presso<br />

Nicc. Pagni e Gius. Bardi, 1796, € 67.000<br />

Folio (430 x 295 mm), modern half green morocco, spine<br />

in 6 compartments gilt (one lettered), top edge gilt.<br />

Engraved title-page and 60 plates etched with some stipple,<br />

printed in colours and finished by hand by Lasinio,<br />

Camacci, Cavini and Cecchi after Antonio (57) and<br />

Gaetano Bicci, A.Fedi and F.Piattoli. Carlo Lasinio had<br />

learnt the three-colour process from Edouard Gautier<br />

d’Agoty: the surface of the plate was treated with different<br />

colours applied by dabbers. In this method, known as printing<br />

à la poupé, the quality of each single impression depends<br />

upon the deftness and the blending of the colouring and<br />

the care of the printing; at the end the artist gave the necessary<br />

touches of colour to such parts as were too small for<br />

the dabber. The quality of this set is particularly high, with<br />

the colours vividly rendered; the copy is tall and fresh.<br />

These superb plates, among the very first printed in colours<br />

in Italy, reproduce couples in elegant regional costumes,<br />

with Tuscan countryside in the background. Lipperheide I,<br />

1320. Colas I, 325. Forlani-Tempesti, reprint 1970. [18911<br />


9. BIRINGuccIO, Vannuccio. Li diece libri de<br />

la pirotechnia… diversità delle miniere,<br />

Fusione dei metalli… Venice, G. Padovano for C.<br />

de Navò, 1550, € 7.500<br />

4to, pp.(8), 167, (1), contemporary<br />

full vellum binding.<br />

Title-page with an illustrated<br />

border, 84 wood engravings<br />

in text, much interesting for<br />

metal working progress.<br />

Second edition, equal to the<br />

first of 1540. One of the classics<br />

in the history of science<br />

and technology, famous book<br />

on metallurgy and mining. Fine copy. Hoover Collecton<br />

129-130. Duveen, 79. [9826]<br />

10. BIRmAN, Samuel. [Vues de la Suisse]. 15<br />

handcolored aquatints chiefly by Birman,<br />

heightened with gum arabic. 1830 ca. € 4.500<br />

4to, 15 plates, grained red boards lettered gilt, straight-grain<br />

red morocco spine. Views of S.Gotthard, Glacier du Rhône,<br />

Grimsel, Oberhasli, Rosenlaui, Wetterhorn, Grindewald,<br />

Jungfrau, Lauterbrunen… Eight of them are after Samuel<br />

Birman, and published in “Basle, chez Birman et fils”. The<br />

artist is well-known for his album Souvenirs de la Vallée de<br />

Chamonix, published in 1826. Five plates bears the inscription<br />

“Zürich, chez F.Sal. Füssli”. At the end a rare view of<br />

Fribourg, drawn by Winterlin and engraved by Vogel. [18915]<br />


11. BOdONI, G.B. Oratio dominica in cLV linguas<br />

versa et exotici characteribus expressa.<br />

Parma, Typis Bodonianis, 1806, € 12.000<br />

folio, a total of 312 pages printed in Roman, Greek and<br />

exotic types, for a total of 97 different types. The Pater<br />

Noster is present in 155 different languages (Asian,<br />

Americans, Africans and Europeans). Magnificent edition,<br />

dedicated to Prince Eugene Napoleon. It can be considered<br />

as a second Manuale Tipografico by Bodoni. Printed in<br />

180 copies only, very rare. Contemporary binding in<br />

orange boards, very fine copy with full margins. De Lama<br />

171-174. Brooks 1003. Updike 168-169. [10514]<br />

12. BOeThIuS, Severinus. Libri de<br />

consolatione philosophiae. cum figuris ornatissimis<br />

noviter axpolitus. Argentine<br />

(Strassburg), Ioh. Gruninger, 1501, € 10.500<br />

folio, pp.(10), 128, text and glosses in roman type, notes<br />

in gothic. Fine contemporary pigskin over wooden boards.<br />

First illustrated edition of Boethius with 77 beautiful<br />

woodcuts in the text, plus many illustrated initials. This<br />

volume, dedicated to Sebastian Brandt, is considered to be<br />

one of the most fine and rare books produced in<br />

Strassburg in early 16th century. Ritter, 225. Schmidt, 67.<br />

Kristeller, 96. [16409]<br />


13. BONANNI, Filippo. descrizione degli<br />

Strumenti Armonici. Seconda edizione riveduta e<br />

accesciuta da G. Ceruti, ornata con 140 rami incisi<br />

da Arnold Wanwesterout. Roma 1776, € 4.500<br />

4to, pp.XVI, XXIV, 214, (2),<br />

Italian and French text, illustrated<br />

title engraved on double leaf, two<br />

allegorical frontispieces, 151<br />

engravings of musical instruments.<br />

Second enlarged edition<br />

of the first monography on musical<br />

instruments from the origins<br />

to the XVII century. De Baker<br />

Sommervogel, II, 382. Hirsch, IV,<br />

1476. Lipperheide, IV, 200. [3075]<br />

14. BOuRRIT, Marc Th. Nouvelle description<br />

des Glacières, Vallées de glace et Glaciers qui<br />

forment la grande chaine des Alpes de Savoye,<br />

de Suisse et d’Italie. Nouvelle edition revue et<br />

augmentée… Gèneve et Paris, par Barde, Manget<br />

et Brisson, 1787, € 2.800<br />

3 vol. in-8, pp.XVI, 308, (4), 244, 84), 290, fine contemporary<br />

full calf binding. Illustrated by 11 plates and one<br />

large topographical map. Beautiful alpine views drawn by<br />

Bourrit himself and by A.Moitte, and engraved by Geissler<br />

and Duval (L’Arveron, Valsoret, Lac Kandel Steig, Vallée<br />

de glace de Chermontane, Lac de Chéde et Mont Blanc).<br />

Very important description of the Alps around M.Blanc.<br />

Very fine copy of the best edition. Perret, II, 80. Longchamp<br />

413. Mathews, 298. Neate, 31. [17604]<br />


15. BRAhe, Tycho. Opera Omnia sive<br />

Astronomiae instauratae, in duas partes distribute,<br />

quorum prima de restitutione motum Solis<br />

et Lunae, Stellarumque inerantium tractat.<br />

Seconda autem de Mundi Aetherei Phaenomenis<br />

agit. Frankfurt, Schonwettery, 1648, € 5.200<br />

2 vols., small quarto, contemporary boards. Illustrated with<br />

many diagrams and wood illustrations in text, 9 full page<br />

are astronomical instruments. “Tycho’s observations of the<br />

supernova and comet led him say: nothing new could be born<br />

in the heavens”. Despite its title, this work contains only the<br />

Protogymnasmata (1602) about the 1572 supernova in<br />

Cassiopeia and De mundi aetherei (1588), observations of<br />

the great comet of 1577. Tycho’s observations of the supernova<br />

