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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Applications of pyrethrum in public health and related fields Chandler, S.E. Pyrethrum Post. 3(1): 2-6. Applications of Endocrinology to Fish Culture Lam, T.J. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Applications and Extensions of OWA operators. Int Yager, R.R J. Man-Machine Studies Application, adsorption and translocation of boron in oil palm.II. Age of palm, frequency of application and influence of N and K Rajaratnam JA Expl. Agric 141-145 Application of Trichoderma and Gliocaldium in Alginate Pellets For Control of Rhizoctonia Damping Off Applica-tion of theory ofelasticity to the design of fruit harvest-ing and handling equipment for minimum bruising Application of the oil palm wood flour as fillers in polypropylene Application of fluorescent pseudomonads to control root desiases Application of different temperatures in three growth phases of wheat. I. Effects on grain and straw yields Application of cell and tissue culture and in vitro selection for disease resistance breeding, a review Application of Card Blot as A Semi-quatitative Detection Genes Expression on RNA Level. I Application of Biotechnology to Nutrition of Animals in Developing Countries. Lewis. J.A Plant Pathology Horsfield B.C., Transactions of the ASAE Zaini MJ Polymer Journal 26(5):637-642 Weller DM CA Parker, AD Rovira, KJ Moore, PTW Wog, JF Kollmorgen (eds) ecology and management of soilborne plant pathogens Kolderup, F. Ada. Agric. Ascand. 29, 6-10. Van den Bulk, R.W. Emphytica. (56): 269-285. Adisasmita, W. J. Biotech. June:433-440. Leng, R. A. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper No. 50 FAO of The United Nations, Rome. Application of bioreactors in plant propagation. p. 425-445. Preil, W. In P.C. Debergh and R.H. Zimmermann (Eds.) Micropropagation, technology and application. Application of Antioxidant Vitamin in Food and Beverages Elliot, J.G. Food Tech., 53 (2): 46-48. Application in vivo and in vitro mutation techniques for crop improvement Application of biotechnology to nutrition of animals in developing countries Applicalion of Protoplast Fusion to the Development of L- Lysine Producer Applicability of rheological models to the interpretation of flow and Processing behaviour of fluid food product Maluszynski M Euphytica 85:303-315 Leng, RA, FAO Animal Health Paper No. 90. urasawa, M., Agric. Biol. Chem Holdsworth, S.D Texture Study J Apple packing line impact damage relation Brown, G.K Transactions of the ASAE Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 706 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Apple impact bruise prediction models. Siyami S Transactions of the ASAE Appilcation of The Polymerase Chain Reaction Technique for Detecting Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) in Bulk Milk Sample. Wuryastuti, H. I. J. Biotech. Appication of oil palmwood flour as filler in PP Zaini MJ Polym J (Jap) 26 (5): 637-642 Apparent viscosity of milk and cultured yogurt thermally treted by UHT and vat system Labropoulos, A.E Food Protein J Apparent Haemocytic Transformations Assosiated With Parasitoid Induced Inhibition Of Immunity In Malacosoma Distriae Larva Stoltz. D.B J. Insect Physiol Apparent chitin digestibility in penaeid shrimp dark, D.J., Aqua-culture. 109:51-57. Apparent chitin digestibility in penaeid shirmp. dark, D.J., Aquaculture 109: 51-57. Apoptosis in Haemopoietic Cells Exposed to Electromagnetic Low Frequency Fields Reipert B.M. Life Sci. 61 (16): 1571-82. Apoptosis Haemopoietic Cells Exposed to ELF magnetic Fields Reipert, B.M. Life Sci. 61 (16): 1571-82. Aplikasi vaksin enteroksigenik Escherichia coli (ETEC) Supar Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner. 3(I): K99, F41 polivalen pada induk sapi perah bunting dalam upaya pengendalian kolibasilosis dan kematian pedet neonatal 27-33. Aplikasi teknik sinkronisasi birahi pd kerbau dan permasalahannya Putro PP bul. FKH-UGM. Vol XIII No 1-2: 30-37 Aplikasi penelitian biotehnologi tanaman hias Masyhudi, M.F. Aplikasi Hedonik Price Model Dalam Penentuan Harga dan Mutu Tembakau Virginia Zaini. A Aplikasi enzim lipase dalam pengolahan minyak sawit dan minyak inti sawit untuk produk pangan. Jatmika A Aplikasi bioteknologi di bidang pakan dan nutrisi ternak Soejono, M. buletin peternakan edisi khusus. Aplikasi Antropo-metri Sebagai Alat Ukur Status Gizi Di Indonesia Abunain. D Gizi Indonesia Aplication of isozume analysis in horticultural science Peirce LC Hort.Sci 8(1):17-22 Aplication of High Ionic Clarificant Sun. Y.F Int. Sugar Jour. Vol 96 No. 115 IE : 434:436 Aplaud DNA minipreparation:versi II Dellaporta SL Plant Mol Biol Reptr 1 Aphorpine Alkaloid of Annona squamosa L. Bakhuni, Sd. Phytochemistry, 14 Aphanomyces species assosiated with red spot diseases an ulcerative diseases of estuarine fish from Eastern Australia. Fraser.G.C., J. Fish Diseases, 15: 173-181. Aortic Valve Cusp Microstructure: The Role of Elastin Scott M. Ann. Thorac. Surg. 60: S391-394. Aorta simple method for the isolation and purification of total lipids from animal tissues Folch, J J.Biol.Chem Antocyanins Pigment in the Skin of Lychee Fruits Wicker, L. J. Food Sci., 56 (20): 466-468. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 707 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Applications of pyrethrum in public health and related fields Chandler, S.E. Pyrethrum Post. 3(1): 2-6.<br />

