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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Biochemical genetic of Fundulus heleroclitus (L). I. Temporal and spatial variation in gene frequencies of Ldh- B, Mdh-A, Gpi-B and Pgm-A. Bioche.m. Powers, D.A. Genet. 16: 593-607. Biochemical function and ecological siignifance of novel bachterilal lipids In deep-sea prokaryotes DeLong, E.F. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 51:730-737 Biochemical ecology of nitrification and denitrification Focht, D.D. Adv. Microbial. Ecol, 1: 138-214 Biochemical composition of the oysters Crassostrea iridescence Hanley and Crassostrea corteziensis Hertlein in the Northwest coast of Mexico: seasonal changes Paez - Osuna, F. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 170: 1-9 BiochemicaI and lactic acid bacteria Nettles, C.G. J, Food Protection. 56: 338-356 Bioassays Technique, an Ecological Perspective Wolfson, J.H. J. Chem. Ecol. Big purse seiners fishery statistical collection : year 1994. Potier, M., Java Sea Pelagic Fishery Assessment Project, Sci. and Tech. Doc. 22. 46 pp. Benthic studies of the northwest African upwelling region: psychrophilic and psychrotrophic bacterial communities from areas with different upwelling intensities Beneficial effect a low Glycaemic Index diet in type 2 diabetes Bencn-Top Biossays for the Discovery of Bioactive Natural Products : An Update Ruger H Mar Ecol Prog Ser 57: 45-52 Wolever, T.M.S. Diabetic Medicine 451-8 McLaughlin, J.L. Atta-Ur-Rahman (eds.). Studies in Natural Product. Vol. 9 Behavioural Problems in Dogs and Cats O'Farrell V In Practice.8: 91-100. Behavior of L. monocytogenes in skim milk during fermentation with mesophilic lactic starter cultures Behavior of L monocytogenes in the presence of cocoa, carrageenan, and sugar in milk medium incubated with and wilhout agitation Behavior of L monocytogenes in skim milk and in yogurt mix during fermentation by Termophilic lactic acid bacteria Beberapa rancang bangun akuakultur pada pengembangan dan pembesaran kepiting bakau (Scy//a serrata). Beberapa metoda pengendalian tumbuhan air pengganggu. Beberapa kondisi lingkungan perairan kepiting bakau {Scylla serrata) di perairan Tanjung Pasir Tangerang. Beberapa Karakteristik Kerupuk Ikan yang Dibuat dengan Variasi Rasio Ikan Nila/Tapioka dan Lama Perebusan Adonan Schaak, M. M. Journal of Foof Protection, 51: 600- 606 Pearson, L.J. Journal of Food Protection, 53 , 30-37 Schaak, M.M. Journal of Food Protection. 51: 607- 614 Dharmadi, F. Anonim. Warta Pertanian Majalah Teknis dan Ilmiah Populer. No. 44 Th. VII. Wahyuni, E. Ag. Pamudji Rahardjo Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 910 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Beberapa hal mengenai karang Romimoehtarto,K. Pewarta Oseana. Beberapa Faktor Mutu Biji Kakao Sulistyowati Warta Balai Penelitian Perkebunan Jember. 5-22 Beberapa catatan tentang usaha budidaya ikan dalam keramba jaring apung di Pulau Sirai, Kepulauan Riau. Soeharmoko Beberapa Aspek Biologi Teripang Ekonomis Penting Tuwo, A. Jur. Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan. Beberapa aspek biologi reproduksi ikan payangka (Ophiocara porocephala) dan manggabai (Glosgobius giurus) di Perairan Danau Limbolo. Beberapa aspek biologi kerang Hijau Perna viridis darl perairan Binaria Teluk Jakarta Beberapa aspek biologi kerang hijau Perna viridis dari perairan Bina Ria Teluk Jakarta Beberapa aspek biolimnologi dan perikanan di Danau tondano. Sulawesi Utara. Beauveria sp Parasit pada Larva Penggerek Batang Kakao), Zeuzera coffeae Nient Bean trawl Survey as a monitoring tool in polluted estuaries in north east England Beam Trawl survey as monitoring fool in polluted estauries In Notrh East England Bathy-metric adaptations of reef building corals at Davies Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, II, Light saturation curves for photo-synthesis and respiration Basis of Yield Component Compensation in Crop Plants with Special Reference to the Field Bean. Phaseolus Vulgaris. Balhymetric adaptations on reef-building corals at Davies Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. II. Light saturation curves for photosynthesis and respiration Bakteri pencemar pada telur gagal menetas, bulu halus anak-anak ayam, debu, dan air pelembab pada mesin penetas ayam. Bahan-Bahan Pemanis. Ed. I Sudarmadji, S. Bagaimana posisi industri perikanan Indonesia di pasar global. Baculovirus Replication Alters Hormon-Regulated Host Development Satria, H. Beberapa aspek biologi reproduksi ikan payangka (Ophiocara porocephala) dan manggabai (Glosgobius giurus) di Perairan Danau Limbolo. Kastoro. W. Jurnal Penelitlan Perikanan Laut, 45: 83 – IO2 Kastoro, W. Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut, 45: 83-102 Uniar. C. Beberapa aspek biolimnologi dan perikanan di Danau tondano. Sulawesi Utara. Utomo, C.D. Buletin Perkebunan 19: 137-142 Pomfred, J.R. Journal of Fish Biology, 33: Supplement A: 71-77 Pomfred, J. P. J. Fish. Biol. 33. (SuppI A): 7I - 77 Chalker, B.E. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 73: 37-56 Adams, M.W., Crop Sci. 7: 505-510. Chalker, B.E. J.Exp. Mar..Biol. Ecol. 73: 37-56 Suryana, Penyakit Hewan. XXV (46):128-132. Suboko, B. Bulletin Gappindo Edisi XIII-April 1997. Jakarta. Park, EJ. J. General Virology. 77: 547-554 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 911 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Biochemical genetic of Fundulus heleroclitus (L). I.<br />

