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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah The amino acid sequence of a crystal protein from Bacillus thuringiensis deduced from DNA base sequence The A-factor regulatory cascade leading to streptomycin biosynthesis in Streptomyces griseus: identification of a target gene of the A-factor receptor Schnepf, H.E. j.Biol Chem. 260: 6264-6272 Ohnishi, Y Mol. Microbiol.34:102 - 111 The Adsorption of 3-Amino-Triazole by Montmorillonite Russell, J.D. J. Agric. Food Chem. 16-21-24 The adenylate cyclase-cAMP system in islet of Langerhans and its role in the control of insulin release Sharp, GWG Diabetologia. 16 : 287-296 The Actinomycetes. 20: 315-335 Speedie, M.K. The Actinomycetes. 20: 315-335 The Acis Precipitation and Its Ecological Consequences. Cowling, E.B. Biosciences 31: 649-654. The accuracy of predicting dry matter digestibility of grasses from lignin analysis by three different methods McLeod, M.N. J. Fd. Agric., 25: 907-911. The "Extra Calorie Effect" Oil in the Nutrition of Carp. Viola,S. Bamidgeh, 31 (3):51-69. The Ecology of nematodes in Agroecosystem Freckman, D.W. Ann, Rev, Phytopath. Thc effect or temperature and humidity on the ripening ol' durian fruits Ketsa, S. J. Horticultural Science. 70 (5) 827-83 Test with Acarides Against the Brown Wheat Mite Henderson C.F. J. Econ. Entomol. 48(l)-157-161 Terpenoids from the North Adriatic sponge Spongia officinalis. DeGiulio, A., J. Nat. Prod. 52(6): 1258-1262. Tepung gaplek untuk ayam broiler. Wahyuningsih, S Ayam dan Telur Nomor 32. Temporally regulated expression of Insulin and Insulin-like growth factors and their receptors in early mammalian development Heyner, S. BioEssay 11: 1761-1765. Temporal Associations Among Ovarium Events in Cattle during Oestrous Cycles with two and three follicular Waves Temperature, pH, and strain of pathogen as factors affecting inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes by chlorine Temperature and the annual cycle of nitrification in waters Naragansett Bay TelurAyam Kaitannya dengan Kolesterol dan Penyakll Jantung Telaah pengoperasian rawai tuna untuk penangkapan tuna segar (fresh tuna fish) di Indonesia. Telaah Geologi Terhadap Banjir dan Rob Kawasan Pantai Semarang Ginthers, O.J. J. Repro. Fertil. 87: 223-230 El-Kest, S.E. J. Food Protect. 51:622-625 Beronsky, V.M. Limnol. Oceanogr. 35: 1610-1617 Pumcrno, H. Jurnal llmiah Widya Mandala. 001:18- 26 Bahar, S J. Penelitian Perikanan Laut No. 46 : 63-73. Saputro, S. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 782 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Teknik Pembesaran Budidaya Teripang Pasir (Holothuria scabra) Notowinarno Buletin Budidaya Laut 9 : 12-17 Teknik Pembenihan Teripang Notowinarno Buletin Budidaya Laut 2 : 24-36 Teknik budidaya artemia. Kontara, E.K., INFISH Manual 53:1-70. (terjemahan). Techniques for Rearing Laboratory Colonies of Tobacco Hornworms and Pink Bolworms. Technical interactions in floodplain fisheries of south and south-east Asia. Bell, R.A. Ann. Ent Soc. Am. 69. 365-363 Hoggarth, D.D. In Cowx, I.G. (eds.). Stock Assessment in Inland Fisheries, Fishing News Books, UK. p 280-292 Taxonomy of Tropical West African Bivalves, IV: Arcidae Oliver, G.P. Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, 4ed. ser., 14, section A, No. 2: 165-172 Taxonomy of Potyvirus: Current Problems and Some Solutions Taurolidine, an antilipopolysaccharide agent, has immunoregulatory properties that are mediated by the amino acit Taurin Taurine tissue concentration and salinity effect on taurine in the freshwater prawn M. rosenbergii, and the rejection of a bitter-tasting food substance Ward, CW Intervirology 32: 269-296 Watson, EW. J. Leukoc, Biol. 58(30): 299-306 Smith, B.R. Chem. Senses 12: 89-97 Taurine amplifies renal Kallikrein and prevent salt-induced hypertension in Dahl rats Ideishi, M. J. Hipertens. 12 (6) 653-661 Tatalaksana pada masa pengeraman dan penetasan. Sugino, W. Poultry Indonesia 87:12-13. Tansformation of Soil Microbial Community Structure and Rhizoctonia-Suppresive Potential in Response to Apple Roots Tanggapan kerapu macan, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus terhadap pakan buatan Tanggap PS 82-4019 Terhadap Pupuk TSP, Dosis dan Waktu Semprot Pupuk P dan N daun dilahan Kering Bereaksi Masam Mazzola, M. Phytopathology 89:920-927 Ahmad, T. Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 7 (2): 81-90 Saputro.S.E Taiwan's prawn culture exploding Body, G.C. Australian Fisheries March, 46: 26-30 Tagging genes for blast resistance in rice via linkage to RFLP markers. Tactics for Resistance Management Using Multiple Pesticides Yu, Z.H., Theor. Appl. Genet. 81: 471-476. Comins, H.N. Agric. Ecosystems Environ. 16: 129- 148 Systematics value of electrophoretic data. Avise, J.C. Syst. Zool. 23,465-481. Synthetic studies related to Latranculin. Syntetic of tetrahydropyranylthiazolidin-2-one systems Kashman, Y. Tetrahedron Left. 27, 1367-1370 Synthesis of plasteins from fish silage. Raghunath, M.R. J. Sci. Food Agric., 54: 655-658. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 783 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