Applications of Endocrinology to Fish Culture Lam, T.J. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.<br />

Applications and Extensions of OWA operators. Int Yager, R.R J. Man-Machine Studies<br />

Application, adsorption and translocation of boron in oil<br />

palm.II. Age of palm, frequency of application and influence<br />

of N and K<br />

Rajaratnam JA Expl. Agric 141-145<br />

Application of Trichoderma and Gliocaldium in Alginate<br />

Pellets For Control of Rhizoctonia Damping Off<br />

Applica-tion of theory ofelasticity to the design of fruit<br />

harvest-ing and handling equipment for minimum bruising<br />

Application of the oil palm wood flour as fillers in<br />

polypropylene<br />

Application of fluorescent pseudomonads to control root<br />

desiases<br />

Application of different temperatures in three growth<br />

phases of wheat. I. Effects on grain and straw yields<br />

Application of cell and tissue culture and in vitro selection<br />

for disease resistance breeding, a review<br />

Application of Card Blot as A Semi-quatitative Detection<br />

Genes Expression on RNA Level. I<br />

Application of Biotechnology to Nutrition of Animals in<br />

Developing Countries.<br />

Lewis. J.A Plant Pathology<br />

Horsfield B.C., Transactions of the ASAE<br />

Zaini MJ Polymer Journal 26(5):637-642<br />

Weller DM CA Parker, AD Rovira, KJ Moore,<br />

PTW Wog, JF Kollmorgen (eds)<br />

ecology and management of soilborne<br />

plant pathogens<br />

Kolderup, F. Ada. Agric. Ascand. 29, 6-10.<br />

Van den Bulk, R.W. Emphytica. (56): 269-285.<br />

Adisasmita, W. J. Biotech. June:433-440.<br />

Leng, R. A. FAO Animal Production and Health<br />

Paper No. 50 FAO of The United<br />

Nations, Rome.<br />

Application of bioreactors in plant propagation. p. 425-445. Preil, W. In P.C. Debergh and R.H.<br />

Zimmermann (Eds.) Micropropagation,<br />

technology and application.<br />

Application of Antioxidant Vitamin in Food and Beverages Elliot, J.G. Food Tech., 53 (2): 46-48.<br />

Application in vivo and in vitro mutation techniques for crop<br />

improvement<br />

Application of biotechnology to nutrition of animals in<br />

developing countries<br />

Applicalion of Protoplast Fusion to the Development of L-<br />

Lysine Producer<br />

Applicability of rheological models to the interpretation of<br />

flow and Processing behaviour of fluid food product<br />

Maluszynski M Euphytica 85:303-315<br />

Leng, RA, FAO Animal Health Paper No. 90.<br />

urasawa, M., Agric. Biol. Chem<br />

Holdsworth, S.D Texture Study J<br />

Apple packing line impact damage relation Brown, G.K Transactions of the ASAE<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 706 dari 931

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