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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Water stress, rapid polyribosome reduction and growth Rhodes, R.R. Plant Physiol. 58:631-635. Water stress as a constraint on growth in the potato crop. 2. Validation of the model Jefferies, R.A. Agric. Forest Met. 53: 197-205. Water stress and plant growth Kramer, P.J. Agron. J. 55:3135. Water stress and clipping management effect on guineagrass: 11. Photosynthesis and water relations Alejandra, P. Agron. J. 87: 706-711. Water Sorption of Raisins Currant, Figs, Prunes and Apricots Tsami. E. J. Food. Sci Water Sorption of Raisins Currant, Figs, Prunes and Apricots Tsami. E. J. Food Sci Water Sorption of Raisins Currant, Figs and Apricots Tsami. E J. Food Sci Water sensivite period during the reproductive growth phase of Glicine max L. (II): Establishing water stress sensivity de Bruyn, L.P. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 174 : 197-203 Water reused system in aquaculture. Muir, J.F. Infofish International No. 6:40 - 49. Water Reuse Systems in Aquaculture Muir, J.F. Infofish International, 6: 40-46. Water Repellency of Sieve Fraction From Sandy Soils and Relationship With Organic Material and Soil Structure Bisdom. E.B.A Geoderma Water Relationship Solute Accumulation In Pseudomonas Flourescens Water Relations of Solute Accumulation in Pseudomonas fluorescens. Water relations and productivity of alfalfa leaf chlorophyll variants Water Quality for Agricultural. Irrigation and Drainage Paper Water Potential Tempe-rature, and Soil Type On The Formation of B Bassiana Soil Collonies Water potential effect on tensile and com-pressive failure stresses of apple and pntatn tissue Water Potential , Temperature and Clay Coating of B. Bassiana Conidia Water percolation dynamics as influenced by submergence levels and depth of puddling in rice fields Water management and requirements for rice cultivation under different irrigation methods and cultivation techniques Water deficit-induced changes in abscisic acid, growth, polysomes, and translatable RNA in soybean hypo-cotyls Prior. B.A J. Appl. Bacteriol Prior, B.A. J.Appl. Bacterial. 62:119-128 Estill, K. Crop Science, 3: 1229-1232. FAO No. 29. Rev. l. Rome. Studdert,J.P Jour. Of Invertebrate Path De Baedermaeker, J.L ASAE Paper Studdert,J.P Effect on Spodoptera exigua Pupal Morality In Two Soil Types Sing, A.K. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 41 (3): 213- 217. Tsuitsui, H. FAO Irrigation and drainage paper No. 12, Rome Bensen, R.J. Plant Physio!. 88: 289-294. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 6 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Water Deficit Effect on Corn II Grain Component Claassen. M.M Agron. J Water deficit effect on cell wall composition and in vitro degrability of structural polysaccharides from alfalfa stem Deetz DA Crop Sci 36:383-388 Water Deficit Development in Old and New Soybean Cultivars Frederick, J.R Agronomy J. 82 (1) Water and Water Relation Mederski HJ Soybean Improvement, Production and Uses, Agronomy Series 16, Amer. Soc. Agron Water and solute move-ment under conventional corn in Central Spain. II. Salt leaching. Bustos, A., Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 60: 1536-1540. Water activity in intermediate moisture foods. Bone, D.P. Food Tech. 27: 71. Water activity and temperature effects on non-enzymic browning of amino acid in dried squid and simulated model system Tsai, C. H. S. Food Sci. Water activity and Storage Stability Rockland, L. B. Food Technol. Waste Water Treatment. Eckenfelder, W.W., Chemical Engineering 92 (18). Waste water Treatment Eckenfelder, W.W. Chem. Engin. Waspadai Kapang pada Pakan Masun Poultry Indonesia . Majalah Ekonomi. Industri & Teknik Perunggasan Populer. No. 199 September 1996. Washing of Zinc (II) From Contaminated Soil Column Davis. A.P J. Environ. Eng Warta Bulanan Balai Penyelidikan Perusahaan Perkebunan Gula. Januari No. l : 5 - 9. Anonimous. Warta Bulanan Balai Penyelidikan Perusahaan Perkebunan Gula. Januari No. l : 5 - 9. Warta Akuakultur No. 2, Vol. 1. Anonymous. Warta Akuakultur No. 2, Vol. 1. wali6 and wali7: genes induced by aluminium in wheat Richards K.D. Plant Physiol. 105: 1455-1456. Wali6 and Wali7. Genes induced by aluminium in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots. Richards, K.D., Plant Physiol. 105: 1445-1446. Wabah streptococcal meningitis pada babi dan kera di Bali Dharma, D.M.N. Bulletin Sain Veteriner X, 26: 110-121. Voluntary intake in relation to chemical composition and digestibility Volume dan klasifikasi limbah penebangan pada beberapa perusahaan hutan di Aceh dan Kalimantan Timur. Volume dan Klasifikasi Limbah Penebangan pada Beberapa Pengusahaan Hutan di Aceh dan Kalimantan Timur, Van Soest. P.J Journal of Animal Science Simannata, S. Simarniata. S.R. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 7 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Water Deficit Effect on Corn II Grain Component Claassen. M.M Agron. J<br />

