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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Analisis Komponen Minyak Atsiri Hasil Distalasi Daging Buah Pala (Myristica fragrans HOUTT). Analisis ekonomi usaha budidaya terpadu antara ikan dengan ayam (longyam) di Tasikmalaya Jawa Barat. Analisa Ukuran Butir Sedimen di Perairan Estuary, Sungai Oura dan Sekitarnya, Pulau Okinawa, Jepang Selatan Rampengan, V.F., Koeshendrajana, S., Rifardi Terubuk XX (58): 60-71 Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian, Edisi Kedua Sudarmadji Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian, Edisi Kedua Analisa bahan dan manfaatnya dalam menyusun ransum ternak. Tangendjaja, B Anaerobic Biodegradation of 2,4-Dichlorophenol in Freshwater Lake Sediment at Different Temperatures An ultrasonic non destructive method for measuring maturity of mango fruit An Ultrasonic non Destructive Method for Measuring Maturity of Manggo Fruit An NMR method for determination of configuration of ff B- subtituted carboxylic acids An investigation on the extraction and concentration of isoflavones in soy-based products An investigation of stocks of giant clams (family Tridacnidae) in Java and of their utilization and potentials Kohring, G.W. Appl. And Environ. Microbiol. Vol. 55 No. 2: 348-353 Mizrach, A. Trans. ASAE 40(4): 1107-1111 Mizrach A. Transaction of The ASAE 40(4): 1107- 1111 Hoye, T.R Tetrahedron lett. 2289-2293 Nguyenie, T. J. Pharma. Biomed.Anal. 14:221-232 Brown, L.H. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, 1:Z5-39 An improved universal buffer. Analyst. Johnson, W.C. (Lond.) 64: 490-492. An exponential surplus-yield model for optimising exploited fish populations, Fox, W.W. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc., 1: 80-88. An expert system utility for environmental impact Mercer, K.G. J. of environmental management 45, assessment in engineering 1-23 An evolution of the Tolerance of Corals to Nutrients and Related Water Quality Characteristic. Hawker, DW Int. J. Environ. Stud. 34. 179. An Evaluation of the Impact of Sublethal Dosages of Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus in Larvae on Pupae, Adults and Adult Progeny of the Fall Armyworn, Spodoptera fugiiperda Perelle, A.H. J. Invertebr. Pathol 47: 42-47 An estimate of the dietary calcium requirement of fingerling Tilapia aurea reared in calcium-free water. An Epizootic Model of an Insect - Fungal Pathogen System An enclosed hot water spray cabinet for improved Hygiene of carcasses meat Robinson, E.H., Aquaculture 41: 389-393. Brown, G.C. Bull. Math. Biol. 44: 731-739 Graham A. CSIRO Meat Res. Report No. 11/78 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 918 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah An electrophoretic survey of genetic variation in Pecten maximus, Chlamys opecularis, C. distorta from the lrish sea An egg production method for estimating spawning biomass of pelagic fish: an application to the northern anchovy. Engraulis mordax. An Ecological survey of the marine fauna of Low Isles, Queensland An ecological study on Edwardsiella tarda in flounder farms An automated method for the determination of ammonium- N in ecological materials An automated method for the determination of ammonium- N in ecological materials An alternative approach to achieving high yields in tropical reservoirs. Beaumont, A.R. Marine Biologic. 81: 299-306 Lasker. R. (ed.). NOAA National Mar. Fish. Service Tech. Rep. No. 36. Stephenson, W. Austr. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 9(2): 261- 325 Mamnur Rashid, M. Fish Pathol. 29: 221-227. Rowland, A.P. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 14: 49–63 Rowland. A. P. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 14: 49-63 De Silva, S.S. Naga, ICLARMQ. 12(1): 8-9. An Agro - Climatic Map of Java. Oldeman, L.R., Contr. CRIA Bogor. No. 17: 1-22. An A-factor-dependent extracytoplasmic function sigma factor (o'^) that is essential for morphological development in Streptomyces griseus Yamazaki, H. J. Bacleriol. 182: 4596-4605 Amylases a and b. Meth. Bernfeld, P. Enzymol. 1: 149-158. Ammonium uptake by symbiotic and aposymbiotic reef corals Muscatine, L. Bull. Mar, Sci. 29(4):572-575 Amino acid uptake and metabolism by larvae of the marine worm Urechis caupo (Echiura), a new species in axenic culture Jaeckle.W.B. Bioi. Bull., 176: 317-326 Amino Acid Sequence Homologv of Coat Proteins as A Basis for Identification and Classification of the Potyvirus Group Shukla, D.D. J. gen. Virol. 69-2703-2710 Amino acid fluxes to and from seawater in axenic veliger larvae of bivalve (Crassostrea gigas) Manahan, D.T. Mar. Ecol. Prog.Ser.,53:247-255 Aluminium induced rapid root inhibition and change in cell wall components of squash seedlings. Hoa Le Van, Plant Physiol. 106: 971-976. Altered time course of urinary daidzein and genistein excretion during chronic soya diet in healthy males Lu, L. W. Nutr. Cancer. 24:311-323 Alkaloid of Kopsia lapidilecta. Awang, K., Journal of Natural Products. Vol. 23, 1134-1139. Alkaloid from Leaves of Kopsia larutensis. Kam, T.S., Photochemistry. Vol. 31, 2936-2938. Aliran Energi Pada Ekosistem Mangrove Soeroyo Majalah Oseana. XIII (2): 52-59 Alfa-Laval's World. Anonymous Production Information ALT, Ljunglofs, Stockholm. 40pp. Albinistic carp, Cyprinus varpio,from Roosevelt Lake, rizone Johnson, J.E. Traiw. Am. Fish. Soc. 97: 209-211. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 919 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