and comet led him to abandon the Ptolemaic<br />

concept of heavenly spheres. Second edition of a basilar<br />

study on the sun and moon, together with a catalogue of<br />

777 stars, complete with the 2 leaves of dedication and<br />

with the 4 page index missing in some copies; uncut copy,<br />

browned as usual. Cinti, 24 e 25. Norman 721. Houzeau<br />

Lancaster n.2704. [9820]<br />


16. BRONTË, Charlotte. Jane eyre. An<br />

Autobiography. edited by currer Bell (pseud.).<br />

London, Smith, Elder, and Co., 1847, € 29.000<br />

8vo, 3 vols, pp. (2), 304, (2, 32 for publisher’s advertising);<br />

(2), 304; (2), 311, 19 th cenyury style modern calf, labels<br />

on spine. First edition of Charlotte Brontë’s (1816 - 1855)<br />

pseudonymously published first novel and the first published<br />

work of any of the Brontë sisters: “Wuthering<br />

Heights” (Emily) and “Agnes Grey” (Anne) will follow in<br />

the same year. The most important English novel of the<br />

Victorian period was printed in 500 copies only, and it was<br />

thought by many reviewers to be written by a man.<br />

Internally a very fresh, uncut copy of one of the rarest masterpieces<br />

of 19 th literature. Sadleir 346; Smith 2; Ashley<br />

I:32; Wolff 826; Tinker 379; Grolier English 83. [18017]<br />


17. cAppIeLLO, Leonetto. Nos Actrices: lithographies<br />

de L. cappiello. préface de marcel<br />

prévost. Paris, Ed. Revue Blanche, 1899, € 4.500<br />

album in-folio (mm 455x350), 4 preliminary text page, 18<br />

large original colour lithographs on strong Japan paper,<br />

showing full images of 18 famous actresses of end XIX century,<br />

all dressed with great elegance. This is copy n. 33 on<br />

the only 44 printed. Famous set of decorative and fascinating<br />

prints “belle époque” by Leonetto Cappiello<br />

(Livorno 1675-Cannes 1942). Uncommon, complete and<br />

perfect copy Bénézit., III, 210 “Il présente les portraits de toutes<br />

les gloires du théatre du moment”. [10509]<br />

18. dANTe ALIGhIeRI. La divina<br />

commedia, con la Vita e il commento. Venice,<br />

B. Benali and M. Capcasa, 1491, p. on r.<br />

folio, 302 ll., bound in ancient vellum. Illustrated by 97<br />

woodcut vignettes and with 4 full-page woodcuts within<br />

decorated borders. A great number of woodcut decorated<br />

initials on black ground. This is the first edition with<br />

illustrations to paradise and the first revised by Pietro da<br />

Fighine and with the Commentary by Landino, The<br />

Commedia is followed by Credo, Dieci Comandamenti, Sette<br />

Salmi, Pater Noster and Ave Maria. A higly important copy<br />

with manuscript annotations added in the 17 th century<br />

inspired by the relationship between Rosicrucianism and<br />

Dante, related to the Amphiteatrum Sapientiae Aeternae of<br />

1609 by the German alchemist and mistic, follower of<br />

Paracelsus, Heinric Khunrath. (A few little defects). BMC,<br />

V, 373. Kristeller, 187. Mambelli 13. Sander 2313. [14026]<br />


19. eRASmuS, Desiderius. In Novuum<br />

Testamentum ab eodem denuo recognitum,<br />

Annotationes, ingenti nuper accessione per autorem<br />

locupletatae. Basle, Johann Froben, March<br />

1519. p. on r.<br />

folio (mm 328x218), pp. (8), 579, (1), contemporary calf<br />

over wooden-boards, richly tooled in blind and silver;<br />

spine with 5 double raised-bands, richly decorated, gilt<br />

edges. A very fine copy, some losses to the spine and to the<br />

raised-bands, boards worn. pRINTed ON VeLLum. Roman,<br />

Greek and Hebrew types. Title-page within an elaborated<br />

border by Holbein, Erasmus’ epistle within a border of<br />

putti and acanthus leaves by Urs Graf. Another border<br />

opens the New Testament. Ex-libris of Theodor Christoph<br />

Lilienthal (1717-1781), the well-known German<br />

Lutheran theologian. First separate edition of the<br />

Annotationes by Erasmus enlarged for this second edition<br />

of the New Testament; a magnificent and extremely scarce<br />

copy printed on vellum. Erasmus wrote to Thomas More<br />

that Johann Froben was challenged with the printing of<br />

three copies in membranis. Darlow & Moule, n. 4597;<br />

Bezzel, 1212; Staehelin, 9; Lambeth Library (1843) n. 356.<br />

PMM 46. [17497]<br />


20. FABRIS, Salvator. die kunstreihen und weitberumeten<br />

Fechmeister S.Fabris Italianische<br />

Fechtkunst. Leyden, I. Elzevir, 1619, € 7.500<br />

folio, pp. (8), 196, late 18th century half calf, title on red<br />

label. First German translation, “Das ist: Grundeliche und<br />

ausfurliche unterrichtung von dem fechten: wie man diselbe<br />

kunst auss iren rechten Fundamenten schopffen, und zu einer<br />

gewissen volkommenheit erlernen solle...”, of a remarkable<br />

treatise about fencing first published in 1606 in<br />

Copenhagen: “De lo Schermo, overo scienza d’arme”. Title<br />

printed in red and 190 woodcuts in the text. A good copy<br />

of a very rare book, which “enjoyed such popularity that there<br />

were 5 subsequent editions, 4 of which were in German. Fabris<br />

says further that there are 4 legitimate and 3 bastard guards,<br />

because each bastard position retains something of the two<br />

from which it was formed… In summary, the author’s text is<br />

written in simple language, and is well organized. While he<br />

still includes cutting actions, primary emphasis is on the point.”<br />

(Gaugler, pp. 30-36). Two old Russian stamps. Gelli p.77.<br />

Thimm p.97. Lipperheiden2952. Vigeant p.56: “Cette traduction<br />

fait par les Elzeviers, avec nouvelles gravures sur bois,<br />

prouve la merite reconnu de l’oeuvre de Fabris”. [13526]<br />


21. FALdA, Giov. Batt. Il Nuovo Teatro delle<br />

Fabbriche et edificii in prospettiva di Roma<br />

moderna. Date in luce da Gio. Jacomo Rossi,<br />

Roma 1665, € 9.500<br />

oblong folio, 3 parts in one vol., 19 th century calf , gilt spine.<br />

With 3 engraved titles, 3 engraved dedication leaves and<br />

83 engraved plates of squares and churches of Rome,<br />

beautiful views of architecture of the city. First edition of<br />

an important work of Italian architecture: ‘in Italy, up to<br />

this time, there had been no extensive and systematic attempt<br />

