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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Metode biologi perikanan. p 37-39. dalam Tridjoko, T<br />

Ruchimat, T. Sutarmat. A. Ishikawa, I. Yano. Z. I. Azwar,<br />

dan K. Sugama. 1981.<br />

Effendie M. I. J. Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 7(l):2-4.<br />

methylation of phenols by Aspergillus repens MA0197. Doi. M. Agric. Biol. Chem. 53(11):3031-3032.<br />

Methods of predicting the long-term storage of onions Rutherford, P.P. J. Hort. .Sci., 59: 537-543<br />

Methods of Calculating and Correcting The Mortality of<br />

Insects<br />

Methods for optimal control of the greenhouse<br />

environment<br />

Methods for Determining Rheological Characteristics of<br />

Doughs : A Critical Evaluation<br />

Methods for determination of oxygenated terpenes,<br />

aldehydes and esters concentration in aqueous citrus<br />

essences<br />

Sun, Y. J. Econ. Entomol. 40(2}: 710-15<br />

Seginer, I. Trans. of ASAE, 35(4), 1299-1307<br />

Venkateswara, G. J Food Sci Technol 30(2): 77-87<br />

Attaway, J.A. J. Agric. FoodChem., 15:688-693<br />

Methods for Depleting Glucose from Egg Albumin before<br />

Drying<br />

Ayres, J.C. Food Technology, Vol. 12, p. 186-189<br />

Methods for assessment of Fish Production in Freshwaters Ricker, W.E IBP Handbook No. 3<br />

Methodical aspects of rearing decapods larvae, Pagurus<br />

bernhardus (Paguridae) and Carcinus maenas (Portunidae)<br />

Method of gas chromatographic determination of residue<br />

of the fungicide folicur in plant material, soil and water.<br />

Dawirs, R.R. Helgolander Meeresunters, 35: 439-<br />

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Maasfeld, W. Planzenschiitz Nacrichten. Bayer.<br />

40(58):29-48.<br />

Methane emissions from rice fields in China. Khalil, M.A.K., Environ. Sci. Technol., 25: 979-981.<br />

Methane emission from rice field. Neue, H.U., Bio Science 43 (7): 466-473.<br />

Meteorological aspects Of spider ballooning. Environ. Bishop, L. Entomol 19(5): 1381-1387.<br />

Meteorological aspects of spider ballooning. Bishop, L., Environ. Entomol. 19 (5): 1381-1387.<br />

Metabolites from gorgonian isis hippuris from India Rao. Ch. B. J Nat. Prod. 51:954-958<br />

Metabolism and physiological activity of ascorbyl-2phosphate<br />

in fish.<br />

Metabolic, physiological and kinetic aspects of the<br />

alcoholic fermentation of whey permeat by Kluyveromyces<br />

fragilis NRRL 665 dan Kluyveromyces lactis NCYC 571.<br />

Miyasaki. T. J. Shimonoseki Univ. Fink. 43(2): 45-<br />

107.<br />

Vienne, P., Enzyme Microb. Technol. 7:287-294.<br />

Metabolic profile of penaeid shrimp: dietary lipids and<br />

ovarian maturation.<br />

Middleditch, B.S., Journal of Chromatogra-phy 195: 359.<br />

Metabolic Interchange in Algae-Invertebrate Symbiosis Cook, C.B. Intrnat. Rev. Cytol.,Supplement 14.<br />

14: 177-ZIQ<br />

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