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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Degradation and o-methylation of phenols among volatile<br />

flavor components of dried bonito ( Katsuobush!) by<br />

/\spergillus Species.<br />

Degradation and Extraction ofChitin and Chitosan from<br />

Shell of Prawn (Nephrops norvegicus)<br />

Dot, M., Agric. Bid. Chem. 53(4): 1051-1055.<br />

Bastaman Warta JHP J. of Agrobased Industry,<br />

6 (2): 1-6<br />

Degradation of Natural Rubber by Fungi imperfekti Borel, M. Agric. Biol. Chem., 46(4), 877-881<br />

Defense on multiple fronts: how do plants cope with<br />

diverse enemies?<br />

Decressed tumor incidence and increased survival by one<br />

year oral low dose arginine supplementation in tre mouse<br />

Decreasing assistance to agriculture in developing<br />

countries. Change of paradigm or temporary sag<br />

Maleck, K. Plant Sci.<br />

Lubec, B. Life Sci. 58 (25): 2317-2325<br />

Dresru.sse. G. Agricultural and Rural Development.<br />

Vol. I. no. 1/1994<br />

Decontamination of poultry skin by sonification Lillard, H.S. Food Technol. 48(12) 72-73<br />

Decomposition of Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia<br />

schaueriana and Laguncularia racemoso in a mangrove of<br />

Paranagua Bay, Southern Brazil<br />

Sassegolo, G.C. Botanica Marina, 34: 285–289<br />

Daya guna mikrobia Beauveria dan Verticillium dalam<br />

pengendalian Thrips tabad Lind pada bawang putih<br />

Dasar-dasar dan Pemanfaatan Ilmu dan Teknologi Pati Haryadi<br />

Dampak pencemaran pada strukfur komunitas<br />

makrozobenthos di perairan pesisir Semarang<br />

Dampak munculnya spesies red tide terhadap perikanan di<br />

Indonesia<br />

Dampak lelang perairan terhadap <strong>sumber</strong>daya perikanan<br />

dan ekonomi nelayan di Sungai Lempuing Sumatera<br />

Selatan,<br />

Damage and recovery of coral reefs affected by El Nino<br />

related seawater warming in the Thousand Islands,<br />

Indonesia<br />

Daily variations in the concentrations of volatile fatty acids<br />

in the splanchnic blood vessel of rats fed diets high in<br />

pectin and bran<br />

Daily photosynthesis, respiration, and carbon budgets in a<br />

tropical marine jellyfish (Mastigias sp.)<br />

Daily photosynthesis, respiration, and carbon budget in a<br />

tropical marine jellyfish (Mastigias sp.)<br />

Daidzein is a more bioavailable soymilk isoflavone than is<br />

genistein in adult women<br />

Dibiyantoro, L.H. Jumal Hortikultura, 6 (1): 55-66.<br />

Sulardiono,B. Jurnal Lingkungan I (3) : 2 – 7<br />

Wiadnyana, N.N. Berkala Perikanan Terubuk, XXIII<br />

(69): 15-27<br />

Nasution, Z., Laporan Penelitian Sub Balit-kanwar<br />

Palembang 1993/1994.<br />

Brown, B.E. Coral Reefs., 8: 63-70<br />

Illman, R.J. Nut. Rep. In. 26: 439-446<br />

McCloskey, L.R. Mar. Biol. 119: 13-22<br />

McCloskey. L.R. Mar. Biol. 119:13-22<br />

Xu, X. J. Nutr. 124:825-932<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 894 dari 931

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