to record contemporary Renaissance architecture... Falda’s<br />

work, aside from its historic value, is of special interest in showing<br />

the development in Italy of the realistic approach to<br />

architectural representation’ (Fowler 116). The composition<br />

of copies varies with the position of plates moving<br />

within the parts, as they were numbered and reissued: the<br />

plates are divided as in the Fowler copy (excluding titles<br />

and dedications): part I, 33 numbered plates; part II, 14<br />

unnumbered plates; part III, 36 numbered plates.<br />

Sometimes copies are found with the two continuation<br />

parts IV and V published after Falda’s death. A fine and tall<br />

copy of the first issue. Berlin Kat. 2666. [18925]<br />


22. FLAuBeRT, Gustave. madame Bovary.<br />

moeurs de province. Paris, Michel Lévy Frères<br />

(Impr. Dondey-Dupré), 1857, € 11.000<br />

12mo, 2 volumes, pp. (8), 232, (4), 489, original wrappers<br />

and spine preserved, in a binding signed by Creuzevault<br />

in blue morocco; full margins, neatly washed. First edition,<br />

first issue of Flaubert’s first published novel: attacked<br />

for obscenity by public prosecutors, this masterpiece is<br />

now considered a seminal work of Realism and one of the<br />

most influential novels ever written. La dernière ligne de<br />

la dédicace nantient “ni de votre dévouement”.<br />

With a long autograph letter by Flaubert: “vous êtes bien<br />

aimable. Vous me congratulez. Je vous congratule - ou pour<br />

parler plus simplement je vous embrasse… Re-post-scriptum:<br />

Doit elle être heureuse!”.<br />

Carteret I, 263–6. Vicaire III, 721–723. Talvart VI, pp. 1–2.<br />

[11319]<br />


23. FORTuNe TeLLING manuscript - Libro de<br />

la Ventura. On paper, Italy, early 18th century,<br />

€ 60.000<br />

Folio, mm 385x270; pp. 76 (1-4 8 , 5 6 , numbered 74, the first<br />

and the last unnumbered); contemporary binding in marbled<br />

calf, gilt fillets on the spine. The manuscript, written in<br />

fine steady script, is one of the rare attestations of the Libro<br />

di Ventura, divinatory “game”, in which the player is sent to<br />

a responsive terzina, pronounced by “prophets”. The most<br />

well-known Libro de la Ventura was composed by Lorenzo<br />

Gualtieri (usually known as Lorenzo Spirito) no later than<br />

1482. According to the chosen question the player starts<br />

from one of the kings who refers to a “sign” and to a dice’s<br />

plate. According to the numeric result, each sphere’s dial corresponds<br />

to a prophet who gives the response. This<br />

manuscript is richly illustrated with popular style drawings<br />

in ink: a Wheel of Fortune, 20 Kings, 44 Prophet’s, 20<br />

spheres of zodiac and planets, 40 pages with combinations<br />

of dice as well as a great number of sketches. [10563]<br />


24. FÜSSLI, R. H. Les costumes Suisses les plus<br />

origineaux et les plus intéressants déssinés<br />

d’apres nature. Publiés par Keller et Füssli,<br />

marchands d’estampes vis à vis de l’épée à Zürich<br />

(ca 1830), € 3.200<br />

8vo, engraved hand-coloured title-page and 29 plates of<br />

local costumes: 2 of Zürich, 5 of Berne, 2 of Luzern,<br />

Schwyz, Unterwalden, Glarus, Zoug, Fribourg,<br />

Schaffouse, 2 of Appenzell, Tessin, Neuchatel, Genève and<br />

others. In a nice contemporary binding in red calf, richly<br />

gilt on spine and sides. The hand-colouring is original and<br />

very attractive (some foxing, a collection of 29 plates only<br />

on 30, without any text). Colas 1142. Lonchamp 235. [18922]<br />

25. GALILeI, Galileo. Opere. Nuova edizione<br />

coll’Aggiunta di vari Trattati dell’istesso Autore<br />

non più dati alle stampe. Firenze, Gaetano Tartini<br />

e Santi Franchi, 1718, € 5.300<br />

4to, 3 vols., pp.CXII, 628, (2), 8(), 722, (2), (6), 484, (52<br />

of Index, last two blanc). Fine contemporary full vellum,<br />

title on spine. Half titles, engraved portrait, title in vol. I in<br />

red and black with vignette, engraved folding plate and<br />

woodcut diagrams. Contemporary solid vellum binding,<br />

tile on leather spine label. Second editon of Galileo’s collected<br />

works edited by Tommaso Bonaventuri. The third<br />

volume contains the previously unpublished material,<br />

including a number of Galileo’s letters , and notes on his<br />

work by Castelli and Viviani. Cinti, n.170. Carli Favaro<br />

n.431. Riccardi, 520-522. Gamba n. 483. [18692]<br />


26. GRANd heRBIeR (Le) en françois.<br />

contenant les qualitez, vertus et proprietez des<br />

herbes, arbres, gommes, semences, huyles, et<br />

pierres precieuses. Extraict de plusieurs traictez<br />

de medicine, comme de Avicenne, Constantin,<br />

Isaac… Imprimé nouvellement à Paris par Alain<br />

Lotrian, s.d. (1535), € 15.000<br />

4to, ll.(22), CLXVI, modern binding in full morocco,<br />

blind-tooled (signed René Assourd). Illustrated by more<br />

than 300 woodcuts of branches, many with flowers and<br />

fruits. Scarce edition of the first French Herbal, first published<br />

in Besançon in 1478 “Le Grant Herbier was<br />

repeatedly printed in France, where it received heary use by<br />

owners who seem to have subjected it to more than average<br />

wear... Complete and undamaged copies are almost unheard<br />

of. The work is also excessively rare in either 15th or 16th editions”<br />

(Anderson). (Copy neatly washed, one corner<br />

restored at the first and last ll.). Klebs 58. Hunt 35. Nissen<br />

2336. [11364]<br />


27. hORTuS SANITATIS. de herbis et plantis.<br />

de Animalibus & reptilibus. de Avibus et volatilibus.<br />

de piscibus & natatilibus. de Lapidibus<br />

& in terre venis nascentibus. de urinis et eaque<br />

speciebus… Venice, Bernardino Benalio and<br />

Giov. Da Tridino, 1511, € 35.000<br />

folio, ff.367 (missing the last blanc), text on double column.<br />

Contemporary full vellum over board, ms. title on<br />

spine. First edition printed in Italy of this monumental<br />

study on the natural world and its medicinal resources,<br />

containing a detailed survey of known plants and animals.<br />

Illustrated border to title, 3 full page woodcuts and 1062<br />

smaller ones. The great medieval compilation of natural<br />