Water deficit effect on cell wall composition and in vitro<br />

degrability of structural polysaccharides from alfalfa stem<br />

Deetz DA Crop Sci 36:383-388<br />

Water Deficit Development in Old and New Soybean<br />

Cultivars<br />

Frederick, J.R Agronomy J. 82 (1)<br />

Water and Water Relation Mederski HJ Soybean Improvement, Production<br />

and Uses, Agronomy Series 16, Amer.<br />

Soc. Agron<br />

Water and solute move-ment under conventional corn in<br />

Central Spain. II. Salt leaching.<br />

Bustos, A., Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 60: 1536-1540.<br />

Water activity in intermediate moisture foods. Bone, D.P. Food Tech. 27: 71.<br />

Water activity and temperature effects on non-enzymic<br />

browning of amino acid in dried squid and simulated model<br />

system<br />

Tsai, C. H. S. Food Sci.<br />

Water activity and Storage Stability Rockland, L. B. Food Technol.<br />

Waste Water Treatment. Eckenfelder, W.W., Chemical Engineering 92 (18).<br />

Waste water Treatment Eckenfelder, W.W. Chem. Engin.<br />

Waspadai Kapang pada Pakan Masun Poultry Indonesia . Majalah Ekonomi.<br />

Industri & Teknik Perunggasan<br />

Populer. No. 199 September 1996.<br />

Washing of Zinc (II) From Contaminated Soil Column Davis. A.P J. Environ. Eng<br />

Warta Bulanan Balai Penyelidikan Perusahaan Perkebunan<br />

Gula. Januari No. l : 5 - 9.<br />

Anonimous. Warta Bulanan Balai Penyelidikan<br />

Perusahaan Perkebunan Gula.<br />

Januari No. l : 5 - 9.<br />

Warta Akuakultur No. 2, Vol. 1. Anonymous. Warta Akuakultur No. 2, Vol. 1.<br />

wali6 and wali7: genes induced by aluminium in wheat Richards K.D. Plant Physiol. 105: 1455-1456.<br />

Wali6 and Wali7. Genes induced by aluminium in wheat<br />

(Triticum aestivum L.) roots.<br />

Richards, K.D., Plant Physiol. 105: 1445-1446.<br />

Wabah streptococcal meningitis pada babi dan kera di Bali Dharma, D.M.N. Bulletin Sain Veteriner X, 26: 110-121.<br />

Voluntary intake in relation to chemical composition and<br />

digestibility<br />

Volume dan klasifikasi limbah penebangan pada beberapa<br />

perusahaan hutan di Aceh dan Kalimantan Timur.<br />

Volume dan Klasifikasi Limbah Penebangan pada<br />

Beberapa Pengusahaan Hutan di Aceh dan Kalimantan<br />

Timur,<br />

Van Soest. P.J Journal of Animal Science<br />

Simannata, S.<br />

Simarniata. S.R.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 7 dari 931

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