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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah A taxonomic monograph of the genus Aglaia Lour (Meliaceae) A systematic description of cacao clones.I I. The discriminative value of qualitative descriptors. A systematic description of cacao clones. I. The discriminative value of quantitave characteristics. A system for the growth and delivery of biological control agents to the soil. A Synthetic Medium for Bacterial Cellulose Production by A. xylium Subsp. Sucrofermentans A survey of the serological behaviour of CMV. Relationships between CMV strains and other viruses A survey of the nutritional and haemaglutination properties of legume seeds generally available in the UK. Pannel CM Kew Bulletin Additional Series XVI.Londen: HMSO ------ Euphytica 32, 387-396 Engels JMM Euphytica 32, 377-385 Backman, P. A. Phytopathology Matsuoka, M Bioscience Biotechnology Biochemistry Journal Devergne, J.C. Meded. Fac. Landbouww. Rijks. Univ. Gent. 40:19-36. Grant, G. Britt. J. Nutr., 50: 207-214. A survey of rice byproducts from different countries Creswell, D Monsanto Technical Symp. pp. 4-35. A survey of nitrate contents in Indonesian milk by enzymic analysis. A survey in different procedures used for vaccinating salmonids against vibriosis in Norwegian fish-farming. A superiority measure of cultivar performance for cultivar x location data. A study on the Pathogenesis of Bluetongue Repheation of the Virus in the Organ of Infected Sheep. A Study of Various Alkali Treatment to Improve the Nutritive Value of Rice Straw A study of the relation between body conformation and carcass quality in fat calves A Study of The Desorption Isotherm Of retewed Pigeon Pea Type-17 A Study Of The Desorption Isoterm Of Rewetted Pigeon Pea Type-17 A study of optimum cropping pattern and irrigation system in cotton + soybean cropping at low land of rainfed area, South Sulawesi. Priyo-Bintoro, V. Food addit. Contam. Lillehaug, A. Aquaculture, 83: 217-266 Lin, C.S J.Plant Sci. 68:193-198 Pini, A. Ord. J. Vet. Res. 43: 159-164. Jayasuriya, M.C.N. J. National Sci. Council of Srilanka Kidwell, J.F. J. Anim. Sci., 14: 233-242. Sherperd. H J. Food. Sci Sherperd. H J. Food Sci Limbongan, J. J. Littri I. A study of heat detection in beef heifers McCaughey, W.J. Irish Vet. J. 44: 134-137. A Study of Certain Chromogenic Bacteria Isolated from "Red Tide" Water with a Description of a New Species A study of cell wall regeneration of protoplasts in Marchantia polymorpha. Bein, S.J. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Caribbean. 4: 110- 119. Mori, K., Bot. Mag. Tokyo 96: 281-289. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 742 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah A study of carcass growth in calves Butterfield, R.M. Res. Vet. Sci., 7: 417-423. A Study of Artificial Fibre Bag Technique for Determining The Digestibility of Feeds in The Rumen. Mehrez, A. Z. J. Agric. Science, Camb., A Study of Artificial Fibre Bag Technique for Determining The Digestibility of Feeds in The Rumen. Mehrez, A. Z. J. Agr. Sci. Cambridge. A Study into the mobility of iron in podzolized Serawak upland soils by means of selective iron extractions. Andriese, J.P Neth. J. Agric. Sci. A Statistical Study of Soil Sampling Thomburn. T.H J. of The Soil Mech and Found. Div A Specific in-line rheometer for extruded starchy products : Design, validation and application to maize starch A specific binding site on soybean membranes for a phytoalexin elicitor released from fungal cell walls by P-l,3endoglucanase Vergnes B Rheol Acta Yoshikawa, M. Plant Cell Physiol. 34:1229-1237. A Solar Dryer Supplement With auxiliary Heating System for Continuos Operation Akyurt. M Journal of Soler Energy A Soil Test for Nitrogen Availability to Corn Magdoff, F.R Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J A Soil erodibility nomograf for farmland and construction sites Wischmeier Jour. Soil and water concervation A Soil erodibility nomograf for farmland and construction sites Wischmeier Jour. Soil and water concervation A soil actinomycete antagonistic to corticium salmonicolor causing pink disease of rubber Joseph K Indian J, Nat Rubber res 4(2) :126130 A Soak and Press Method for the Alkali Treatment of Fibrous Crop Residues Ibrahim, M.N.M. Agricultural Wastes A small rainfall simulator for determination of soil erodibility Kamphorst, A. Netherlands J. Agr. Sci. A single oligonucleotide can be used to rapidly isolate DNA sequences flanking a transposon Tn5 insertion by the polymerase chain reaction A single nucleotidae substitution in a gene confrs oat pathogenicity to barley stripe mosaic virus strain ND18 A single cardiac troponin T gene generales embryonic and adult isotorms via developmentally regulated alternative splicing Rich, J.J. Nucleic Acids Res. 18: 6673-6676. Weiland JJ MPMI Cooper, T.A J. Biol. Chem A Simulaton model for decomposition in grassland. Hunt, G.W Ecology 58:469-488 A simulation model of the growth of the cassava crop and its use to estimate cassava productivity in Northern Australia Fukai, S. Agric. Sys. 23: 237-257. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 743 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