history and the most important medical woodcut book.<br />

Nissen 2368. Sander 3470. Mortimer, I, 238. [9128]<br />


28. hYGINuS, Caius Julius. poetica<br />

Astronomica. (Edited by Jacobus Sentinus and<br />

J.L. Santritter). Summa sphericum secundum<br />

hyginij descriptionem. Venice, Thomas de<br />

Blavis, 1488, € 12.000<br />

4to, 56 leaves, woodcut of the astronomical sphere and<br />

47 beautiful illustrations of stars, planets and zodiac<br />

signs. Modern half-morocco binding. The woodcuts<br />

derive from medieval sources, and depict figures in medieval<br />

European costume. These figures were reprinted, and<br />

copied in many incunable editions, and were the sources<br />

for the engraved images of Ghein and Johannes Bayer.<br />

Hyginus was an estimate astronomer active in the 1 st century<br />

b.C. BMC, V, 318. Essling 287. Sander 3474. [9021]<br />


29. khuNRATh, Heinrich. Amphitheatrum<br />

Sapientiae Aeternae, Solius Verae, christianokabalisticum,<br />

divino-magicum, Hanoviae,<br />

Gulielmus Gulielmus Antonius, 1609, € 18.000<br />

folio, emblematic frontispice, portrait by Jan Diricks, a<br />

double table, pp. 60, 222, (2), original boards (spine<br />

restored). First complete edition. Khunrath (1560-1605)<br />

was an alchemist, and Kabbalist, follower of Paracelsus.<br />

“Khunrath’s Amphitheatre forms a link between a philosophy<br />

influenced by Dee (whom he met!) and the<br />

philosophy of the Rosicrucian manifestos. In Khunrath’s<br />

work we meet the characteristic phraseology of the manifestos,<br />

the everlasting emphasis on microcosm and<br />

microcosm, the stress on Magia, Cabala, and Alchymia as<br />

in some way combining to form a religious philosophy<br />

which promises a new dawn for mankind” (DSB).<br />

Illustrated by 9 double-page plates and one of the “wise<br />

old owl”, often missing; 2 double-page tables. A very genuine<br />

and fine copy with large margins and dark rich<br />

impressions of these famous plates; with usual uniform<br />

brownings. Guaita, 1494: “L’un des plus curieux ouvrages de<br />

théosophie- kabbalistique… le plus grand nombre des exemplaires<br />

n’ont que 4 ou 5 de ces gravures”. Umberto Eco, Lo<br />

strano caso della Hanau 1609. Caillet 5747. Duveen 319.<br />

Ferguson I, 463-464. Klossowski, Le Jeu d’Or, p. 29-44. [7425]<br />


30. LABAT, Jean-Fr. L’art en fait d’armes, ou de<br />

l’épée seule, avec les attitudes… (Bound With:)<br />

Questiones en fait d’armes, ou de l’épée.<br />

Toulouse, 1696 and 1701, € 2.800<br />

in-8. 2 works in one vol., contemporary full calf binding.<br />

Two important works on fencing, the first illustrated by<br />

24 scenes of duel on 12 engraved plates. Interesting combination<br />

of 2 French works hardly ever appearing on the<br />

market, which rank among the soundest treatises on practical<br />

fencing. Labat two<br />

works Labat was one of the<br />

celebrated family of fencing<br />

masters of the<br />

Académie de Toulouse.<br />

The second work is written<br />

in the form of an<br />

interview between a fencing<br />

student and his<br />

master. Vigeant p.761.<br />

Pardoel 1417/18. Castle<br />

p.XLI, 152. [13084]<br />

31. LORY, Gabriel. Voyage pittoresque de Genève<br />

à milan par le Simplon. Paris, Didot, 1811, €30.000<br />

folio, printed text and 35 engraved plates, beautifully<br />

coloured by a contemporary painter. First edition and first<br />

issue, large paper copy, of this famous series of views of the<br />

Alps: Geneva, Sion, Brieg, Simplon, Mount Rosa, Gondo,<br />

Domodossola, Isola Bella, and others. Very fine copy, with<br />

full margins, of one of the best sets of painted views of the<br />

Alps and the Lake Maggiore Perret, 2694. Mandach, Les<br />

Lory, 172-206. Lonchamp, 473. [14804]<br />


32. LORY, Gabriel L. e Mathias G. Voyage pittoresque<br />

aux Glaciers de chamouni. Paris, Didot<br />

l’Aîné, 1815, € 18.000<br />

folio (435x280 mm), pp. 14, (16), in a very attractive contemporary<br />

violet morocco binding, gilt on spine and sides,<br />

dentelle end edges in gilt. The first and only edition, with<br />

7 aquatint plates printed in colour and finished by hand by<br />

F. Hegui after G. Lory. Another issue appeared with the<br />

plates printed in sanguigna, uncoloured. Two of the plates<br />

are after G. Lory, père, while the rest are by his son. A fine<br />

large-paper copy, light foxing to some 5 leaves of text, all<br />

the plates in perfect condition with very fresh colours.<br />

Perret 2695: «Très rare et très recherché… pour la qualité des<br />

illustrations». Mandach, Les Lory, 238-44. Nava S/1.<br />

Garimoldi N. 74. Lonchamp 1859. ACL 194. [18661]<br />

33. mAceR FLORIduS (attributed to OdO de<br />

meuNG, 11th century). herbarum variaqui vis<br />

cognoscere vires. huc macer adest. Cum interpretationibis<br />

Guill. Geroladi. (Paris, Pierre<br />

Baquelier, 1522), € 12.000<br />

small in-8 (138x90), 160 ll. (last blanc), fine modern full<br />

red morocco, gilt edges (by Chambolle-Duru). Full page<br />

title woodcut of St. Jerome and 65 botanical woodcuts on<br />

half page. Uncommon edition of the first printed herbal to<br />

relate solely to the medicinal properties of plants. The<br />

authorship is attributed to an unknown Macer, identified<br />

as Odo de Meung, a medieval French physician. Very rare<br />

edition (the first was Naples 1477). Fairfax Murray, French,<br />

346. Durling 2889. Pritzel 5711. [7159]<br />


34. (Manuscript) – mAeTeNS, Ioos. “Vive la<br />

plume. A’ dieu seul honneur et gloire. Par Ioos<br />

Maetens. Enghien. An 1636”. € 5.500<br />

manuscrit original sur papier, 48 feuillets écrits au recto,<br />

in-4 oblong. Reliure de l’époque pl.vélin. Chaque page contient<br />

une sentence moralisatrice en quatre langues (latin,<br />

italien, français et allemande) en diffèrents et très elegants<br />

caractères, accompagnés par des initiales figurées, très<br />

soignées, inspirées par des répertoires iconographiques du<br />

moyen-age. Maetens était abbé d’Enghien dans la première<br />

moitiée du XVIII siècle,. (Matthieu, Biographie nationale,<br />

XIII, 147). “Vive la Plume” était le motto de la cèlèbre<br />

