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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Assessment of methodologies for calorimetric cholesterol assay of meat Bohac, C. E. J. Food Sci. Assessment of dietary zinc in a population Gibson R.S Am. J.Clin.Nutr Assessing Forest Damage in High Elevation Coniferous Forest in Vermont and New Hampshire Using Thematic Mapper Data. Assesment of rapid method, using soil cores, for estimating the amount and distribution of crop roots in the field Assesment of nutritive value of calliandra calothyrsus: its chemicalcomposition and the influence of tannins, pipecolic acid and polyethylene glycol on in vitro organic matter digestibility Assesment of nuclear, mithocondria and cloroplast RFLP marker in oil palm (Elasi guineensis Jacq) Assesment of ice content and morphological alteration in Boer spermatozoa frozen in maxi straw. Animal Reproduction Research and Practise Assesing the nutrient status of peat soil from the Klang area Assay of lycopene and carotenoids as singlet oxygen quencher Assay of fungal chitin and estimation of mycorrhizal infection Aspergillus parasiticus growth and aflatoxin production on black and white pepper and the inhibitory action of their chemical constituents Aspergillus flavus growth and aflatoxin production on black and white pepper and the inhibitory action of their chemical constituent Aspergillus flavus and aflatoxin in peanut collected from three markets in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia Vogelman, J. E., Remote Sensing of Environment 24: 227-246. Drew, M. C. Plant and soil Salawu, M. B. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. Jack PI Theor Appl Gen 90(5):643-649 Eckwall H. J. Anim. Repr. Sci. Joseph, KT Mal Agric. J. 47(3): 10-17 Mascio P Method Enzymol Vignon, C. Phytol. Veg. 24:201-207. Madliyastha, M.S. J. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 48:376- 379. Madhyasta. M.S. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 48:376-378. Dharmaputra, O.S.H J.O. Naewbanij. 1989 (Ed.) Grain Postharvest Research of the 12"' ASEAN Seminar on Grain Postharvest Tcchnology, Surabaya, 29-31 August, 1989. p. 110-123. Aspek-aspek Silvikultur Eucalyptus Mindawati, N Journal Litbanghut VI Aspek sosial ekonomi budi daya ikan dalam karambajaring tancap di Danau Limboto, Sulawesi Utara Setijaningsih, L. Aspek Pemuliaan dalam resistensi kelapa terhadap penyakit Phytophthora palmivora. Aspek keamanan penggunaan bahan kimia pada produk pangan Novarianto H Bul Balitka Anggrahini S Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 702 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Aspek Hukum Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Hutan, Malang Aspek ekonomi budidaya ikan dalam Jaring terapung di Waduk Saguling Jawa Barat. Aspek biologi pengisap buah lada pada berbagai tingkat umur buah Aspek biologi dan Dinamika Populasi Udang Barong (Panulirus spp.) di Perairan Ujung Pandang dan sekitarnya. Istislam Aspek Hukum Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Hutan, Malang Sadili, D. Aspek biolimnologi perairan Waduk Darma, Jawa Barat. Tjahjo, D.W.H Suprapto Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanaman Industri. 14(4): 119-124. Mallawa, A., Buletin ITK Aspects of Tropical Mycology Ryvarden L Symp Bri mycol Soc Un of Liverpool Aspects of the focal theme Gongal, G.N. Anim. Res. Dev. 43/44: 9 -14. Aspects of the feeding biology of Asteroids Sloan N.A. Oceanog. Mar, BioL Annu. Rev. 18: 57- 124. Aspects of sexual reproduction and larval development I shallow water hermatypic coral, Goniastrea australensis (Edwar and Haime, 1857) Kojis, B,L Bull Mar.Sci, 3l 558-573. Aspects of Phosphorus Pollution from Aquaculture. Fisheries Management. Aspects of food intake restriction in young domestic fowl : Metabolic and genetic consi-derations Aspect on research and production of rambutan in Malaysia Kibria, G., NAGA. The ICLARM Quartely. July: 20- 24. Nir, I., World's Poultry Sci Shaari, A. L. Malaisia Agric. Res and Development institude, Selangor Aspect of meristem culture in the cattleya alliance. Scully, R.M. Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. Asosiasi Antara Bakteri dengan Ledakan Populasi Alga Berbahaya Sidharta, B.R. Biologi 2(7): 381-395. Asites in broilers. Disturbance in the hormonal regulation of metabolite rate and fat metabolism. Asian Bird Banders Manual. Migratory Animal Pathological Survey. Hongkong. Asexual reproduction and genetic determination of growth in the coral Pavona cactus: biochemical genetic and immunogenetic evidence. Schelle, C. W. J. Poult. Sci. McClure, H. E. Asian Bird Banders Manual. Migratory Animal Pathological Survey. Hongkong. Willis, B.L. Oecologia 65: 516-526. Asexual production of planulae in the coral Pocillopora damicornis. Stoddart, J.A., Mar. Biol. 76: 279-284. Asexual production of planulae in the coral Pocillopora damicornis Stoddart, J.E. Mar.Biol., 76: 279-284, Asexual production of panulae in the coral Pocillophora damicornis. Stoddart, J.E. Mar. Biol. 76: 279-284. ASEAN 1994 red tide map Anonim SEAHAB 2(1):3 (suppl.) Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 703 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Aspek Hukum Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa<br />

