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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Optimusi Parameter Model Hiijan-Aliran Mock Dengan Solver Optimum level of protein in purified diet for eel (Anguilla japonica) Optimizatition of Sucrose Polyester Synthesis Using Respons Surface Methodology Optimization of parameter for packaging of fresh peaches in polymeric films Optimization of Peiuiento Pepper Lye Peeling Process Using Respons Surface Methodology Optimasi Produksi Endokitinase dari Jamur Mikoparasit Trichoderma reesei Optimal control ofphysiological processes ofplants in a green plant factory Optimal control of physiological processes of plants in a green plant factory Optimaization of parameters for Packaging of Frisfpeachesin Polymeric Films Opine transport genes in the octopine (occ) and nopaline (noc) catabolic regions in Ti plasmids of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Nurrochmad, F. Media Teknik No. 2. Tahun XX. Mei 1998 Aral, S. Bull. Freshwater 11 Fish. Res. 22. 145-155. Shieh, C.J. J. Food Sci. 61 (1) : 97 -100 Deily, K. R. J. Food. Proc. Eng. 5:23 Floros. J.D. Transaction of the ASAE, 30:560-565 Harjono Morimoto, T. Control Engineering Praclice, 3(4), 505-511 Morimoto, T. Control Engineering Practice, Vol. : 3(4), pp. : 505-511 Deily, K.R. J.Food. Process Eng Zanker, H. J. Bacteriol. 174: 841-849. Open economies: Implication for global agriculture Schuh, G.E. American Journal of Agricultural Economics (AJAE) 73: 1322-1329 One Stage Synthesis of Raffinosa Fatty Acid Polyester Akoh, C.C. J. ofFood Science 52, 1570 On the Utilitation of photosynthetic products from zooxanthellae and of a dissolved amino acid in Tridacna maxima f. elongata (Mollusca: Bivalvia) On the regulation and maintenance of algal numbers in zooxanthellae coelenterate symbiosis, with a note on the nutritional relationship in Anemonia sulcata On The occurrence of Lymphocystis, with notes on other pathological conditions In the flatfish stocks of the north east Irish Sea Goreau, T.F. J Zool London. 169: 147-454 Taylor, D.L. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK. 49: 1057-1065 Shelton R.G.J Aquaculture, 2: 395 – 410 On the Kinetics of The Autooxidation of Fats Brimberg, U.L. JAOCS. Vol. 70. : 249-254 On the estimation of catching efficiency of sweeping trammel net.. On the ecology and fisheries of some inland waters along the rivers Ogan and Komering in SE Sumatera. On the culture of marine yeast, Zygosaccharomyces marinus, as the food for the larvae of marine animals. Matsuda, K. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries. 53(12): 1096- 1098. Vaas, K.F., Contr. Inl. Fish. Res. Stn, Djakarta- Bogor, Indonesia 3: 1-32. Kawano, T. The Aquaculture 15:59-65, Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 830 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah On sweeping trammel net ( kogisasiami) fishery along cast of the Saa'in District III. Mesh selectivity curve of sweeping trammel net for branquilos. Kitahara, T. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries., 34 (9): 759-763. On Soil Structure of Plowed layer of Paddy field Dei,Y. JARQ 7 : 86 - 92 On representing the length dependence of acoustic target strength offish. Foote, K.G. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 36:1490- 1496. O-Methylation of phenols by /\spergillus repens MAO197. Dot, M., Agric.Biol.Chem. 53(11):3031-3032. Olfaction : Responses of a decapod crustacean by flicking Schmitt, B.C. Science 205 : 203-206 Olestra: Properties, Regulatory Concems and Aplications Giese. J. Food Tech. (3) Hal: 130 - 131 Okinawa project to prevent reestablishment of the melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae and the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis, after eradication Kakinohana, H. The third Asia Pacific Conf. Of Entomol. Oil coating of dietary protein for the ruminant. Peterson, B. J. , Int. J. Vet. Nutr. Res. 45: p. 349. Oil and Fat Hydrolysis with Lipase from Aspergillus sp. Fu, X. JAOCS, Vol. 72: 527-531 Official Methods of Analysis, 13th Ed. A.O.A.C. In: W. Howirt (ed.). Assn. Off. Anal. Chemis, Washington, D.C. Official Methods of Analysis of The Association of Official Analytical Chemists. AOAC, AOAC Inc. Arlington, Virginia USA. Occurrence of viral nervous necrosis in kelp grouper and tiger puffer. Nakai, T., Fish Pathol. 29(3): 211-212. Occurrence of haemagglutinating adhesin among virulent and avirulent isolates of Streptococcus suis Salasia, S.I.O. Med.Sci.Res. 22. 347-348 Occurrence of antibiotic-resistant human pathogens in integrated fish farms. Occurrence and distribution oforganoklorine compounds in sediment and livers of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) from the San Fransisco Bay-Delta Estuary. Occurence of mucus-type glycoprotein in nidamental gland mucosubstance from the squid, ///ex argentinus. Twiddy, D.R. In: FAO Fisheries Report No.514 Supplement FAO-UN. Rome p. 23-37 Pereira, W.E,, Marine Pollution Bull., 28(7):434-441, Kimura, S., Fish. Sci. 60(2): 193-198. Occular angiosronqyIiasis in Semarang, Central Java Widagdo Am.J.Trop. Med. Hyg. 26(1): 72-74 OccuIar Angiostrongyliasis in Semarang, Central Java Widagdo Am.J.Trop.Med.Hyg.26(1):72-74 Observations sur la definition d'une unite d'effort de peche applicable a la pecherie de thon de 1'Atlantique tropical africain. Poinsard, F. Rapp. PV reunion Cons. int. Exphr. Mer. 168: 39-43. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 831 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