An electrophoretic survey of genetic variation in Pecten<br />

maximus, Chlamys opecularis, C. distorta from the lrish sea<br />

An egg production method for estimating spawning<br />

biomass of pelagic fish: an application to the northern<br />

anchovy. Engraulis mordax.<br />

An Ecological survey of the marine fauna of Low Isles,<br />

Queensland<br />

An ecological study on Edwardsiella tarda in flounder<br />

farms<br />

An automated method for the determination of ammonium-<br />

N in ecological materials<br />

An automated method for the determination of ammonium-<br />

N in ecological materials<br />

An alternative approach to achieving high yields in tropical<br />

reservoirs.<br />

Beaumont, A.R. Marine Biologic. 81: 299-306<br />

Lasker. R. (ed.). NOAA National Mar. Fish. Service<br />

Tech. Rep. No. 36.<br />

Stephenson, W. Austr. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 9(2): 261-<br />

325<br />

Mamnur Rashid, M. Fish Pathol. 29: 221-227.<br />

Rowland, A.P. Communication in Soil Science and<br />

Plant Analysis, 14: 49–63<br />

Rowland. A. P. Communication in Soil Science and<br />

Plant Analysis, 14: 49-63<br />

De Silva, S.S. Naga, ICLARMQ. 12(1): 8-9.<br />

An Agro - Climatic Map of Java. Oldeman, L.R., Contr. CRIA Bogor. No. 17: 1-22.<br />

An A-factor-dependent extracytoplasmic function sigma<br />

factor (o'^) that is essential for morphological development<br />

in Streptomyces griseus<br />

Yamazaki, H. J. Bacleriol. 182: 4596-4605<br />

Amylases a and b. Meth. Bernfeld, P. Enzymol. 1: 149-158.<br />

Ammonium uptake by symbiotic and aposymbiotic reef<br />

corals<br />

Muscatine, L. Bull. Mar, Sci. 29(4):572-575<br />

Amino acid uptake and metabolism by larvae of the marine<br />

worm Urechis caupo (Echiura), a new species in axenic<br />

culture<br />

Jaeckle.W.B. Bioi. Bull., 176: 317-326<br />

Amino Acid Sequence Homologv of Coat Proteins as A<br />

Basis for Identification and Classification of the Potyvirus<br />

Group<br />

Shukla, D.D. J. gen. Virol. 69-2703-2710<br />

Amino acid fluxes to and from seawater in axenic veliger<br />

larvae of bivalve (Crassostrea gigas)<br />

Manahan, D.T. Mar. Ecol. Prog.Ser.,53:247-255<br />

Aluminium induced rapid root inhibition and change in cell<br />

wall components of squash seedlings.<br />

Hoa Le Van, Plant Physiol. 106: 971-976.<br />

Altered time course of urinary daidzein and genistein<br />

excretion during chronic soya diet in healthy males<br />

Lu, L. W. Nutr. Cancer. 24:311-323<br />

Alkaloid of Kopsia lapidilecta. Awang, K., Journal of Natural Products. Vol. 23,<br />

1134-1139.<br />

Alkaloid from Leaves of Kopsia larutensis. Kam, T.S., Photochemistry. Vol. 31, 2936-2938.<br />

Aliran Energi Pada Ekosistem Mangrove Soeroyo Majalah Oseana. XIII (2): 52-59<br />

Alfa-Laval's World. Anonymous Production Information ALT, Ljunglofs,<br />

Stockholm. 40pp.<br />

Albinistic carp, Cyprinus varpio,from Roosevelt Lake,<br />

rizone<br />

Johnson, J.E. Traiw. Am. Fish. Soc. 97: 209-211.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 919 dari 931

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