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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Biotechnological tools in pathogen detection and fish/shrimp health management: BIOSYS-1: a FORTRAN program for the comprehensive analysis of electrophoretic data in population genetics and systematics Karunasagar, I. Practical Manual. UNESCO/FAO International Workshop, Mangalore, India, Oct. 30 - Nov. 4, 2000. 104 pp. Swofford, D.L. J. Hered. 72: 281-283. Biosynthesis and action of ethylene Yang, S.F. Hort Science, 21 :41-45 Biomass model for the egg production method. In Lasker, R. (ed.). An egg production method for estimating spawning biomass of pelagic fish: an application to the northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax. Biomass assessment of a deep-water fish, the orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus), based on an egg survey. Parker, K. NOAA National Mar. Fish. Service Tech. Rep. 36: 5-6. Koslow, J.A.. Mar. Freshwater Ron. 46: 819-30. Biology of the red sea urchin, Strongy-locentrotus frandscanus and its fishery in California. Kato, S. Marine Fisheries Review 47 (3): 1-20. Biology and epidemiology of bacterial wilt caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum. Hayward, A.C. Ann. Rev. Phytopathol. 29: 65-87. Biology and Economics of Growing Seaweeds on Lands in Film Culture Moeller, H.W. Hydrobiologia, 166/177: 299-302 Biological Principle of Lives, Attenuated vaccines Shierly, M.W. Magyar Allatorvosak Lapja, 51: 23-29. Biological Effects of a Diet of Soy Protein Rich in Isoflavones on the Menstrual Cycle of Premenopausal Women Biological Control of TOMATO Bacterial Wilt with the use of Avirulent Strain of Pseudomonas solanacearum Isolated from Stireltitzia reginae Cassidy, A. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 60:333-340 Arwiyanto, T Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan 60.421- 430 Biological Control of Soilborne Plant Pathogens in the Rhizosphere with Bacteria Weller, D.M Arn. Rev, Phytopathol 28:379-40 Biological Control of Sheath Blight of Rice in India with Antagonistic Bacteria Devi, TV. Plans and Soil 119:325-330 Biological Control of Nematodes Pests by Natural Enemis Mankau, R. Ann. Rev. Phytopatology Biological Control of Meloidogyne Javanica with Bacillus penetrans Biological Control of Fusarium Wilt of Botle Gourd by Mixcropping with Welsh Onion or Chinese Chieve Inoculated with Pseudomonas gladioli. Biological Control of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Cubense in Banana by Innoculation with Pseudomonas fluoroscens Stirling. G.R. Phytopatholog. Aric, T. Ann, Pyhtopath. Soc, Japan 53:531- 539 Sivamany, E. Pant and Soil 107: 3-9 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 908 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Biological characteristic and bio-medical application of the squid (S. lessoniana) culture through multiple generation marine. Biomedical Institute. Biological Activity of Spodoptera exgua Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus against Spodoptera exigua Larvae and Their Progeny Lee, P.G., Refrence Biol Bull. 186:328-341. Smith, P.H. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 51: 107-114 Biologi Perikanan. bag. I. Study natural history. Effendie. Biologi Perikanan. bag. I. Study natural history. Biogenetic Analysis of mixotropic growth in Chlorella vulsgaris and Scenedesmeus acutus Ogawa. T Biotech. Bioeng. 23: 1121-1132 Biodiversity of the coral reefs of South-west Sulawesi Best. M.B. Torani. spec. Issue 5 : 22-29 Biodiversity of the coral reefs of South West Sulawesi Best,M.B. Torani Spec, Issue 5 : 22-29 Biodiversity of estuarine fish faunas in West Africa. Naga. Baran, E., The ICLARM Quarterly. Vol. 23. No.4: 4-9. Biodegradation of 2.4-D and related xenobiotic compounds Sinton, G.L. Enzyme Micro. Technol. 8: 395-403 Biodegradation of chlorophenol mixtures by Pseuidomonas putida Dapaah, S.Y Biotechnol. Bioeng.40: 1353-1358 Biocontrol of the larval rearing biotop in aquaculture. Maeda, M. Bull. Natl. Res. Inst. Aquaculture Suppl. 1:71-74. Biocontrol of the larval rearing biotop in aquaculture. Maeda.M. Bulletin National Research Biochemical studies of a selenium-deficient population in China: Measurement of selenium, glutathione peroxidase and other oxidant defense indices in blood. Xia, Y., J. Nutr. 119(9): 1318-1326. Biochemical populations genetics of Pacific herring Clupea pallasi. Biochemical population genetics of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus sterolepeis) and comparison with Atlantic halibut (H. hippoglossus). Biochemical genetics of tiger shrimp Pneaeus monodon: Description electrophoresis detectable loci. Grant, W.S. Can. J. Fish. Aquaculture Sci. 41: 856- 864. Grant, W.S., Canada. J. Fish. Aquaculture Sci. 41: 1083-1088. Sugama, K. Biochemical genetic variations in black sea bream. Sumantadinata, K. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 48: 143-149. Biochemical genetic of tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon description of electrophoretic detectable loci. Biochemical genetic of sunfish. 111. Genetic subdivision of fish population inhabiting heated waters. Sugama, K., Yardley, D., In: Gibbons, J.W. and Sharitz. R.R. (Eds.). Thermal Ecology. AEC Symp. Series (CONF-730505). p. 255-263. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 909 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Biotechnological tools in pathogen detection and<br />