miniaturiste Esther Inglis (1571-1624), qui pourrait avoir<br />

inspiré Maetens pour son ouvrage. [15670]<br />

35. mARcOLINI, Francesco. Le Sorti. Intitolate<br />

Giardino dei pensieri. Venezia, Marcolino, 1540,<br />

€ 45.000<br />

folio, ff. 104, fine 17th c. red morocco, sides with triple fillet<br />

in gilt, 6 raised bands spine with title in the<br />

compartments. Title engraved by Marco Dente, representing<br />

a group of men and women consulting Marcolini’s<br />

book in the “Garden of thoughts”; on verso of the title a fullpage<br />

portrait of the artist within an architectural border.<br />

The first section of the book includes 50 woodcuts on the<br />

upper half of each leaf ’s recto representing symbolic<br />

images, vices and virtues, with 90 playing cards surrounding<br />

the woodcut and 45 more cards arranged in the shape<br />

of a cross. According to the cards’ response, the player has<br />

to consult one of the 50 philosophers. First edition of one<br />

of the most famous 16 th c. fortune-telling books, inspired<br />

by Lorenzo Spirito and Sigismondo Fanti’s games.<br />

Compared with the previous tradition, Marcolini plans the<br />

double printed page on a parallel register, iconographical<br />

and verbal; for the first time thinking a whole volume to<br />

be read in double page, supported by a complicated reference<br />

system that the reader learns in the preliminary pages.<br />

The book itself and a pack of cards become the game’s<br />

instruments, conducted by the player who found the<br />

higher card. Mortimer 279. Sander 4231. Essling II, 670.<br />

Cinti 54. [12043]<br />


36. meLI dA cRemA, Antonio. Libro de Vita<br />

contemplativa: lectione, meditatione, oratione,<br />

contemplatione. Scala del paradiso. Brescia<br />

(Brixia), Ant. Moranti, 1527, € 8.500<br />

4to, ll. (22), 434, (12), very fine contemporary binding in<br />

calf tooled in blind. Illustrated with 2 borders and more<br />

than 110 woodcuts of different size in-text. First edition<br />

of the great text on meditative life by the Confessor of<br />

Lucrezia Borgia, dedicatee of the book. Very rare impression<br />

of Brescia, in a perfect condition. Sander, 4489. Brunet<br />

III, 1587. Olschki, Choix, 4843. [4362]<br />

37. meRcATOR, Gerard. claudij ptolemaei<br />

Alexandrini Geographiae libri octo Greco-<br />

Latini Latine primum recogniti & emendati,<br />

cum tabulis geographicis ad mentem auctoris restitutis<br />

per Gerardum Mercatorem… Amsterdam,<br />

1605, € 14.000<br />

large folio, 6 ll. (included engraved title page and portrait),<br />

27 maps on double page (one single page), 215 pp., one<br />

planispher within a large decorated allegorical border , 20<br />

maps of Europe, 5 of Africa, 12 of Asia. First edition with<br />

text in latin and greek of Ptolemy; the 28 beautiful maps<br />

are by Gerard Mercator (1512-1594). (some dust and light<br />

waterstains, margin of title-page restored), Koeman Me3:<br />

“The Ptolemy edition of 1605 is the first work printed in Greek<br />

at Amsterdam and a typographic masterpiece”. Phillips 421.<br />

28<br />


38. meYeR, Johann H. mahlerische Reise in die<br />

Italianische Schweiz. mit geäzten Blättern.<br />

Zurich, bey Orell, Gessner, Fussli und Compagnie,<br />

1793, € 4.700<br />

obl. 4to (225x170 mm), original boards. With an engraved<br />

titlepage, pp.(4), 75 of text, 12 fine engraved views, drawn<br />

by Meyer and L.Hess: Am Zuger See, Tells-Kapelle, Altorf,<br />

Airolo, Calonico, Quartino, Molinetto, Tresa… An uncommon<br />

album about the Ticino, the only canton in which<br />

Italian is the official language, by J. Meyer (1759-1732).<br />

Very fine copy. Lonchamp, 538 & 2058. Barth 18181. [7123]<br />

39. meYeR, Johann H. Voyage pittoresque dans<br />

le canton des Grisons en Suisse vers le lac<br />

majeur et le lac de come sur les grandes routes<br />

nouvellement construites à travers les Cols de<br />

Splugen et de Bernhardin en 32 planches. Zurich,<br />

chez J.J. Meyer peintre, 1827, € 11.000<br />

oblong 4to, pp. (2), 169, original orange boards. Engraved<br />

title page with vignette in colours, 5 plates of explication,<br />

one folding map and 32 fine views, mezzotinto engravings<br />

by R. Bodmer Meyer, Fr. Hegi, C. Rordorf and Ch.<br />

Meichelt, skilfully coloured by a contemporary hand.<br />

Views of Coira, Via Mala, Splugen, San Bernardino,<br />

Bellinzona, Locarno, Chiavenna, Riva. First French edition<br />

(it appeared in German the year before) of a rare album<br />

“sur les Grisons, avec une introduction et une explication du<br />

docteur J.-G. Ebel. Cet ouvrage existe en plusieurs versions<br />

anciennes… Elles sont très rares et recherchés lorsqu’elles sont<br />

complètes des trente-deux vues à gravures” (Perret 2996) .<br />

Lonchamp, n.2069 (with only 25 pages of text). ACL p. 212.<br />

(illustrated on next page) [8201]<br />


39. meYeR<br />

40. muNSTeR, Sebastian. cosmographey, das<br />

ist, Beschrembung aller Länder. Herrschaften<br />

und Fürnemesten Stetten des gantzen Erdbodens.<br />

Basel, Seb. Henricpetri, 1598, € 34.000<br />

folio, p. (28), 1462. German blind-stamped pigskin over<br />

boards. Portrait of Muster on the title page, decorated headings,<br />

many gothic capital letters, 26 maps on double<br />

page with two maps of the world, 67 views and maps of<br />

cities on double page, 2 large maps, about 1250 wood<br />

engravings in-text. Very enlarged edition. A fine copy.<br />

Sabin 51395. Alden 598/73. Burrmeister 83. [4795]<br />


41. muRATORI, Ludovico Antonio. Rerum<br />

Italicarum Scriptores ab anno aerae christianae<br />

500 ad 1500 … cum indice locupletissimo.<br />

Mediolani, ex typographia Societatis Palatinae in<br />

Regia Curia, (1723-1751), € 18.000<br />

Folio, 25 volumes bound in 28 (cm 41x26), fine contemporary<br />

full vellum, two labels with titles in gilt. Illustrated<br />

with 26 engraved frontispieces, 25 portraits, 2 folded<br />

maps and 51 engraved plates. Muratori (1672-1750) is<br />

considered the father of the Italian historiography; the<br />

man who achieved this amazing performance was librarian<br />

of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan and to the Estense<br />

