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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Chromosomonal studies by blood leucocyte culture technique On three salmonids from trigosslavian waters Chromosomes of some Suban-tartic brooding bivalve species Chromosome number, structure and mitotic division of Barbatia barbata (L.) (Bivalvia: Arcidae) from Central Java, Indonesia Chrcicterlsatlon of two glutamate hydrogenases From the symbiotic microalga Syimbiodinium Microadriaticum Isolataed from the coral Acropora formosa Cholesterol-lowering and HDL-raising Properties of Lecithinated Soy Proteins in Type II Hyperlipidemic Patients Al-Sabti J. Fish. Biol. 26: 5- 12 Thiriot-Quievreux, C. Afiati, N. The Veliger 30 (3): 248- 256 Dudler, N. Mar, Biol. 97 : 427 - 430 Sirtori, C. R. Ann. Nutr. Metabol. 29:348-357 Cholesterol Properties of Rice Bran Kahlon, T.S. Cereal Foods World, Vol. 33(2): 99- 103 Chloroquine inhibits the intracellular multiplication of Legionella pneumophila by limiting the availability of iron Byrd, T.F. J. Clin. lnvest., 88: 351-357. Chlorophyl metabolism in higher plants VI Involvement of peroxidase in chlorophyl degradation Kato, M. Plant Cell Physiol. 26 (7): 1291- 1301 Chlorination and waterquality in aquac-ulture ponds. Boyd, C.E. World Aquaculture, 27: 41-45 Chitosan-poly (acrylic acid): Mechanism of complex Formation and Industrial Applications Chavasit, V. Biotechnol. Prog. 6:2-6 Chitosan Production from Carapace and Shell of Black Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) Banyakul.S. ASEAN Food Journal, 8(4): 145-148 Chitosan as an Ingredient for Domestic Animal Feed Hirano, S. J. Agric. Food Chem. 38: 1214-1217 Chitinolytic Enzymes of trichoderma harzianum: Purification of Chitobiosidase and Endochitinase Chironominae of Malayan Sub-region of the Dutch East Indies. Chironomidae of the Holartic region. Keys and diagnoses. Part 1. Larvae. China, a country with both selenium deficiency and toxicity: Some thoughts and impressions. Harman, G.E. Phytopathology 83, 313-318 Johannsen, 0.A. Arch.fur Hydro-biologie, Supplement- Band XI, p. 501-552. Wiederholm,T. Entomo-logica Scandinavica. Supplement No. 19, 457 pp. Whanger, P.D, J. Nutr. 119(9):1236-1239. Chephalopod of the world, Ropper, C. E. F, FAO species cataloque Vol 3. An annotated and illustrated cataloque of species of interest to fisheries, FAO Fish,Synop3 (152) : 227p. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 902 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Chepalopod resources in the Indo Pasific region. In Caddy, J. F. (ed). Advance in assesment of world Chepalopod resources. Chemoreceptive property in feeding of the prawn P. japonicus Chikuni, S. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 231: 264-305 Nakamura, K. Mem. Fac. Fish. Kagoshima Univ. 36(1) : 201-205 Chemistry and biological properties of onion and garlic Carson, J.F. Food Rev. Intl., 31 : 71 - 103 Chemical spray conditions for reducing bacteria on chicken skins Chemical screening methods for maize protein quality at cimmyt Chemical Quality and Productions of Agars Extracted from Gracilaria tikvahiae Grown in Different Nitrogen Enrichment Conditions Chemical and microbiological changes during autolysis offish and poultry viscera. Characterization of pscyhrotrophic bacteria In the surface and deep-sea waters from the northwestern Pacific Ocean based on 16S ribosomal DNA analysis Characterization of Peanut Stripe Virus (PStV) Isolated from Various Provinces in Indonesia Characterization of diverse 2,4-D-degradative plasmids isolated from soil by complementation Characterization of a novel bacterial adhesion specificity of Streptococ-cus suis recognizing blood group P receptor oligosaccharides Characterization of a chromosomally encoded 2,4-D/a ketoglutarate dioxygenase from Burkholderia sp. strain RASC Characteristics of two trypsin type isoenzymes isolated from the arctic fish capelin. Characteristics of two trypsin type isoenzymes isolated from the arctic fish capelin. Characteristics of the Microplate Method of Enzyme- Linked Immunosorbent Assay for The Detection of Plant Viruses Characteristics of the fish pathogen Edwardsiella isolated from several species of cultured marine fishes Xiong. H. J. Food Sci. 63:699-701 Villegas, E. Res. Bull., 20: 1-14 Birds, K.T. Bot. Mar. 24: 444-441 Mahendrakar, M.S., Trop. So., 31: 45-54. Radjasa OK Mar. Biotech 3:454-462 Akin, H.M. Top, E.M. Appl. Environ. Mkrobiol. 61 (5): 1691- 1698 Haataja, S. J.Biol.Chem, 268.4311-4317 Suwa, Y. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62. (7) 2464- 2469 Hjelmeland, K. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 71B: 557- 562. Hjelmeland, K. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 71 B, 557- 562. Clark, M.F. J. Gen. Virol. Yasunaga, N. Bull. Nagasaki Pref. Inst. Fish. (8): 57- 65. Characteristics of Starch Network Within Rice Flour Noodles and Mungbean Starch Vermicelli Mestres. C. J. Food Sci. 53 : 1909-1812 Characteristics of Pseudomonas solanacearum. Hayward, A.C. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 27: 265-277. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 903 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Chromosomonal studies by blood leucocyte culture<br />

