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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Nitrogen assimilation In the symbiotic marine alga Gymnodiniuml microadriaticum, direct analysis of 1 SN incorporation by GC-MS methods Nitrification rates, ammonium and nitrate distribution in upper layers of the water column and in sediments of the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean Summons, RE. Phytochemistry 20(4). 575-578 Bianchi M Deep Sea Research II. Vol.IIN.No.5:1017-1032 Nitric oxide: biosynthesis and biological significant Marletta, M.A. Trend in Biochem. Sciences, 14, 488- 492. Nitrate Assimilation Enzymes from Two Hard Corals, Acropora acuminata and Coniastrea austraknsis Niche separation three species of Ophiocoma (Echinodermata : Ophiuroidea) In Jamaica New spectrophotometric equations for determining chlorophyll a, b, c, and c2 in higher plants, algae and natural phytoplankton New spectro photometric equations for determining chlorophylls a, b, c1 and c2 in higher plants, algae and natural phytoplankton Crossland, C.J. Cop. Biochem. Physiol. Part. B57. J51- 157 Sides, E. M West Indies Bull Mar Sci, 36 (30) 701 – 715 Jeffrey, S.W. Biochem. Physiol. Pflanzen Bd., 167S: 191-194 Jefrrey, S.W. Biochemie und Pysiologie der Pflanzen 167: 191-194 New Nitrogenous and Aromatic Derivatives from Aglaia argentea and A. forbesii Dumontet, V. Tetrahedron 52: 6931-6942 New Insecticides with Ecdysteroidal and Juvenile Hormone Activity Dhadialla, T. S. Annu. Rev. EntomoI. 43: 545-569 Neutral and Polar Lipids in Chicken Parts and Their Fatty Acid Composition. Sakrasbuda, M.R., Poult Sci. 64: 910. Neural networks for control systems survey Hunt, K.J. Automatica, 28(6): 1083-1112 Net uptake of dissolved free amino acids by the giant clam, Tridacna maxima: alternative sources of energy and nitrogen? Ambariyanto Coral Reef, 18: 91-96 Net uptake of dissolved free amimo acids by the giant clam, Tridacna maxima:Alternative sources of energy and nitrogen? Ambariyanto Coral Reefs. 18: 91-96 Net Uptake of Dissolved free Ammo Acids by four Scleractinian Corals Ferrier, M. D Caral Reek. 10 {4} -, 183 - 187 Nematology in the 21st Century. A Foray into the Future Bernard, E.C. Phytopathology News 28: 4U-4L Naturally occurring neutraliz-ing monoclonal antibody escape variants define the epidemiology of in- fections bursal disease viruses in the United State Naturally Occuring Bacillus thuringiensis on the AIimentary Canal of the Sheep Louse, Bovicola ovis Natural History of Food Hypersensitivity in Children with Atopic Dermatitis Natural food, forgut clearance rate and activity of the crab Scy//a serrata. SnyderD.B. Arch Virol 127(1-4), Abstract Hastowo, S. Journal of invertebrate Pathology Sampson, H. A. J. Pediatr. 115:23-27 Hill, B.J. Mar. Biol. (34):109-116. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 834 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Natural Diet of the Tiger Prawns Penaeus esculentus and Penaeus semisulcatus Natural and Synthetic Growth Regulators and Their Uses in Horticultural and Agronomic Crop. Wessenberg, T.J. Aust. J. Mar Freshw. Res. 38: 169-82 Gianfagna, Thomas, J. In Davies, Peter. J. (Ed). Plant Hormones and Thier Role in Plant Growth and Development Natural and anthropogenic disturbance on coral reefs Grigg, R.W. Coral Reefs Ecosystems of the world 25. Dubinsky. Z. (Ed.) Natural Crops Pollinator Bee of the Tomato in Celaya, Central, Mexico. Quiros C.F. Hort Science 13:290-291. NADP+ dependent glutamate dehydrogenase from Acropora Formosa : purification and properties Catmull, J. Mar. Biol. : 559 -563 Mycoflora and aflatoxin in soybean and koji for kecap production Sardjono BIOSAINS J. vol. 1 no.2:l 1-15 Mutual exclusion of strains of tobacco mosaic virus Sielgel, A. Virology 8 Multiple range and multiple f tests. Duncan, D.B. Biometric,11: 1-42. Multicentre Study of Soybean Protein Diet for Outpatient Hypercholesterolaemic Patients Descovich, G. C. Lancet, 2:709-712. Mudcrab culture: pros pects for the small scale Asian farmer. Muation Analysis of Cauliflower Mosaic Virus Gene VI: Changes in Host Range, Symptoms, and Discovery of Transactivation-positive, Noninfectious Mutans Overton, J.L. Infofish International. Number 5/97, September/ October 1997. p: 26-32. Broglio, EP. Mol, Plant-Microbe Interact. 8: 755- 760 MOVIES-B: an acoustic detection description software. Aplication to shoal species' classification. Weill, A., Aquat. Living Resour. 6: 255-267. Movement of the Oriental fruit fly adults among islets of the Ogasawara Islands Iwahashi, O. Env. Ent. 1(2) Moulds in food spoilage Filterborg, O. International Journal of Food Microbiology , 33: 85-102 Morteilia-Iike infection in a giant clams,Tridacna maxima. In Fiji Norton, J.H. J. Invert. Pathology.61 Morteilia-Iike infection in a giant clam, Tridacna maxima, in Fiji Norton, J.H. J. Invert. Pathology, 61: 328-330 Mortalities in the giant clam Hippopus hippopus associated with rickettsiales-like organism Norton, J.H. J. Invert. Pathology. 64: 207-209 Mortalities In the giant clam Hippopus hippopus associated with rickettsiales-like organisms Norton. J.H. J.Invert Pathology.62:207-209 Morphology of the Luminous Organ of the Squid loligo duvauceli d’Orbigny, 1839 Morphological diversity and toxicity of delta-endotoxin produced by various strain of Baclilus thuringiensis Pringgenies D Acta Zooloqica (Stockholm). Vol. 75. No 4 pp 305-309 Attathom, T. Bull. Entomo Research. 85:167-173 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 835 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Nitrogen assimilation In the symbiotic marine alga<br />

