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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Effect of Glucose Levels During The In Vitro Culture in Synthetic Oviduct Fluid Medium On In Vitro Development of Bovine Oocyte Matured and Fertilized in vitro Effect of Glucose Chain Length of Various Carbohydrates and Frequency of Feeding on Their Utilization by Fingerling Carp Effect of Flour Components and Dough Ingredients on Starch Gelatinization Effect of flour components and dough ingredients on starch gelatinization Effect of fixed daylenght on The photoperiodic regulation of gametogenesis in the sea urchin Stongylcentrotus purpuratus Effect of Fish Protein, Salt, Sugar, and Monosodium Glutamate on the Gelatinization of Starch in Fish-Starch Mixtures Effect of fiber on protein, fat and calcium digestibilities and fecal cholesterol excretion Effect of exogenous nitrogen levels on ultrastructure of zoosanthellae from the hermatypic coral Pocillopora damicornis Effect of Eutrophication and Sedimentation on Juvenile Corals: I. Abundance, Mortality and Community Structure Effect of electrical stimulation on bacterial contamination of chicken legs Effect of electrical charge on attachment of Salmonella typhimurium to meat surfaces Effect of dredging and reclamation on the sediment of Botany Bay Effect of dredging and reclamation on the sediment of Botany Bay Effect of domestication on genetic variability, fertility, survival and growth rate in a tropical siluriform: Heterobranchius longifilis, Valenciennes 1840. Effect of different levels of molasses and salt on acid production and volume of fermenting mass during ensiling of tropical freshwater fish viscera. Effect of Diferent Materials on Soil Properties and on Root Growth and Yield of Maize (Zea mays L.) and Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Matsuyama K J. Theriogenology 40: 595-605. Murai, T. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish. 49 (10): 1607-1611 Ghiasi, K. Cereal Chem. 60: 58-61 Ghiasi, K. Cereal Chem. 60: 58-61 Bay-Schmith. E Int. J. Invert. Reprod. Dev., 11: 287- 294 Cheow, C. S. J. FoodProc.Pres.21: 161-177 Kaneko, K. J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol. 32: 317-325 Berner. T. Pac. Sci. 48 (3): 254-262 Wittenberg, M. Marine Biology 112:131–138 Slavik, M.F. J. Food Protect. 54:508-513 Dickson, J.S. J. Food Sci. 54:1024-1029 Jones, G. Aust. J. Mar. Freashwater Res, 32: 369-377 Jones, G. AUST.J.Mar. freshwater Res. 32:369 - 377 Agenese, J, F., Aquaculture 131: 197-204. Ahmed, J. J.FoodSci. Technol., 32(2): 115-118. Maurya, P.R. Field crop. Res. 4 : 84 - 86 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 884 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Effect of dietry lipids, fatty acid and phospholipid on growth and survival of prawn (Penaeus japonicus) larvae. Effect of dietary vitamin A, E, and C on the ovarian development of Penaeus japonicus. Effect of dietary supplements on the feeding behaviour of prawn Effect of dietary protein levels and feeding period before spawning on chemical components of eggs produced by red sea bream broodstock Effect of dietary L-ascorbyl 2-phosphate Magnesium on gonadal maturation of Penaeus japonicus. Effect of Dietary Fiber on the Performance of Laying Hens. Br. Effect of Dietary Fiber Concentration from Celery, Parsnip and Rutabaga on Intestinal Function, serum Cholesterol and Blood Glucose response in rats Effect of dietary fiber and starch on fecal I composition in preschool children consuming maize,' amaranth, or cassava flour Effect of dietary fiber and starch on fecal composition in preschool children consuming maize, amaranth, or cassava flour Effect of dietary fat, starch and cellulose on fecal bile acids in mice Effect of Dietary Dextrin Levels on The Growth and Feed Efficiency. The Chemical Composition of Liver and Dorsal Muscle and Absorption of Dietary Protein and Dextrin in Fishes Effect of dehulling on the nutritive value of some leguminous seeds as protein sources for tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon, Juveniles Kanazawa, A., Aquaculture. 50:39-49. Alava, R.A., Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 59 (7): 1235- 1241. Deshimaru, O. Bull. of Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish.44(8): 903- 905 Watanabe, T. Bill. Jep. Soc. Sci. Fish., 51: 1501- 1509 Alava, V.R., Bull Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 59(4): 691- 786. Deaton, J.W., Poult.Sci. 18:711-714. Mongeau, R. J. Agric. Food Chem. 38 : 195 - 200 Hamaker, G.B. J. Pediatric Gastr. and Nutr. 13:59-66 Hamaker, G.B. J. Pediatric Gastr. And Nutr. 13: 59-66 Bianchini, F. J. Nutr. 119:1617-24 Furuichi, M. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish. 46 (2): 225- 229 Eusebio, P.S. Aquaculture, 99: 297-308 Effect of degree of milling of brown rice and particle size of milled rice on starch gelatinization Marshall, W.E. Cereal Chem 69: 632-636 Effect of day old vaccination on broiler performance Chamblee, T N. Poult. Sci. 71 (abstract): 114 Effect of Corophium volutator on the abundance of benthic diatoms, bacteria and sediment stability in two estuaries In southeastern England Effect of colony size, pojyp size, and budding mode on egg production In colonial coral Effect of Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere on Staling and Water Retention in Bread Gerdol, V. Marine Ecology Progress Series 114: 109-115 Sakai. K Biol. Bull.,195: 319-325. Avital.Y. JFS 55 (2) Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 885 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of dietry lipids, fatty acid and phospholipid on growth<br />

