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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Suhu dan kelembaban nisbi, peranannya dalam penyimpanan bawang bombay Sentana, S. Sucrose Ester aiid Sucrose Ester Glycerida Blends as Enulsifiers Gupta. R. K. J Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60 (4): 862-869 Succesfull hatchery management. Raghavan, V. World Poultry. VIII (4):19-21. Substitusi antara daging sapi dan ayam Sabrani,M. Poultry Indonesia. 7:8-9 Subaerial exposure and changes in the stability of Intertidal estuarine sediment. Estuarine Suatu pemikiran tentang pengembangan per-ikanan keramba di Prop Riau. Study on the big purse seine fishery in the Java Sea. I. The main pelagic species caught Study on morphological variation in Indonesia comon carp stock Study on live bait fishing for the small-scale fisheries development in Halmahera and Morotai. Study on bioactivity of Caulerpa racemosa Var. Laetevirens (Chloro-phyceae, Caulerpaceae) extract. Perairan Maluku dan Sekitarnya. (10) :87-89. (in Indonesian) Paterson, D.M. Coastal and Shelf Science 30: 541- 556 Siregar, M. Terubuk X No. 31. Nurhakim, S. J. Mar. Fish. Res. 39: 1-9. Sumantadinata, K. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 56: 879-886 Gafa, B. J. Penelitian Perikanan Laut 42:97- 105. Chasanah, E. Study on bioactivity of Caulerpa racemosa Var. Laetevirens (Chlorophyceae, Caulerpaceae) extract. Perairan Maluku dan Sekitarnya. (10) :87-89. (in Indonesian) Study of Starch in Taiwan Lii, C. Y. Food Rev. Int. 7(2): 185-203 Study of Starch in Taiwan Lii. C.Y. Food Rew. Int. 7(2): 185-203 Study of abattoir wastes and poultry usage potentialities for food objectives. Antipova L.V. Tehnologija-Mesa, 36(1):31-32. Study a Commersial Liquid Smoke Flavoring by Means of Guillen, M.D. J. Agric. Food Chem. 1995. (43), 463- Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy 368 Studies to establish an optimal diet fot Carcinus maenas. II. Protein and lipid requirement Ponat, A. Mar. Biol. 60 : I I 5 – 121 Studies on the volatile components of two mango varieties Engel, K.H. J. Agric. Food Chem.31 : 796-801 Studies on the vitamin C requirement of channel catfish (Ichtalurus punctatus) . Studies on the storage of autumn harvested onions bulbs. I Influece of storage temperature and humidity on the sprouting during storage Studies on the storage of autumn harvested onion bulbs. II. Influence of storage temperature and humidity on bulb rot Studies on the storage of autumn harvested onion bulbs. II Influence of storage temperature and humidity on bulb rot Andrews. J.W. J. Nutr. 105:557-561 Tanaka. M. Res. Bull. Hokkaido Natl. Affric. Exp. Stn., 141 : 1-16 Tanaka, M. Res. Bull. Hokaido Natl. Agric. Expt. Stn. 141 : 17-28 Tanaka, M. Res. Bull. Hokkaido Natl. Agric. Exp. Sin., 141 : 17-28 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 786 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Studies on the storage of autumn harvested onion bulbs. I. Influence of storage temperature and humidity on the spouting of onions during storage Studies on the preparation of fish silage: II. Rate of liquefaction in different parts of silver belly. Studies on the mounting methods of tillage implements on the tractor Studies on the mounting methods of tillage implements on the tractor Studies on the Leucocytozoon found in the chicken, in Japan II On the Transmission of L. cauleryi by Culicoides arakawai Studies on the incidence of Toxocara and Toxocaris spp. ova in the environment. 1. A comparison of floatation procedures for recovering Toxocara spp. ova from soil Studies on the growth rates of Punten and Taiwan strains of common carp and their hybrids Studies on the growth of red mangrove phenology of the shoot Studies on the fungal diseases in crustaceans I: Lagenidium seyllae sp. nov. isolated from cultivated ova and larvae of the mangrove crab (Scylla serrata). Studies on the fungal diseases in crustaceans I : Lagenidium scyllae sp. nov. isolated from cultivated ova and larvae of the mangrove crab (Scylla serrata). Studies on the fisheries biology of the giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon Fab. in the Philippines. Studies on The Digestive Enzymes of Rainbow trout-I. Carbohydrates Studies on The Digestive Enzymes of Rainbow trout after Hatching and The Effect of Dietary Change on The Activities of Digestive Enzyme in Juvenile Stage Studies on The Digestive Enzymes of Fishes I. Carbohydrates Studies on the chromosomes of four species in the genus Septifer (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) Studies on The Carbohydrates in The Digestive Tract of The Milkfish, Chanos chanos Studies on Scylla (Crustacea: Portunidae) I. Revision of the genus. Tanaka, M. Res. Bull. Hokaido Natt. Agric. Exp. Stn., 141:1-16 Jayawardena, K.M. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn. Sri Lanka, 30: 25- 31. Kawamura, N. Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Japan, Vol. 18, No. 2 Kawamura, N. Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Vol. 18, No. 2 Akiba. K Jap, J.Vet Sci. 22:309-317. Quinn, R. J. Hyg., 84: 83-89. Suseno, D. Gill, A.M. Biotropica, 3: 109–I24 Bian. B.Z.. Trails. myeol. See. of Japan 20:115- 124. Bian, B.Z.. Trans. mycol. Soc. of Japan 20:115- 124, Motoh, H. Tech.Rep. No.7 SEAFDEC. Aquacult. Dep., Philippines. 120pp. Kitamikado, M. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish. 26 (7): 679- 684. Kawai, S. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish, 39 (7): 819- 823. Kawai, S. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish, 37 (4): 333- 337. Ieyama, H. Venus Jpn. J. of Malacol., 42: 193- 202 Chiu, Y.N. Marine Biology 61: 247-254. Estampador, E.P. Phil. J. Sci. 78(1): 95-108 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 787 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Studies on the storage of autumn harvested onion bulbs. I.<br />