in Modena. The fruit of his immense historical and literary<br />

investigations on the Italian historical sources and of the<br />

active collaboration of local correspondents, were published<br />

in his “Writers on Italian Affairs”: chronicles, diaries,<br />

and legal documents illustrating the history of medieval<br />

Italian society. It was published with the assistance of the<br />

Società Palatina of Milan, formed by Italian patriots and<br />

scholars. A fine and complete copy, with very few leaves<br />

browned. PMM 181: “the first of its kind to comprise the<br />

entire corpus of medieval sources relating to a whole country,<br />

including annals and chronicles, laws and ordinances, letters,<br />

poems and inscriptions: an achievement which put Italy a century<br />

ahead of similar<br />

undertakings such as<br />

the Monumenta Germaniae<br />

Historica, or<br />

the Rolls series …<br />

By applying the critical<br />

methods of Mabillon<br />

to the sources of<br />

Italian history, Muratori<br />

became the<br />

founder of modern<br />

Italian historiography.<br />

Gibbon acknowledged<br />

him as his ‘guide and<br />

master’. A large number<br />

of Muratori’s texts<br />

are still available only<br />

in his original edition”.<br />

[18726]<br />


42. pApeR cRAFTS. Album of paper ephemera:<br />

pregibna sola - prosto vpletanje - Fzrezovanje.<br />

Slovenia, first half of 19th century, € 2.500<br />

folio (360x280 mm), contemporary binding in half cloth.<br />

The album includes 25 leaves of thick paper: on each are<br />

lied 9, 12 or 16 compositions of paper ephemera. 13<br />

leaves are titled “Pregibna sola” (“solely folded paper”, similar<br />

to origami); 3 leaves are titled “Prosto vpletanje” (“freely<br />

woven paper”); 6 leaves are titled “Frezovanje” (“cut<br />

paper”); the last 3 leaves contains variated silhouettes on<br />

a brown background. Each page includes several samples<br />

of skillful compositions, in which bi-colour paper is creatively<br />

used to form a surprising variety of shapes and<br />

figures. Paper folding may have originated in China and<br />

Japan (traditional and modular origami, Kirigami) but it<br />

may have developed independently in several countries.<br />

In Eastern Europe it had a primarily pedagogical purpose,<br />

giving children a hands-on method for learning mathematics.<br />

An uncommoun item. [18730]<br />


43. pARAdIN, Guillaume. chronique de<br />

Savoye. Troisième edition enrichie et augmentée,<br />

Continuée jusques à la paix de 1601. Lyon, De<br />

Tournes, 1602. (Bound with:) pINGONIuS,<br />

Philibertus. Inclytorum Saxonia Sabaudique<br />

Arbor Gentilitiae. Turin, Haeredes N:<br />

Beuilacque, 1581, € 9.000<br />

2 works in one vol., pp. (8), 468, (12); pp.(8), 129, (8);<br />

fine contemporary binding, full calf decorated in gold.<br />

Two greatly rare and important historical works on the<br />

region and the family of Savoy till 1602. Both are decorated<br />

and illustrated by beautiful wood engravings, portraits,<br />

heraldry, coats of arms. The second work includes a genealogical<br />

tree, 3 meters long engraved on 8 double-leaves<br />

Manno-Promis, n-6 e 166. Perret, 3590: “très rare et recherché”.<br />

Bersano,, n-419. [10036]<br />


44. pLATINA, Bartholomaeus Sacchi. de<br />

honesta voluptate et valetudine. Venice,<br />

[Bernardinus Benalius], 25 August 1494, € 28.000<br />

4to (mm 207x152). The first leaf of text decorated by an<br />

illuminated initial in gold with white vines on blue and<br />

green round. On the same leaf the illuminated coat-ofarms<br />

of the Manolesso family from Venice. Bound in late<br />

18th-century cartonnage with manuscript title on spine.<br />

Second excedeengly rare edition of this popular book containing<br />

a multitude of recipes and guidelines for healthy<br />

living. It includes general rules for eating, to enjoy one’s<br />

meals, exercising and sleeping, sections on fruit, wine,<br />

vinegar, and condiments, and many recipes for cooking<br />

meat. However, the last part of the book is exclusively<br />

devoted to the cooking of fish and shellfish. Platina (1421-<br />

1481) future librarian of the Vatican, composed his work<br />

in the early 1460s while on summer retreat on the Tuscan<br />

estates of Francesco Gonzaga. A fine and tall copy, from<br />

Pinelli and Martini collections. IGI 7856. Goff P-767. Klebs<br />

784.2. Vicarie 689. [17552]<br />


45. pLATO. Opera Omnia, translatione marsilii<br />

Ficini, emendatione et ad graecum Codicem collaiione<br />

Simonis Grynaei. Basle, Froben, 1539,<br />

€ 4.000<br />

folio, pp.(12), 959,<br />

(14), very fine<br />

contemporary calf<br />

binding over wooden<br />

board, fully<br />

decorated. Many<br />

initial letters decorated,<br />

some astronomical<br />

diagrams<br />

to illustrate the<br />

Timaeus. Very<br />

important and<br />

rare edition of<br />

Plato translated by<br />

Ficino. Fine copy<br />

in a precious contemporary binding. Not in BMC and<br />

Adams, not in Frognal Dibdin. [3021]<br />

46. pOLITIANuS, Angelus. Omnia Opera et<br />

alia quaedam lectu digna… Venice, Aldus, 1498,<br />

€ 32.000<br />

2 vols., folio (320x200 mm.), 451 leaves (one blanc missing),<br />

roman type with greek and hebrew words (used here<br />

for the first time by Aldus). Modern calf binding. First edition<br />

of the latin works of Politianus, the great Italian<br />

humanist and<br />

poet of the XV<br />

century. One of<br />

the most important<br />

books edited<br />

by Aldo, it contains<br />

the first<br />

specimen of his<br />

Hebrew type.<br />

BMC, V, 559.<br />

Renouard p.17.<br />

Vatican Library<br />

429. [5509]<br />


47. pTOLemAeuS, Claudius. Geographia cl.<br />

ptolemaei Alexandrini. Olim a Bilibaldo<br />

Pirckheimherio traslata, et non multis codicibus<br />

graecis collata… redacta a Iosepho Moletio matematico.<br />