The amino acid sequence of a crystal protein from Bacillus<br />

thuringiensis deduced from DNA base sequence<br />

The A-factor regulatory cascade leading to streptomycin<br />

biosynthesis in Streptomyces griseus: identification of a<br />

target gene of the A-factor receptor<br />

Schnepf, H.E. j.Biol Chem. 260: 6264-6272<br />

Ohnishi, Y Mol. Microbiol.34:102 - 111<br />

The Adsorption of 3-Amino-Triazole by Montmorillonite Russell, J.D. J. Agric. Food Chem. 16-21-24<br />

The adenylate cyclase-cAMP system in islet of<br />

Langerhans and its role in the control of insulin release<br />

Sharp, GWG Diabetologia. 16 : 287-296<br />

The Actinomycetes. 20: 315-335 Speedie, M.K. The Actinomycetes. 20: 315-335<br />

The Acis Precipitation and Its Ecological Consequences. Cowling, E.B. Biosciences 31: 649-654.<br />

The accuracy of predicting dry matter digestibility of<br />

grasses from lignin analysis by three different methods<br />

McLeod, M.N. J. Fd. Agric., 25: 907-911.<br />

The "Extra Calorie Effect" Oil in the Nutrition of Carp. Viola,S. Bamidgeh, 31 (3):51-69.<br />

The Ecology of nematodes in Agroecosystem Freckman, D.W. Ann, Rev, Phytopath.<br />

Thc effect or temperature and humidity on the ripening ol'<br />

durian fruits<br />

Ketsa, S. J. Horticultural Science. 70 (5) 827-83<br />

Test with Acarides Against the Brown Wheat Mite Henderson C.F. J. Econ. Entomol. 48(l)-157-161<br />

Terpenoids from the North Adriatic sponge Spongia<br />

officinalis.<br />

DeGiulio, A., J. Nat. Prod. 52(6): 1258-1262.<br />

Tepung gaplek untuk ayam broiler. Wahyuningsih, S Ayam dan Telur Nomor 32.<br />

Temporally regulated expression of Insulin and Insulin-like<br />

growth factors and their receptors in early mammalian<br />

development<br />

Heyner, S. BioEssay 11: 1761-1765.<br />

Temporal Associations Among Ovarium Events in Cattle<br />

during Oestrous Cycles with two and three follicular Waves<br />

Temperature, pH, and strain of pathogen as factors<br />

affecting inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes by chlorine<br />

Temperature and the annual cycle of nitrification in waters<br />

Naragansett Bay<br />

TelurAyam Kaitannya dengan Kolesterol dan Penyakll<br />

Jantung<br />

Telaah pengoperasian rawai tuna untuk penangkapan<br />

tuna segar (fresh tuna fish) di Indonesia.<br />

Telaah Geologi Terhadap Banjir dan Rob Kawasan Pantai<br />

Semarang<br />

Ginthers, O.J. J. Repro. Fertil. 87: 223-230<br />

El-Kest, S.E. J. Food Protect. 51:622-625<br />

Beronsky, V.M. Limnol. Oceanogr. 35: 1610-1617<br />

Pumcrno, H. Jurnal llmiah Widya Mandala. 001:18-<br />

26<br />

Bahar, S J. Penelitian Perikanan Laut No. 46 :<br />

63-73.<br />

Saputro, S.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 782 dari 931

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