A study of carcass growth in calves Butterfield, R.M. Res. Vet. Sci., 7: 417-423.<br />

A Study of Artificial Fibre Bag Technique for Determining<br />

The Digestibility of Feeds in The Rumen.<br />

Mehrez, A. Z. J. Agric. Science, Camb.,<br />

A Study of Artificial Fibre Bag Technique for Determining<br />

The Digestibility of Feeds in The Rumen.<br />

Mehrez, A. Z. J. Agr. Sci. Cambridge.<br />

A Study into the mobility of iron in podzolized Serawak<br />

upland soils by means of selective iron extractions.<br />

Andriese, J.P Neth. J. Agric. Sci.<br />

A Statistical Study of Soil Sampling Thomburn. T.H J. of The Soil Mech and Found. Div<br />

A Specific in-line rheometer for extruded starchy products :<br />

Design, validation and application to maize starch<br />

A specific binding site on soybean membranes for a<br />

phytoalexin elicitor released from fungal cell walls by P-l,3endoglucanase<br />

Vergnes B Rheol Acta<br />

Yoshikawa, M. Plant Cell Physiol. 34:1229-1237.<br />

A Solar Dryer Supplement With auxiliary Heating System<br />

for Continuos Operation<br />

Akyurt. M Journal of Soler Energy<br />

A Soil Test for Nitrogen Availability to Corn Magdoff, F.R Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

A Soil erodibility nomograf for farmland and construction<br />

sites<br />

Wischmeier Jour. Soil and water concervation<br />

A Soil erodibility nomograf for farmland and construction<br />

sites<br />

Wischmeier Jour. Soil and water concervation<br />

A soil actinomycete antagonistic to corticium salmonicolor<br />

causing pink disease of rubber<br />

Joseph K Indian J, Nat Rubber res 4(2) :126130<br />

A Soak and Press Method for the Alkali Treatment of<br />

Fibrous Crop Residues<br />

Ibrahim, M.N.M. Agricultural Wastes<br />

A small rainfall simulator for determination of soil erodibility Kamphorst, A. Netherlands J. Agr. Sci.<br />

A single oligonucleotide can be used to rapidly isolate DNA<br />

sequences flanking a transposon Tn5 insertion by the<br />

polymerase chain reaction<br />

A single nucleotidae substitution in a gene confrs oat<br />

pathogenicity to barley stripe mosaic virus strain ND18<br />

A single cardiac troponin T gene generales embryonic and<br />

adult isotorms via developmentally regulated alternative<br />

splicing<br />

Rich, J.J. Nucleic Acids Res. 18: 6673-6676.<br />

Weiland JJ MPMI<br />

Cooper, T.A J. Biol. Chem<br />

A Simulaton model for decomposition in grassland. Hunt, G.W Ecology 58:469-488<br />

A simulation model of the growth of the cassava crop and<br />

its use to estimate cassava productivity in Northern<br />

Australia<br />

Fukai, S. Agric. Sys. 23: 237-257.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 743 dari 931

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