Addita commentaria. Venice, V.Valgrisi,<br />

1562, € 18.000<br />

3 parts in one vol. in-4, pp.(4), 112, 286, illustrated with<br />

head-letters, some technical figures and diagrams, 64<br />

double-page engraved maps. Fine contemporary full calf<br />

binding, decorated. Very important edition of the Ptolemy<br />

text, foundamental for the historical knowledge of geography<br />

and topography till the XVI century. A fine copy.<br />

Phillips, Atlases, 372. Sabin 66489. Adams P2231. [14390]<br />


48. RedOuTÉ, Pierre - ThORY Cl.Ant. Les<br />

Roses. Paris, De l’Imprimerie de Firmin Didot,<br />

1817-1824, p. on r.<br />

Folio, 3 volumes (mm 370x275) half green morocco by<br />

Bauzonnet. Engraved portrait of Redouté by C.S. Pradier,<br />

frontispiece wreath of roses and 169 stipple-engraved<br />

plates, printed in colours by Remond and finished by<br />

hand. Redouté reached the height of his fame under the<br />

patronage of the Empress Josephine who assembled at the<br />

Malmaison a collection of several hundred varieties of<br />

roses, a collection unique for the time. Many of the drawings<br />

were made there although the book itself did not<br />

appear until after Josephine’s death. The exquisite quality<br />

and the popularity of the subject have made it the most<br />

famous of Redoute’s works: “The technical execution of its<br />

production was ... near perfect. The artistic quality of the plates<br />

is high, and there is no reason to mark it any lower than one<br />

would Les Liliacees and the Jardin de la Malmaison”<br />

(Stafleu). Some text leaves somewhat spotted but plates<br />

largely unaffected apart from occasional slight foxing.<br />

Dunthorne 232; Great Flower Books, p. 71; Hunt Redouteana<br />

19; Nissen BBI 1599; Pritzel 7455; Ray French 89; Stafleu<br />

& Cowan TL2 9748. [18718]<br />


49. ROSSI, G.G. and Domenico. mercurio<br />

Geografico overo Guida Geografica in tutte le<br />

parti del mondo, conforme le tavole geografiche<br />

del Sansone, Baudrand e cantelli da Vigniola<br />

geografo del Duca di Modena. Modena, 1692-94,<br />

€ 35.000<br />

2 vols. In-plano (585x467 mm.), half title, 2 engraved<br />

titles, 150 engraved large maps of which 31 double-page.<br />

Contemporary half sheep binding. A complete copy. The<br />

maps are mainly by the cartographer Cantelli, well known<br />

for pioneering the Italian style of fine bold engraving that<br />

would eventually be embraced and expanded by Vincenzo<br />

Coronelli. The other cartographers include Baudrand,<br />

Sanson, Lubin, Titi, Ameti, Magini and Mattei. The maps<br />

in the present copy accord with the list in the index but<br />

instead of the map of Gran Tartaria and China there are<br />

two maps of Illycorum Occidentis and Orientis. Shirley<br />

n.464. Bagrow-Skelton, History of Cartography, p.268. [18695]<br />

50. RuchAT & STANYAN. etat et delices de la<br />

Suisse ou description des XII cantons et leurs<br />

alliés. Basle, Em. Tourneisen, 1776, € 4.000<br />

4 vols. in-12, full decorated contemporary calf. Illustrated<br />

with a very large map and 36 splendid views folded out<br />

text, copper plates by Buchel and Wachsmuth, of towns,<br />

antiquities, mountains, etc. of Switzerland in the XVIII<br />

century. Very importanty guide, a fine copy. Perret 3814.<br />

Lonchamp 2560. [8139]<br />

(illustrated on the right)<br />


50. RuchAT & STANYAN<br />

51. ShAkeSpeARe, William. Il Giulio cesare.<br />

Tragedia istorica tradotta dall’inglese in lingua<br />

toscana dal dottor domenico Valentini. Siena,<br />

Agostino Bindi, 1756, € 17.500<br />

in-8, ff. (28), pp. 154 (misnumb. 254), attractive contemporary<br />

binding in vellum, callygraphic title on spine. The<br />

first appearance in Italian of any of Shakespeare’s text.<br />

It is extremely rare, only three copies in Italian libraries,<br />

one at the BL and at Oxford, one copy in American<br />

libraries. In his long (56 pages) preliminary note about the<br />

art of translation Valentini avoids that he doesn’t know any<br />

English, but enlisted the service of a few English gentlemen<br />

of his acquaintance who<br />

knew Italian; “he omitted<br />

most of Shakespeare’s<br />

images, which seemed<br />

unsuitable to his plain<br />

Tuscan discourse”. (Praz,<br />

Shakespeare and Italy).<br />

A very fine copy bound<br />

with 2 other works by<br />

Girolamo Gigli (Siena,<br />

1759 and 1768).<br />

Collison-Morley.<br />

Shakespeare in Italy,<br />

1916. [18254]<br />


52. ShAkeSpeARe, William. – chAGALL,<br />

Marc. The Tempest. Paris, Editions A. Sauret &<br />

F.Mourlot, 1975, € 9.000<br />

folio, pp.235, full margins, original cardboard, preserved<br />

into the original vellum box. Edition printed on vélin<br />

d’arches in 270 copies (n. 122, with autograph signature<br />

in pencil by chagall) illustrated with 51 original lithographs<br />

by the great artist, 31 full page and 20 of different<br />

sizes. A perfect copy [7191]<br />

53. SOLdO, Mauro. descrizione<br />

degl’Instrumenti, delle macchine e delle<br />

Suppellettili. Raccolte ad uso Chirurgico e<br />

Medico dal P. Don Ippolito Rondinelli. Faenza,<br />

1766, €7.000<br />

4to, pp.X, 119, with vignette, large folding plate, 72 folding<br />

plates, large head and tail piece vignettes, all engraved on<br />

copper. Contemporary stiff vellum. First and only edition<br />

of this remarkably rare volume, an illustrated catalogue of<br />

Rondinelli’s Museum in Ravenna, the first devoted to all<br />

sort of medical and surgical instruments, for dentistry,<br />

obstetrics, ophthalmology and orthopedics. Waller 8159.<br />

40<br />

54. TAGLIAcOZZI<br />


54. TAGLIAcOZZI, Gaspare. de curtorum<br />

chirurgia, libri duo. Venetiis, G.Bindoni, 1597,<br />

€ 23.000<br />

folio, pp.(28), 94, 2 blanc, 95, 47, (32), modern red<br />

morocco. Woodcut text illustrations, including 22 full<br />