On sweeping trammel net ( kogisasiami) fishery along cast<br />

of the Saa'in District III. Mesh selectivity curve of sweeping<br />

trammel net for branquilos.<br />

Kitahara, T. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of<br />

Scientific Fisheries., 34 (9): 759-763.<br />

On Soil Structure of Plowed layer of Paddy field Dei,Y. JARQ 7 : 86 - 92<br />

On representing the length dependence of acoustic target<br />

strength offish.<br />

Foote, K.G. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 36:1490-<br />

1496.<br />

O-Methylation of phenols by /\spergillus repens MAO197. Dot, M., Agric.Biol.Chem. 53(11):3031-3032.<br />

Olfaction : Responses of a decapod crustacean by flicking Schmitt, B.C. Science 205 : 203-206<br />

Olestra: Properties, Regulatory Concems and Aplications Giese. J. Food Tech. (3) Hal: 130 - 131<br />

Okinawa project to prevent reestablishment of the melon<br />

fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae and the Oriental fruit fly,<br />

Bactrocera dorsalis, after eradication<br />

Kakinohana, H. The third Asia Pacific Conf. Of<br />

Entomol.<br />

Oil coating of dietary protein for the ruminant. Peterson, B. J. , Int. J. Vet. Nutr. Res. 45: p. 349.<br />

Oil and Fat Hydrolysis with Lipase from Aspergillus sp. Fu, X. JAOCS, Vol. 72: 527-531<br />

Official Methods of Analysis, 13th Ed. A.O.A.C. In: W. Howirt (ed.). Assn. Off. Anal.<br />

Chemis, Washington, D.C.<br />

Official Methods of Analysis of The Association of Official<br />

Analytical Chemists.<br />

AOAC, AOAC Inc. Arlington, Virginia USA.<br />

Occurrence of viral nervous necrosis in kelp grouper and<br />

tiger puffer.<br />

Nakai, T., Fish Pathol. 29(3): 211-212.<br />

Occurrence of haemagglutinating adhesin among virulent<br />

and avirulent isolates of Streptococcus suis<br />

Salasia, S.I.O. Med.Sci.Res. 22. 347-348<br />

Occurrence of antibiotic-resistant human pathogens in<br />

integrated fish farms.<br />

Occurrence and distribution oforganoklorine compounds in<br />

sediment and livers of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) from<br />

the San Fransisco Bay-Delta Estuary.<br />

Occurence of mucus-type glycoprotein in nidamental gland<br />

mucosubstance from the squid, ///ex argentinus.<br />

Twiddy, D.R. In: FAO Fisheries Report No.514<br />

Supplement FAO-UN. Rome p. 23-37<br />

Pereira, W.E,, Marine Pollution Bull., 28(7):434-441,<br />

Kimura, S., Fish. Sci. 60(2): 193-198.<br />

Occular angiosronqyIiasis in Semarang, Central Java Widagdo Am.J.Trop. Med. Hyg. 26(1): 72-74<br />

OccuIar Angiostrongyliasis in Semarang, Central Java Widagdo Am.J.Trop.Med.Hyg.26(1):72-74<br />

Observations sur la definition d'une unite d'effort de peche<br />

applicable a la pecherie de thon de 1'Atlantique tropical<br />

africain.<br />

Poinsard, F. Rapp. PV reunion Cons. int. Exphr.<br />

Mer. 168: 39-43.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 831 dari 931

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