Gymnodiniuml microadriaticum, direct analysis of 1 SN<br />

incorporation by GC-MS methods<br />

Nitrification rates, ammonium and nitrate distribution in<br />

upper layers of the water column and in sediments of the<br />

Indian sector of the Southern Ocean<br />

Summons, RE. Phytochemistry 20(4). 575-578<br />

Bianchi M Deep Sea Research II.<br />

Vol.IIN.No.5:1017-1032<br />

Nitric oxide: biosynthesis and biological significant Marletta, M.A. Trend in Biochem. Sciences, 14, 488-<br />

492.<br />

Nitrate Assimilation Enzymes from Two Hard Corals,<br />

Acropora acuminata and Coniastrea austraknsis<br />

Niche separation three species of Ophiocoma<br />

(Echinodermata : Ophiuroidea) In Jamaica<br />

New spectrophotometric equations for determining<br />

chlorophyll a, b, c, and c2 in higher plants, algae and<br />

natural phytoplankton<br />

New spectro photometric equations for determining<br />

chlorophylls a, b, c1 and c2 in higher plants, algae and<br />

natural phytoplankton<br />

Crossland, C.J. Cop. Biochem. Physiol. Part. B57.<br />

J51- 157<br />

Sides, E. M West Indies Bull Mar Sci, 36 (30) 701<br />

– 715<br />

Jeffrey, S.W. Biochem. Physiol. Pflanzen Bd.,<br />

167S: 191-194<br />

Jefrrey, S.W. Biochemie und Pysiologie der<br />

Pflanzen 167: 191-194<br />

New Nitrogenous and Aromatic Derivatives from Aglaia<br />

argentea and A. forbesii<br />

Dumontet, V. Tetrahedron 52: 6931-6942<br />

New Insecticides with Ecdysteroidal and Juvenile<br />

Hormone Activity<br />

Dhadialla, T. S. Annu. Rev. EntomoI. 43: 545-569<br />

Neutral and Polar Lipids in Chicken Parts and Their Fatty<br />

Acid Composition.<br />

Sakrasbuda, M.R., Poult Sci. 64: 910.<br />

Neural networks for control systems survey Hunt, K.J. Automatica, 28(6): 1083-1112<br />

Net uptake of dissolved free amino acids by the giant<br />

clam, Tridacna maxima: alternative sources of energy and<br />

nitrogen?<br />

Ambariyanto Coral Reef, 18: 91-96<br />

Net uptake of dissolved free amimo acids by the giant<br />

clam, Tridacna maxima:Alternative sources of energy and<br />

nitrogen?<br />

Ambariyanto Coral Reefs. 18: 91-96<br />

Net Uptake of Dissolved free Ammo Acids by four<br />

Scleractinian Corals<br />

Ferrier, M. D Caral Reek. 10 {4} -, 183 - 187<br />

Nematology in the 21st Century. A Foray into the Future Bernard, E.C. Phytopathology News 28: 4U-4L<br />

Naturally occurring neutraliz-ing monoclonal antibody<br />

escape variants define the epidemiology of in- fections<br />

bursal disease viruses in the United State<br />

Naturally Occuring Bacillus thuringiensis on the AIimentary<br />

Canal of the Sheep Louse, Bovicola ovis<br />

Natural History of Food Hypersensitivity in Children with<br />

Atopic Dermatitis<br />

Natural food, forgut clearance rate and activity of the crab<br />

Scy//a serrata.<br />

SnyderD.B. Arch Virol 127(1-4), Abstract<br />

Hastowo, S. Journal of invertebrate Pathology<br />

Sampson, H. A. J. Pediatr. 115:23-27<br />

Hill, B.J. Mar. Biol. (34):109-116.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 834 dari 931

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