fish/shrimp health management:<br />

BIOSYS-1: a FORTRAN <strong>program</strong> for the comprehensive<br />

analysis of electrophoretic data in population genetics and<br />

systematics<br />

Karunasagar, I. Practical Manual. UNESCO/FAO<br />

International Workshop, Mangalore,<br />

India, Oct. 30 - Nov. 4, 2000. 104 pp.<br />

Swofford, D.L. J. Hered. 72: 281-283.<br />

Biosynthesis and action of ethylene Yang, S.F. Hort Science, 21 :41-45<br />

Biomass model for the egg production method. In Lasker,<br />

R. (ed.). An egg production method for estimating spawning<br />

biomass of pelagic fish: an application to the northern<br />

anchovy, Engraulis mordax.<br />

Biomass assessment of a deep-water fish, the orange<br />

roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus), based on an egg survey.<br />

Parker, K. NOAA National Mar. Fish. Service<br />

Tech. Rep. 36: 5-6.<br />

Koslow, J.A.. Mar. Freshwater Ron. 46: 819-30.<br />

Biology of the red sea urchin, Strongy-locentrotus<br />

frandscanus and its fishery in California.<br />

Kato, S. Marine Fisheries Review 47 (3): 1-20.<br />

Biology and epidemiology of bacterial wilt caused by<br />

Pseudomonas solanacearum.<br />

Hayward, A.C. Ann. Rev. Phytopathol. 29: 65-87.<br />

Biology and Economics of Growing Seaweeds on Lands in<br />

Film Culture<br />

Moeller, H.W. Hydrobiologia, 166/177: 299-302<br />

Biological Principle of Lives, Attenuated vaccines Shierly, M.W. Magyar Allatorvosak Lapja, 51: 23-29.<br />

Biological Effects of a Diet of Soy Protein Rich in<br />

Isoflavones on the Menstrual Cycle of<br />

Premenopausal Women<br />

Biological Control of TOMATO Bacterial Wilt with the use<br />

of Avirulent Strain of Pseudomonas solanacearum Isolated<br />

from Stireltitzia reginae<br />

Cassidy, A. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 60:333-340<br />

Arwiyanto, T Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan 60.421-<br />

430<br />

Biological Control of Soilborne Plant Pathogens in the<br />

Rhizosphere with Bacteria<br />

Weller, D.M Arn. Rev, Phytopathol 28:379-40<br />

Biological Control of Sheath Blight of Rice in India with<br />

Antagonistic Bacteria<br />

Devi, TV. Plans and Soil 119:325-330<br />

Biological Control of Nematodes Pests by Natural Enemis Mankau, R. Ann. Rev. Phytopatology<br />

Biological Control of Meloidogyne Javanica with Bacillus<br />

penetrans<br />

Biological Control of Fusarium Wilt of Botle Gourd by Mixcropping<br />

with Welsh Onion or Chinese Chieve Inoculated<br />

with Pseudomonas gladioli.<br />

Biological Control of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Cubense in<br />

Banana by Innoculation with Pseudomonas fluoroscens<br />

Stirling. G.R. Phytopatholog.<br />

Aric, T. Ann, Pyhtopath. Soc, Japan 53:531-<br />

539<br />

Sivamany, E. Pant and Soil 107: 3-9<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 908 dari 931

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