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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Autoinhibition of juvenile hormone production. The case of the cockroach Blattella germanica (L.) Autoantibody against oxidized LDL and progression of catotid atherosclerosis Auswirkungen detr Inzucht auf leistngsmerkmale und deren genetische parameter bei Legehennen Maestro, J.L. Experientia 49: 320-323 Solanen JT Lancet 339:883-887 Preisinger R Genetisch Statistisher Ausschub BLT Grub 27 bis 29.03.2000 Deutschland Australian Waterfowl Do Not Necessarily Breed on A Rising Water Level. Crome, H. J. Aust. Wildl. Res. 13: 461-480. Australian Mango Industry Tochill. B.L Acta Horticultura Aujeszky's disease: Factors important for epizootiology and control. Wittmann, G Rev. Sci. Tech. Int. Epiz. 5 (4): 959- 977. Aujeszky's disease. Wittmann, G Rev. Sci. Tech. Int. Epiz. 5 (4): 959- 977. Aujeszky's disease in pigs. Baskerville, J.B., Vet. Bull. 43 (9): 456-480. Attraction on insects to potato plants through use of artificial honeydews and aphid juice Saad Entomophaga. 22(1): 47-59. Attachment of salmonella on modified poultry skin surface Kim, K. Y. J. Food Sci. Atriterpenoid saponin from Patrinia scabiosaefolia Kang SS J of Natural Product 60:1060-1062 Atlantic dogfish silage vs. herring silage in diets for Atlantic salmon (Salrno salar): growth and sensory evaluation of fillets Heras, H Aquaculture Atheroslerosis: A Defense Mechanism Gone Awry Ross, R. Am. J. Pathol. 143: 987-1002. Atherosclerosis: a defense mechanism gone awry Ross, R. Am. J. of Pathol Atherogenicity of animal and vegetable proteins. Int'luence of the lysine to arginine ratio Kritchevsky, D Atherosclerosis Atherogenic effect of oxidized products of cholesterol Hubbard, R.W Progress Food Nütr.Sci Asymptotic Reflectance Characteristics of Grass Ripple, W. J. Photogrammetric Engineering and Vegetation. Remote Sensing 51(12):1915-1921. Asymetric fusion between wild and cultivated species of potato (Solanum spp.) detection of asymetric hybrids and genome elimination. a-sulfonated fatty acid ester: I. Structural fatty acid higher alcohol esters on surface-active properties and emulsification ability Astaxanthin production by Phaffla rhodozyma enhanced in fed batch culture with glucose and ethanol feeding Oberwalder, B., Theor. Appl. Genet. 94: 1104-1112. Okano JAOCS 69(1):44-46 Yamane, Y. Biotechnol. Lett. 19: 1109-1111. Astaxanthin from microbial sources Johnson, E.A. Crit. Rev. Biotecnol. 11: 297-326. Astaxanthin formation by yeast Phaffia rhodozyma on molasses Haard, N.F. Biotechnol. Lett. 10: 609. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 700 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Associative effects of dietary addition of bicarbonate salts on the voluntary intake and digestibility of diets containing variation proportion of hays and barley. Associative effect of Azospirillum brasilense with Rhizobium japonicum on nodulation and yield of soybean (Glysine max) associations among protein hetero-zygosity. Growth rate and developmental homeostasis Associations among productivity, production response, and stability indexes in oat varietes Association of stomatal frequency and morphology in Lycopersicon species with resistance to Xanthomonas campestris pv. Vesicatoria Association of glutenin subunits with gliadin composition and grain quality in wheat. Association of estrogens receptor gene polymorphisms with outcome of ovarian stimulation in patients undergoing IVF Association of a xylem-limited bacterium with Sumatera disease of cloves Indonesia Association between surges of follicle-stimulating hormone and the emergence of follicular waves in heifers Association between Grain Filling Rate and Yield Components in Rice Association Between Energy Balance and Lutheal Function in Lactating Dairy Cows. Assisted Reproductive Technology in Non Domestic Ungulates: A Model Approach to Preserving and Managing Genetic Diversity. Mould, F.L. Animal feed Science and Technology. Singh, C.S. Plant Soil, 53: 387-392. Mitton, J.B Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst Langer, I. Euphytica 28:17-24 Ramos, L.J. Plant Pathology 41: 157-164. Wrigley, C.W. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 9, 15-30. Sundarrajan Mol. Hum. Reprod 5: 797-802. Bennet, C.P.A Plant Pathol. 34: 487-494. Adams GP J. Reprod. Ferti., 94 : 177-188 Jones, D.B Crop Sci Godoy, A.V. J. Dairy Sci. Loskutoff, N. M. Theriogenology. assimilatory capacity effects on sobyean yield components and pod number. Board, J.E Crop Science 35 : 846-851 Assimilation ofcholesterol by some cultures oflactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. Biotechnol Rasic, J.L Lett Assimilation Of Nitrate and Ammonium by Sulphur Deficient Zea Mays Cells Amancio. S P. Physiol. Biochem Assimilation of cholesterol by Lactobacillus acidophilus Gilliland., S.E Appl. Environ. Microbiol Assignment of the gene for diacylglycerol kinase (DAGK) to human chromosome 12 Assessment of the presence of a dominant follicle and selection of dairy cows suitable for superovulation by single ultrasound examination Hart, T.C. Mamm. Genuine 5:123-124. Bungartz L J Reprod Fertil 101:583-591. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 701 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Autoinhibition of juvenile hormone production. The case of<br />

