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Drugie oczy pilota - Katowice Airport

Drugie oczy pilota - Katowice Airport


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projektów: „Maraton twórczości Góreckiego”, „Pociąg do muzyki<br />

Kilara”, „Muzyczna podróż morska” oraz „Dzień Kilara”.<br />

10.10.2008, godz. 19.30<br />

Inauguracja sezonu 2008/2009<br />

dyrygent: Jerzy Semkow, solista: rudolf Buchbinder<br />

Brahms – I Koncert fortepianowy, III Symfonia<br />

9.11.2008 – Kraków, 10.11.2008 – <strong>Katowice</strong>, 11.11.2008 –<br />

– Warszawa<br />

Koncerty z okazji 90-lecia odzyskania niepodległości<br />

dyrygent: wojciech Michniewski; soliści: Iwona Hossa, ewa<br />

Marciniec, rafał Bartmiński, Piotr Nowacki, Piers Lane; Chór<br />

Polskiego radia w Krakowie, Chór Filharmonii śląskiej<br />

Panufnik – A Procession for Peace, Paderewski – Koncert fortepianowy,<br />

Kilar – Te Deum (światowe prawykonanie)<br />

• Over 70 years of tradition<br />

• One of the largest orchestras in Europe<br />

• For many years the Orchestra was directed by Grzegorz Fitelberg<br />

– the orchestra’s founder, as well as others such as Jan<br />

Krenz, Kazimierz Korda, Antoni wit and Gabriel Chmura. In<br />

2002, Joanna wnuk-Nazarowa became the general and progamme<br />

director. Stanisław Skrowaczewski is the chief guest<br />

conductor and the honorary chief conductor is Jan Krenz.<br />

Jerzy Semkow will continue in the role of artistic director until<br />

December – to complete the “Brahms – as interpreted by<br />

Semkow” cycle of concerts. In January, 2009, Jacek Kasprzyk<br />

will take over the role of musical director – following on from<br />

Antoni wit and Gabriel Chmura, who was the laureat of the<br />

Herbet von Karajan competition<br />

• The Orchestra has had the privelege to perform with worldclass<br />

artists such as M. Argerich, L. Bernstein, P. Domingo,<br />

M. Maiskim, K. Masur, M. Pollin, M. rostropowicz, A. rubinstein,<br />

I. Stern and K. Zimerman<br />

• NOSPr has collaborated with several of the world’s most<br />

prominent composers of the second half of the 20th century:<br />

witold Lutosławski, Krzysztof Penderecki and Henryk Mikołaj<br />

Górecki, often performing world premieres of their work<br />

• the Orchestra has a large repertoire of recordings – over 190<br />

albums for influential record labels as well as film scores for<br />

major Polish cinematographic masterpieces<br />

• Invited to take part in prestigious artistic events, NOSPr performs<br />

worldwide in the most important music centres.<br />

• NOSPr is the organisor of the biennial “Festival of Premieres<br />

– Contemporary Polish Music” – the 3rd edition will take<br />

place in March 2009<br />

• In recent years, NOSPr has increased its audience base with<br />

innovative events: “the marathon of Górecki’s works”, “Drive<br />

to Kilar’s Music”, “Musical Sea Voyage” and “Kilar’s Day”.<br />

10.10.2008, 7:30 pm<br />

2008/2009 Season Inauguration<br />

conductor: Jerzy Semkow, soloist: rudolf Buchbinder<br />

Brahms – Piano Concerto No. I, Symphony No.3<br />

9.11.2008 – Kraków, 10.11.2008 – <strong>Katowice</strong>, 11.11.2008 – warsaw<br />

90th anniversary of regaining independance<br />

conductor – wojciech Michniewski, soloists – Iwona Hossa,<br />

ewa Marciniec, rafał Bartmiński, Piotr Nowacki, Piers Lane,<br />

28.11.2008 – 9.12.2008<br />

Festiwal Górecki • Penderecki – w 75. rocznicę urodzin<br />

13.12.2008, godz. 19.30<br />

dyrygent: Jerzy Semkow; soliści: Viviane Hagner, Alban<br />

Gerhardt<br />

Brahms – Koncert podwójny na skrzypce, wiolonczelę i orkiestrę,<br />

IV Symfonia<br />

Pełny program koncertów na stronie: www.nospr.org.pl<br />

narodowa Orkiestra Symfoniczna Polskiego Radia w Katowicach<br />

National Polish radio Symphony Orchestra in <strong>Katowice</strong><br />

Sala koncertowa im. G. Fitelberga | Fitelberg Concert Hall<br />

pl. Sejmu śląskiego 2, 40-032 <strong>Katowice</strong><br />

tel. (032) 251 89 03, 255 32 61<br />

e-mail: nospr@nospr.org.pl<br />

Polish radio Chorus in Cracow, Silesia Philharmonic Choir<br />

Panufnik – A Procession for Peace, Paderewski – Piano con<br />

certo, Kilar – Te Deum (world premiere)<br />

28.11 – 9.12.2008<br />

Górecki • Penderecki Festival – 75th Birthday celebration<br />

13.12.2008, 7:30pm<br />

conductor – Jerzy Semkow, soloists – Viviane Hagner, Alban<br />

Gerhardt<br />

Brahms – Double Concerto for violin, cello and orchestra,<br />

Brahms – Symphony No. 4<br />

For full concert information visit: www.nospr.org.pl<br />



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