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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Use of nisaplin to inhibit spoilage bacteria In butter milk rauch-dressing Use of Mulch for Conserving Moisture and Increasing the Yield of Sorghum in Dryland Use of lupin flour as a replacement for full-fat soy in diets for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Use of lupin flour as a replacement for full-Fat ioy in diets for rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss.) Use of antibiotics in the mariculture of giant clams (F. Tridacnidae) Use of a probiotic for the culture of larvae of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg). Use of a probiotic for the culture of larvae of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg), Use of 16S rDNA sequences as signature characters to identify Xylella fastidiosa Urinary isoflavonoid phytoestrogen and lignan excretion after consumption of fermented and unfermented soy products Muriana, P.M. J. Food Protection 58(10): 1109-1113 Mane, M.S. Indian. J. Agric. Exp. stan. 15 : 112- 124 Hughes, S.G. Aquaculture, 93:57-62 Hughes.SG. Aquaculture, 93 :57-62 Fitt, W.K. Aquaculture 104: 1-10. Douillet, P.A. Aquaculture 119: 25-40. Douillet, P.A. Aquaculture 119: 25-40 Chen, J. Curr. Microbiol. 40: 29-33 Hutchins, A. M. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 95:545-551 Urea or Biuret supplements to low protein grazing in Africa Toops, J. K. World Animal Review, 83:14 -19 Uptake of Phenoxy acetic acid by Penicilium chrysogenum Eriksen, S.H. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 42: 945- 950 Uptake of dissolved inorganic nitrogen by the symbiotic clam Tridacna gigas and the coral Acropora sp Wilkerson, F.P. Mar. Biol. 93: 237-246 Uptake and assimilation of NH4 by a variety of corals Burns, R.H. Man Biol. 75 Upaya peningkatan viabilitas larva bandeng, Chanos chanos melalui pengkayaan makanan alami. Upaya peningkatan produktivitas ayam buras dengan penyuntikan dosis rendah gonadotropin Upaya pengembangan tanaman kelapa dan kelapa sawit guna mendukung ketersediaan bahan baku minyak goreng dan ekspor Aslianti, T. J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 10(3): 9- 16. Mustofa, I Tondok, A.R. Pangan 28 (7): 24-35. Upasesas detergent components Andree J. Appl. Biochem., 2:218-229 Unstable genetic determinant of A-factor biosynthesis in streptomycin-producing organisms: cloning and characterization Horinouchi, S. J. Bacteriol. 158: 481-487 Unexpected reproductive strategy ofSardinella aurita off the coast of Venezuela. Ultraviolet radiation - an effective bactericide for fresh meat Freon, P., Marine Biology. 128:363-372. Stermer, R.A. J. Pood Protect. 50, 108-111 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 766 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Ultrastructural and cytochemical study on interactions between nutrient storage cells and gametogenesis in the mussel Mytilus edulis Pipe, R.K. Mar Biol 96: 519-528. Ultrasonic evaluation of ripening avocado flesh Self, G.K. Postharvest Biology and Technology 4 Ultra-high pressure technology. Farr, D. Trends in Food Science & Technology, Vol. I, No. 1, p.14-16. Ulcerativeformof Aeromonas hydrophila infection of Car/a catla. Karunasagar, 1., All, Curr. Sci. 55:1194-1195 Ujicoba pemanfaatan bungkil kelapa untuk menghasilkan kista dan biomassa artemia di tambak. Susanto, B., J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai 9(1): 9-22. Ujicoba pemanfaatan bungkil kelapa untuk menghasilkan kista dan biomasa artemia di tambak. Ujicoba pemanfaatan berbagai pupuk organik untuk menghasilkan kista artemia di tambak. Uji toleran kekeringan galur mutan padi (Oryza saliva L.) menggunakan PEG. p. 211- 217. Dalam F Sundardi et al. (Ed.) Susanto, B., J.Penelit. Budidaya Pantai. 6(1): 75- 78. Susanto B., PresidingSeminarHasil Penelitian (ARMP)Ho. 11. Maros. Sul-Sel. 144- 146. Dwimahyani, I. Prosiding Pertemuan Apisora, 14-15 Desember 1993, Jakarta. Uber das mimosine. Renz. J. Physiol. Chem. 244: 153-158. Typical composition of feeds for cattle and sheep. Preston, R. L. Feedstuffs 61 (41) : 19. Tuna fishing in Indonesia. Marcille. J., Travaux el documents 181: 1-125. Tuna fishing in Indian Ocean. Eckert. G Australian Fisheries Vol. 5/ 1986. 4pp. Tuna Baitfish in the Indo-Pacific Blaber, S.J.M. ACIAR Proceedings, 30: 211pp. Tuna baitfish and the pole-and-line fishery in eastern Indonesia - an overview. Naamin. N. Tuna baitfish and the pole-and-line fishery in eastern Indonesia - an overview. Naamin, N. Tulang rawan ikan hiu sebagai pengobatan alternatif untuk tumor yang padat (solid) dan penyakit angiogenik. Asmino. Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia 46 (9):519-523. Trypsin Inhibitors: Potential Concern for Humans? Roebuck, B. D. J. Nutr. 117:398-400 Trypsin from Greenland cod as a food processing aid. Simpson, B.K. J. Appl. Biochem. 6: 136-143. Tropical Hydrology Simulation Model 1 for Watershed Management Sahid, S. J. Japan Soc. Hydrology and Water Resources. Vol 4 (2): 43-53 Tropical ambient temperature storage of onions Brice, J.R. Postharvest News and Information, 4 : 21 - 22 Tropical ambient temperature storage of onions Brice. J.R. Po.'ilhar\'esl News and Injoniitilion, 4 : 21-22 Tropic analyses of an estuarine mangrove community Odum, E.P. Bulletin of Marine Science, 22: 671- 737 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 767 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Use of nisaplin to inhibit spoilage bacteria In butter milk<br />