page depicting the author’s instruments and the individual<br />

steps of the various reconstructive operations through the<br />

post-operative stage. First edition of the book which founded<br />

plastic surgery, and among the most important<br />

medical books of the 16th century. Tagliacozzi describes<br />

the method of rhinoplasty that uses a graft from the<br />

patient’s arm; yet his contemporaries refused to adopt his<br />

methods, because the Catholic Church regarded it as meddling<br />

with the work of God. Garrison-Morton 5734.<br />

Durling 4310. Rutkow p.157. Wellcome I, 6210. [18890]<br />


55. TORY. Geoffroy. champ Fleury au quel est<br />

contenu l’art et science de la deue proportion<br />

des Lettres Antiques… et vulgairement Lettres<br />

Romaines proportionnées… Paris, G.Tory et<br />

Gilles de Gourmont, 1529, € 70.000<br />

quarto, ll. (8), 80, roman type with several words in greek.<br />

Binding in later full vellum. The volume is Illustrated with<br />

116 extraordinary woodcuts of alphabetical letters and<br />

14 full page alphabets. First edition, greatly scarce, of this<br />

early text on French grammar, calligraphy and typography<br />

at the beginnings of the XVI century. At the same time this<br />

book is one of the most famous, original and rare illustrated<br />

of the French Renaissance. A good copy. Mortimer, French<br />

books, n.524. Brunet, V, 897-898. [5478]<br />


56. VeceLLIO, Cesare. Abiti Antichi ouero<br />

Raccolta di Figure delineate dal gran Titiano…<br />

intagliate. Venice, Hertz, 1664, € 4.500<br />

in-8, pp.(14), 415, (1), contemporary full calf binding.<br />

Third edition (first 1590) of this extraordinary work of<br />

great interest for art, history and dressing at the renaissance<br />

time. It is illustrated by 415 full page xylographic illustrations<br />

of fineries of men and women in all countries,<br />

including America and the New World. Colas, n.2978.<br />

Michel-Michel, p.98. Brunet, V, 1104. [7647]<br />

57. VOSS, Isaac. de Lucis Natura et proprietate.<br />

Amsterdam, apud Elzevirium, 1662, € 7.500<br />

Small 4to, pp.(8), 85, (3), printer’s device on title, geometric<br />

illustrations, head-letters and headings in text, original<br />

boards. First and only edition of this rare and peculiar treatise<br />

on the properties of light discovered by Snell in 1601<br />

but published only in 1662. This matter has also been studied<br />

by Galileo and Cartesio. Beautiful copy with<br />

provenance of Alfonso Borelli. Willems, Elzevir, I, 296.[9864]<br />


58. Waldenses - LeGeR, Jean. Algemeine<br />

Geschichteder Waldenser oder evangelischen<br />

kirchen in den Thalern von piemont… mit vielent<br />

kupfern… Breslau, J.J.Korn, 1750, € 3.500<br />

2 vols. in 3 parts, quarto, contemporary calf binding. First<br />

and only German translation of the well known historical<br />

texte “Histoire des Vaudois” by Leger published in Leiden<br />

in 1669, illustrated with one folded map and 34 full page<br />

engravings showing episodes of life of this people. Hugon-<br />

Gonnet n.68. Muston p. 401. Graesse vol. IV. p.148. [9680]<br />

59. Waldenses - peRRIN, J.P. histoire des<br />

Vaudois… leurs origine, croyance, persecutions<br />

par plus de 400 ans. Genève, Berjon. 1619,<br />

€ 3.200<br />

3 parts in one vol. in-8, contemporary vellum binding.<br />

First and only edition of this very rare first history of<br />

Waldenses people in all the countries they moved for centuries,<br />

chiefly in Piedmont, France and Switzerland. Fine<br />

copy. Caillet, 8539: “rare ouvrage, remarquable et precieuse”.<br />

44<br />


60. WeIBeL, Jakob Samuel - STApFeR, Philippe<br />

Albert. Voyage Pittoresque de l’Oberland, ou<br />

Description de Vues prises dans l’Oberland,<br />

District du Canton Berne. Paris: [Crapelet for]<br />

Treuttel & Würtz, 1812, € 36.000<br />

Large 4to (355 x 260 mm), contemporary tan boards, giltstamped<br />

green morocco title label on spine, in a tan cloth<br />

slipcase; rebacked with most of original spine laid down<br />

Half-title, hand-colored engraved title as frontispiece,<br />

engraved map, 28 engraved plates: 14 with contemporary<br />

hand-coloring and 14 repeated in uncolored versions. A<br />

rare album of views of mountains and glaciers around<br />

Jungfrau and Grindelwald; no other copies with the plates<br />

in double state are described by bibliographies. The work<br />

first appeared in 1796 with 12 plates only and the text in<br />

German and French. This edition contains a new text in<br />

French by the Berne statesman Stapfer (1766-1849). A<br />

mostly uncut copy with the plates protected by guard<br />

paper; occasional light marginal foxing; from V.A.G. Child<br />

Villiers, Earl of Jersey (his Middleton Park engraved bookplate<br />

and 2 library stamps on half-title). Lonchamp 745.<br />

Perret 4534: “Très rare et très recherché”. [18912<br />


INdeX OF SuBJecTS<br />

Alchemy 4, 29<br />

Alps 6, 14, 31, 32<br />

Architecture 21<br />

Astronomy 15, 18, 25, 28<br />

Bodoni G.B. 11<br />

Botany and flowers 26, 33, 48<br />

Colour plates books 6, 8, 10, 17, 31, 32<br />

Fashion 8, 17, 56<br />

Fencing 20, 30<br />

Fine Arts 34, 42, 55<br />

Fish 1<br />

Gastronomy 44<br />

Geography and Atlases 37, 40, 47, 49<br />

Incunabula 14 28, 44<br />

Italian History 7, 41,<br />

Literature 5, 16, 18, 22, 46, 51, 52<br />

Magic and Alchemy 29, 35<br />

Manuscrits 23, 34<br />

Medicine and Surgery 53, 54<br />

Music 13<br />

Natural History 1, 26, 27, 33, 46, 48<br />

Religions 29, 29, 36, 58, 59<br />

Savoy and Piedmont 14, 43<br />

Science 9, 25, 57<br />

Switzerland 6, 10, 14, 24, 31, 32, 38-9, 50. 60<br />

Travels 6, 16, 24, 31, 38, 39, 60<br />

Woodcuts 1, 2, 3, 9, 12, 18, 20, 26, 27, 28, 33,<br />

35, 36, 38, 43, 54, 55, 56<br />



19. eRASmuS, printed on vellum

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