Influence of storage temperature and humidity on the<br />

spouting of onions during storage<br />

Studies on the preparation of fish silage: II. Rate of<br />

liquefaction in different parts of silver belly.<br />

Studies on the mounting methods of tillage implements on<br />

the tractor<br />

Studies on the mounting methods of tillage implements on<br />

the tractor<br />

Studies on the Leucocytozoon found in the chicken, in<br />

Japan II On the Transmission of L. cauleryi by Culicoides<br />

arakawai<br />

Studies on the incidence of Toxocara and Toxocaris spp.<br />

ova in the environment. 1. A comparison of floatation<br />

procedures for recovering Toxocara spp. ova from soil<br />

Studies on the growth rates of Punten and Taiwan strains<br />

of common carp and their hybrids<br />

Studies on the growth of red mangrove phenology of the<br />

shoot<br />

Studies on the fungal diseases in crustaceans I:<br />

Lagenidium seyllae sp. nov. isolated from cultivated ova<br />

and larvae of the mangrove crab (Scylla serrata).<br />

Studies on the fungal diseases in crustaceans I :<br />

Lagenidium scyllae sp. nov. isolated from cultivated ova<br />

and larvae of the mangrove crab (Scylla serrata).<br />

Studies on the fisheries biology of the giant tiger prawn,<br />

Penaeus monodon Fab. in the Philippines.<br />

Studies on The Digestive Enzymes of Rainbow trout-I.<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

Studies on The Digestive Enzymes of Rainbow trout after<br />

Hatching and The Effect of Dietary Change on The<br />

Activities of Digestive Enzyme in Juvenile Stage<br />

Studies on The Digestive Enzymes of Fishes I.<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

Studies on the chromosomes of four species in the genus<br />

Septifer (Bivalvia: Mytilidae)<br />

Studies on The Carbohydrates in The Digestive Tract of<br />

The Milkfish, Chanos chanos<br />

Studies on Scylla (Crustacea: Portunidae) I. Revision of<br />

the genus.<br />

Tanaka, M. Res. Bull. Hokaido Natt. Agric. Exp.<br />

Stn., 141:1-16<br />

Jayawardena, K.M. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn. Sri Lanka, 30: 25-<br />

31.<br />

Kawamura, N. Journal of the Japanese Society of<br />

Agricultural Machinery, Japan, Vol. 18,<br />

No. 2<br />

Kawamura, N. Journal of the Japanese Society of<br />

Agricultural Machinery, Vol. 18, No. 2<br />

Akiba. K Jap, J.Vet Sci. 22:309-317.<br />

Quinn, R. J. Hyg., 84: 83-89.<br />

Suseno, D.<br />

Gill, A.M. Biotropica, 3: 109–I24<br />

Bian. B.Z.. Trails. myeol. See. of Japan 20:115-<br />

124.<br />

Bian, B.Z.. Trans. mycol. Soc. of Japan 20:115-<br />

124,<br />

Motoh, H. Tech.Rep. No.7 SEAFDEC. Aquacult.<br />

Dep., Philippines. 120pp.<br />

Kitamikado, M. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish. 26 (7): 679-<br />

684.<br />

Kawai, S. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish, 39 (7): 819-<br />

823.<br />

Kawai, S. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish, 37 (4): 333-<br />

337.<br />

Ieyama, H. Venus Jpn. J. of Malacol., 42: 193-<br />

202<br />

Chiu, Y.N. Marine Biology 61: 247-254.<br />

Estampador, E.P. Phil. J. Sci. 78(1): 95-108<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 787 dari 931

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