rauch-dressing<br />

Use of Mulch for Conserving Moisture and Increasing the<br />

Yield of Sorghum in Dryland<br />

Use of lupin flour as a replacement for full-fat soy in diets<br />

for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)<br />

Use of lupin flour as a replacement for full-Fat ioy in diets<br />

for rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss.)<br />

Use of antibiotics in the mariculture of giant clams (F.<br />

Tridacnidae)<br />

Use of a probiotic for the culture of larvae of the Pacific<br />

oyster (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg).<br />

Use of a probiotic for the culture of larvae of the Pacific<br />

oyster (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg),<br />

Use of 16S rDNA sequences as signature characters to<br />

identify Xylella fastidiosa<br />

Urinary isoflavonoid phytoestrogen and lignan excretion<br />

after consumption of fermented and unfermented soy<br />

products<br />

Muriana, P.M. J. Food Protection 58(10): 1109-1113<br />

Mane, M.S. Indian. J. Agric. Exp. stan. 15 : 112-<br />

124<br />

Hughes, S.G. Aquaculture, 93:57-62<br />

Hughes.SG. Aquaculture, 93 :57-62<br />

Fitt, W.K. Aquaculture 104: 1-10.<br />

Douillet, P.A. Aquaculture 119: 25-40.<br />

Douillet, P.A. Aquaculture 119: 25-40<br />

Chen, J. Curr. Microbiol. 40: 29-33<br />

Hutchins, A. M. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 95:545-551<br />

Urea or Biuret supplements to low protein grazing in Africa Toops, J. K. World Animal Review, 83:14 -19<br />

Uptake of Phenoxy acetic acid by Penicilium chrysogenum Eriksen, S.H. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 42: 945-<br />

950<br />

Uptake of dissolved inorganic nitrogen by the symbiotic<br />

clam Tridacna gigas and the coral Acropora sp<br />

Wilkerson, F.P. Mar. Biol. 93: 237-246<br />

Uptake and assimilation of NH4 by a variety of corals Burns, R.H. Man Biol. 75<br />

Upaya peningkatan viabilitas larva bandeng, Chanos<br />

chanos melalui pengkayaan makanan alami.<br />

Upaya peningkatan produktivitas ayam buras dengan<br />

penyuntikan dosis rendah gonadotropin<br />

Upaya pengembangan tanaman kelapa dan kelapa sawit<br />

guna mendukung ketersediaan bahan baku minyak goreng<br />

dan ekspor<br />

Aslianti, T. J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 10(3): 9-<br />

16.<br />

Mustofa, I<br />

Tondok, A.R. Pangan 28 (7): 24-35.<br />

Upasesas detergent components Andree J. Appl. Biochem., 2:218-229<br />

Unstable genetic determinant of A-factor biosynthesis in<br />

streptomycin-producing organisms: cloning and<br />

characterization<br />

Horinouchi, S. J. Bacteriol. 158: 481-487<br />

Unexpected reproductive strategy ofSardinella aurita off<br />

the coast of Venezuela.<br />

Ultraviolet radiation - an effective bactericide for fresh<br />

meat<br />

Freon, P., Marine Biology. 128:363-372.<br />

Stermer, R.A. J. Pood Protect. 50, 108-111<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 766 dari 931

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