Temporal and spatial variation in gene frequencies of Ldh-<br />

B, Mdh-A, Gpi-B and Pgm-A. Bioche.m.<br />

Powers, D.A. Genet. 16: 593-607.<br />

Biochemical function and ecological siignifance of novel<br />

bachterilal lipids In deep-sea prokaryotes<br />

DeLong, E.F. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 51:730-737<br />

Biochemical ecology of nitrification and denitrification Focht, D.D. Adv. Microbial. Ecol, 1: 138-214<br />

Biochemical composition of the oysters Crassostrea<br />

iridescence Hanley and Crassostrea corteziensis Hertlein<br />

in the Northwest coast of Mexico: seasonal changes<br />

Paez - Osuna, F. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 170: 1-9<br />

BiochemicaI and lactic acid bacteria Nettles, C.G. J, Food Protection. 56: 338-356<br />

Bioassays Technique, an Ecological Perspective Wolfson, J.H. J. Chem. Ecol.<br />

Big purse seiners fishery statistical collection : year 1994. Potier, M., Java Sea Pelagic Fishery<br />

Assessment Project, Sci. and Tech.<br />

Doc. 22. 46 pp.<br />

Benthic studies of the northwest African upwelling region:<br />

psychrophilic and psychrotrophic bacterial communities<br />

from areas with different upwelling intensities<br />

Beneficial effect a low Glycaemic Index diet in type 2<br />

diabetes<br />

Bencn-Top Biossays for the Discovery of Bioactive Natural<br />

Products : An Update<br />

Ruger H Mar Ecol Prog Ser 57: 45-52<br />

Wolever, T.M.S. Diabetic Medicine 451-8<br />

McLaughlin, J.L. Atta-Ur-Rahman (eds.). Studies in<br />

Natural Product. Vol. 9<br />

Behavioural Problems in Dogs and Cats O'Farrell V In Practice.8: 91-100.<br />

Behavior of L. monocytogenes in skim milk during<br />

fermentation with mesophilic lactic starter cultures<br />

Behavior of L monocytogenes in the presence of cocoa,<br />

carrageenan, and sugar in milk medium incubated with and<br />

wilhout agitation<br />

Behavior of L monocytogenes in skim milk and in yogurt<br />

mix during fermentation by Termophilic lactic acid bacteria<br />

Beberapa rancang bangun akuakultur pada<br />

pengembangan dan pembesaran kepiting bakau (Scy//a<br />

serrata).<br />

Beberapa metoda pengendalian tumbuhan air<br />

pengganggu.<br />

Beberapa kondisi lingkungan perairan kepiting bakau<br />

{Scylla serrata) di perairan Tanjung Pasir Tangerang.<br />

Beberapa Karakteristik Kerupuk Ikan yang Dibuat dengan<br />

Variasi Rasio Ikan Nila/Tapioka dan Lama Perebusan<br />

Adonan<br />

Schaak, M. M. Journal of Foof Protection, 51: 600-<br />

606<br />

Pearson, L.J. Journal of Food Protection, 53 , 30-37<br />

Schaak, M.M. Journal of Food Protection. 51: 607-<br />

614<br />

Dharmadi, F.<br />

Anonim. Warta Pertanian Majalah Teknis dan<br />

Ilmiah Populer. No. 44 Th. VII.<br />

Wahyuni, E.<br />

Ag. Pamudji<br />

Rahardjo<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 910 dari 931

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