and survival of prawn (Penaeus japonicus) larvae.<br />

Effect of dietary vitamin A, E, and C on the ovarian<br />

development of Penaeus japonicus.<br />

Effect of dietary supplements on the feeding behaviour of<br />

prawn<br />

Effect of dietary protein levels and feeding period before<br />

spawning on chemical components of eggs produced by<br />

red sea bream broodstock<br />

Effect of dietary L-ascorbyl 2-phosphate Magnesium on<br />

gonadal maturation of Penaeus japonicus.<br />

Effect of Dietary Fiber on the Performance of Laying Hens.<br />

Br.<br />

Effect of Dietary Fiber Concentration from Celery, Parsnip<br />

and Rutabaga on Intestinal Function, serum Cholesterol<br />

and Blood Glucose response in rats<br />

Effect of dietary fiber and starch on fecal I composition in<br />

preschool children consuming maize,' amaranth, or<br />

cassava flour<br />

Effect of dietary fiber and starch on fecal composition in<br />

preschool children consuming maize, amaranth, or cassava<br />

flour<br />

Effect of dietary fat, starch and cellulose on fecal bile acids<br />

in mice<br />

Effect of Dietary Dextrin Levels on The Growth and Feed<br />

Efficiency. The Chemical Composition of Liver and Dorsal<br />

Muscle and Absorption of Dietary Protein and Dextrin in<br />

Fishes<br />

Effect of dehulling on the nutritive value of some<br />

leguminous seeds as protein sources for tiger prawn,<br />

Penaeus monodon, Juveniles<br />

Kanazawa, A., Aquaculture. 50:39-49.<br />

Alava, R.A., Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 59 (7): 1235-<br />

1241.<br />

Deshimaru, O. Bull. of Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish.44(8): 903-<br />

905<br />

Watanabe, T. Bill. Jep. Soc. Sci. Fish., 51: 1501-<br />

1509<br />

Alava, V.R., Bull Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 59(4): 691-<br />

786.<br />

Deaton, J.W., Poult.Sci. 18:711-714.<br />

Mongeau, R. J. Agric. Food Chem. 38 : 195 - 200<br />

Hamaker, G.B. J. Pediatric Gastr. and Nutr. 13:59-66<br />

Hamaker, G.B. J. Pediatric Gastr. And Nutr. 13: 59-66<br />

Bianchini, F. J. Nutr. 119:1617-24<br />

Furuichi, M. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish. 46 (2): 225-<br />

229<br />

Eusebio, P.S. Aquaculture, 99: 297-308<br />

Effect of degree of milling of brown rice and particle size of<br />

milled rice on starch gelatinization<br />

Marshall, W.E. Cereal Chem 69: 632-636<br />

Effect of day old vaccination on broiler performance Chamblee, T N. Poult. Sci. 71 (abstract): 114<br />

Effect of Corophium volutator on the abundance of benthic<br />

diatoms, bacteria and sediment stability in two estuaries In<br />

southeastern England<br />

Effect of colony size, pojyp size, and budding mode on egg<br />

production In colonial coral<br />

Effect of Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere on Staling and Water<br />

Retention in Bread<br />

Gerdol, V. Marine Ecology Progress Series 114:<br />

109-115<br />

Sakai. K Biol. Bull.,195: 319-325.<br />

Avital.Y. JFS 55 (2)<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 885 dari 931

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