technique On three salmonids from trigosslavian waters<br />

Chromosomes of some Suban-tartic brooding bivalve<br />

species<br />

Chromosome number, structure and mitotic division of<br />

Barbatia barbata (L.) (Bivalvia: Arcidae) from Central Java,<br />

Indonesia<br />

Chrcicterlsatlon of two glutamate hydrogenases From the<br />

symbiotic microalga Syimbiodinium Microadriaticum<br />

Isolataed from the coral Acropora formosa<br />

Cholesterol-lowering and HDL-raising Properties of<br />

Lecithinated Soy Proteins in Type II Hyperlipidemic<br />

Patients<br />

Al-Sabti J. Fish. Biol. 26: 5- 12<br />

Thiriot-Quievreux,<br />

C.<br />

Afiati, N.<br />

The Veliger 30 (3): 248- 256<br />

Dudler, N. Mar, Biol. 97 : 427 - 430<br />

Sirtori, C. R. Ann. Nutr. Metabol. 29:348-357<br />

Cholesterol Properties of Rice Bran Kahlon, T.S. Cereal Foods World, Vol. 33(2): 99-<br />

103<br />

Chloroquine inhibits the intracellular multiplication of<br />

Legionella pneumophila by limiting the availability of iron<br />

Byrd, T.F. J. Clin. lnvest., 88: 351-357.<br />

Chlorophyl metabolism in higher plants VI Involvement of<br />

peroxidase in chlorophyl degradation<br />

Kato, M. Plant Cell Physiol. 26 (7): 1291- 1301<br />

Chlorination and waterquality in aquac-ulture ponds. Boyd, C.E. World Aquaculture, 27: 41-45<br />

Chitosan-poly (acrylic acid): Mechanism of complex<br />

Formation and Industrial Applications<br />

Chavasit, V. Biotechnol. Prog. 6:2-6<br />

Chitosan Production from Carapace and Shell of Black<br />

Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon)<br />

Banyakul.S. ASEAN Food Journal, 8(4): 145-148<br />

Chitosan as an Ingredient for Domestic Animal Feed Hirano, S. J. Agric. Food Chem. 38: 1214-1217<br />

Chitinolytic Enzymes of trichoderma harzianum:<br />

Purification of Chitobiosidase and Endochitinase<br />

Chironominae of Malayan Sub-region of the Dutch East<br />

Indies.<br />

Chironomidae of the Holartic region. Keys and diagnoses.<br />

Part 1. Larvae.<br />

China, a country with both selenium deficiency and<br />

toxicity: Some thoughts and impressions.<br />

Harman, G.E. Phytopathology 83, 313-318<br />

Johannsen, 0.A. Arch.fur Hydro-biologie, Supplement-<br />

Band XI, p. 501-552.<br />

Wiederholm,T. Entomo-logica Scandinavica.<br />

Supplement No. 19, 457 pp.<br />

Whanger, P.D, J. Nutr. 119(9):1236-1239.<br />

Chephalopod of the world, Ropper, C. E. F, FAO species cataloque Vol 3. An<br />

annotated and illustrated cataloque of<br />

species of interest to fisheries, FAO<br />

Fish,Synop3 (152) : 227p.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 902 dari 931

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