the cockroach Blattella germanica (L.)<br />

Autoantibody against oxidized LDL and progression of<br />

catotid atherosclerosis<br />

Auswirkungen detr Inzucht auf leistngsmerkmale und deren<br />

genetische parameter bei Legehennen<br />

Maestro, J.L. Experientia 49: 320-323<br />

Solanen JT Lancet 339:883-887<br />

Preisinger R Genetisch Statistisher Ausschub BLT<br />

Grub 27 bis 29.03.2000 Deutschland<br />

Australian Waterfowl Do Not Necessarily Breed on A Rising<br />

Water Level.<br />

Crome, H. J. Aust. Wildl. Res. 13: 461-480.<br />

Australian Mango Industry Tochill. B.L Acta Horticultura<br />

Aujeszky's disease: Factors important for epizootiology and<br />

control.<br />

Wittmann, G Rev. Sci. Tech. Int. Epiz. 5 (4): 959-<br />

977.<br />

Aujeszky's disease. Wittmann, G Rev. Sci. Tech. Int. Epiz. 5 (4): 959-<br />

977.<br />

Aujeszky's disease in pigs. Baskerville, J.B., Vet. Bull. 43 (9): 456-480.<br />

Attraction on insects to potato plants through use of<br />

artificial honeydews and aphid juice<br />

Saad Entomophaga. 22(1): 47-59.<br />

Attachment of salmonella on modified poultry skin surface Kim, K. Y. J. Food Sci.<br />

Atriterpenoid saponin from Patrinia scabiosaefolia Kang SS J of Natural Product 60:1060-1062<br />

Atlantic dogfish silage vs. herring silage in diets for Atlantic<br />

salmon (Salrno salar): growth and sensory evaluation of<br />

fillets<br />

Heras, H Aquaculture<br />

Atheroslerosis: A Defense Mechanism Gone Awry Ross, R. Am. J. Pathol. 143: 987-1002.<br />

Atherosclerosis: a defense mechanism gone awry Ross, R. Am. J. of Pathol<br />

Atherogenicity of animal and vegetable proteins. Int'luence<br />

of the lysine to arginine ratio<br />

Kritchevsky, D Atherosclerosis<br />

Atherogenic effect of oxidized products of cholesterol Hubbard, R.W Progress Food Nütr.Sci<br />

Asymptotic Reflectance Characteristics of Grass<br />

Ripple, W. J. Photogrammetric Engineering and<br />

Vegetation.<br />

Remote Sensing 51(12):1915-1921.<br />

Asymetric fusion between wild and cultivated species of<br />

potato (Solanum spp.) detection of asymetric hybrids and<br />

genome elimination.<br />

a-sulfonated fatty acid ester: I. Structural fatty acid higher<br />

alcohol esters on surface-active properties and<br />

emulsification ability<br />

Astaxanthin production by Phaffla rhodozyma enhanced in<br />

fed batch culture with glucose and ethanol feeding<br />

Oberwalder, B., Theor. Appl. Genet. 94: 1104-1112.<br />

Okano JAOCS 69(1):44-46<br />

Yamane, Y. Biotechnol. Lett. 19: 1109-1111.<br />

Astaxanthin from microbial sources Johnson, E.A. Crit. Rev. Biotecnol. 11: 297-326.<br />

Astaxanthin formation by yeast Phaffia rhodozyma on<br />

molasses<br />

Haard, N.F. Biotechnol. Lett. 10: 609.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 700 dari 931

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