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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Altered phagocytic activity of macrophages in oyster<br />

toadfish from a highly polluted subestuacy<br />

Alterations in metacarpal characteristics in steers and<br />

heifers sequentially implanted with synovex from 45 days of<br />

birth<br />

Alterations in Abscisic Acid Content of Ficus Benjaleaves<br />

Resulting From Exposure to Water Stress and its<br />

Relationship to Leaf Abscission<br />

Alteration of Imogolite, Allophane, and Acidic Soil Clays by<br />

Chemical Extractants<br />

Alteration of imogolite, allophane, and acidic soil clays by<br />

chemical extractants<br />

Alteration of Imogolite, Allophane and Acidic Soil Clays by<br />

Chemical Extractants<br />

AlN-93 Purifield Diets for Laboratory Rodents: Final Report<br />

of the American Institute of Nutrition Ad. Hoc Writing<br />

Commitee on the Reformulation of the AIN-76A Rodent<br />

Diet<br />

Allozyme variation as a tool for the beche-de-mer fisheries<br />

management : A study on Holothuria scabra (sandfish)<br />

Allicin, the antibacterial principles ofAllium sativum. II.<br />

Determination of the chemical.<br />

Allicin, the antibacterial principle ofAllium sativum. I.<br />

Isolation, physical properties and antibacterial action.<br />

Allicin, the Antibacterial Principle of Allium sativum. I.<br />

Isolation, Physical Properties and Antibacterial Action<br />

Alley cropping maize (Zea mays L.) and leucaena<br />

(Leucaena Leucocephala Lam.) in Southern Nigeria<br />

Seeley. K.R. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 3 :<br />

324-227.<br />

Hardt PF J. Anim Sci 73:55-62<br />

Peterson, J. C. J. Amer. Src.<br />

Su, C Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Su, C Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Su. C Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Reeves, P.G. J. Nurt. 123.1939-1951.<br />

Uthche, S. Beche-de-mer Bulletin, 12 :18-23.<br />

Allozyme genotypes for popular and historically important<br />

inbred lines of corn<br />

Stuber CW USDA-ARS Southern Ser No.16<br />

Allophane in New Zealand-A Review. Aust. Parfitt, R. L. J. Soil Res. 28:343-360.<br />

Allocation Of Sulfur In Generative Soybean Sunarpi Plant Physiology<br />

Allocation Of S In Generative Soybean Sunarpi Physiol. Plant<br />

Allocation of S In Generative Soybean Sunarpi Pysiol Plant<br />

Allocation Of S In Generative Growth Of Soybean Sunarpi Plant Physiol<br />

Allocation Of S in Generative Growth Of Soybean Sunarpi Plant Physiology<br />

Allocation Efficiency in a Developing Agricultural Economy<br />

in Malaya<br />

Huang, Y American Journal of Economocs<br />

Allium sativum (garlic)-a natural antibiotic Adetumbi, M.A. Med. Hypoth. 12: 227-237.<br />

Allium production and research status in Indonesia Permadi, A.H. Acta Hortic. 358: 87-93<br />

Cavallito, C.J., Journal of America Chemical 66: 1.952-<br />

1.954.<br />

Alleviating iron toxicity in lowland rice. Ismunadji. M.<br />

Cavallito, C. J. Journal ofAmerican Chemical 66:<br />

1.873-1.875.<br />

Cavallito, C.J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 66: 1950-1951.<br />

Kang, B.T. Plant and Soil<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 727 dari 931

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