Hutan, Malang<br />

Aspek ekonomi budidaya ikan dalam Jaring terapung di<br />

Waduk Saguling Jawa Barat.<br />

Aspek biologi pengisap buah lada pada berbagai tingkat<br />

umur buah<br />

Aspek biologi dan Dinamika Populasi Udang Barong<br />

(Panulirus spp.) di Perairan Ujung Pandang dan sekitarnya.<br />

Istislam Aspek Hukum Dalam Pemberdayaan<br />

Masyarakat Desa Hutan, Malang<br />

Sadili, D.<br />

Aspek biolimnologi perairan Waduk Darma, Jawa Barat. Tjahjo, D.W.H<br />

Suprapto Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanaman<br />

Industri. 14(4): 119-124.<br />

Mallawa, A., Buletin ITK<br />

Aspects of Tropical Mycology Ryvarden L Symp Bri mycol Soc Un of Liverpool<br />

Aspects of the focal theme Gongal, G.N. Anim. Res. Dev. 43/44: 9 -14.<br />

Aspects of the feeding biology of Asteroids Sloan N.A. Oceanog. Mar, BioL Annu. Rev. 18: 57-<br />

124.<br />

Aspects of sexual reproduction and larval development I<br />

shallow water hermatypic coral, Goniastrea australensis<br />

(Edwar and Haime, 1857)<br />

Kojis, B,L Bull Mar.Sci, 3l 558-573.<br />

Aspects of Phosphorus Pollution from Aquaculture.<br />

Fisheries Management.<br />

Aspects of food intake restriction in young domestic fowl :<br />

Metabolic and genetic consi-derations<br />

Aspect on research and production of rambutan in<br />

Malaysia<br />

Kibria, G., NAGA. The ICLARM Quartely. July: 20-<br />

24.<br />

Nir, I., World's Poultry Sci<br />

Shaari, A. L. Malaisia Agric. Res and Development<br />

institude, Selangor<br />

Aspect of meristem culture in the cattleya alliance. Scully, R.M. Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull.<br />

Asosiasi Antara Bakteri dengan Ledakan Populasi Alga<br />

Berbahaya<br />

Sidharta, B.R. Biologi 2(7): 381-395.<br />

Asites in broilers. Disturbance in the hormonal regulation of<br />

metabolite rate and fat metabolism.<br />

Asian Bird Banders Manual. Migratory Animal Pathological<br />

Survey. Hongkong.<br />

Asexual reproduction and genetic determination of growth<br />

in the coral Pavona cactus: biochemical genetic and<br />

immunogenetic evidence.<br />

Schelle, C. W. J. Poult. Sci.<br />

McClure, H. E. Asian Bird Banders Manual. Migratory<br />

Animal Pathological Survey.<br />

Hongkong.<br />

Willis, B.L. Oecologia 65: 516-526.<br />

Asexual production of planulae in the coral Pocillopora<br />

damicornis.<br />

Stoddart, J.A., Mar. Biol. 76: 279-284.<br />

Asexual production of planulae in the coral Pocillopora<br />

damicornis<br />

Stoddart, J.E. Mar.Biol., 76: 279-284,<br />

Asexual production of panulae in the coral Pocillophora<br />

damicornis.<br />

Stoddart, J.E. Mar. Biol. 76: 279-284.<br />

ASEAN 1994 red tide map Anonim SEAHAB 2(1):3 (suppl.)<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 703 dari 931

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