leibstandarte adolf hitler - O сайте maparchive.ru

leibstandarte adolf hitler - O сайте maparchive.ru

leibstandarte adolf hitler - O сайте maparchive.ru


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Abteiluiigen Sippenf orschung und Schulung, and Sturmbann<br />

units relating to A. V. (Abstammungs or Ahnentafeln<br />

Vervaltunq) papers; and qeneral correspondence,<br />

LSSAH, Ahnentafeln. List of persornel cf LSSAH whose<br />

genealogies (Ahnentafeln) had neeri received and monthly<br />

strength lists of LSSAH/I., II., and III. Sturmbann and<br />

subordinate units, including name, rank, date of birth,<br />

and SS and party number for March and April 1936.<br />

LSSAH, Sepp Dietrich 1935. Correspondence of SS<br />

Gbeuq<strong>ru</strong>ppenfuehrer Sepp Dietrich consisting of requests<br />

tor personal favors and the answers of his office<br />

thereto.<br />

LSSAH, Stuf. u. K., 1936. Daly lists of the sergeants<br />

of the guard (Der Fuehrer der fionde) for the various<br />

companies of Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, location of<br />

the guards, and daily password*<br />

LSSAH, Sturmfuehrer VOID Kasernendicnst. Daily list of<br />

the SS company commander for barracks service<br />

(SturmfueLrer vom Kasernendienst), the location of the<br />

guards, and the daily password*<br />

LSSAH, Stuf. u. K. Daily list of the sergeant of the<br />

guard and the SS company commander for barracks service<br />

chosen from the various companies of the Leibstandarte<br />

SS Adolf Hitler, location of the guards, and the daily<br />

password.<br />

LSSAH, Stuf. u. K. Daily list of the sergeant of the<br />

guard and the SS company commander for barracks service<br />

chosen from the various companies of the Leibstandarte<br />

SS Adolf Hitler, location of the guards, and the daily<br />

password.<br />

LSSAH, Allgemein. Lists of SS personnel who obtained<br />

Sportsabzeichen; order of the day of LSSAH; duty roster<br />

of 3. Schuetzen-Ersatzkompanie; strength reports of<br />

LSSAH units; and correspondence cf LSSAH Abteilung<br />

Sippenforschung/Ib, I., II., and III. Sturmbann,<br />

ww2@<strong>maparchive</strong>.<strong>ru</strong><br />


1936/03/00-1936/04/00<br />

1935/01/01-1935/12/31<br />

1936/01/01-1936/12/31<br />

1933/10/01-1934/09/20<br />

LSSAH 33 201 3861597<br />

LSSAH 34<br />

LSSAH 35<br />

LSSAH 36<br />

1934/09/20-1935/07/15 LSSAH 37<br />

1935/07/16-1935/12/31 LSSAH 38<br />

1934/11/21-1940/12/31 LSSAH 39<br />

47<br />

201 3861772<br />

201 3862423<br />

202 3862827<br />

202 3863498<br />

202 3864093<br />

203 3864430

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