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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Bacteria of the rabbit gut and their role in the health of the rabbit Bacteria Associated with Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum (Bohm) and Their Role in Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) Toxins Production. I: Basic experimental results Bacteria associated with early life stages of halibut, Hippoglosus hippoglosus L., inhibit growth of a pthogenic Vibrio sp. Straw TE J Appl. Rabbit Res 11:142-150 Sidharta, B.R. Bergh, O. J. Fish Dis. 18: 31-40. Bacteria as a biocontrol agent of plant disease. 362-369. Scroth, M.N., In M.J. Kulg and C.A. Redy (Eds.) Current Perspectives In Microbial Ecology. Bactcrial Cellulose I. Factor Affecting The Production of Cellulose by A. Xilinum Embuscado, M.E Food Hydrocolloids Vol. 8, USA. Bacillus thuringiensis and its pesticidal crystal protein. Schnepf, E., Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 62(3): 775- 806. Bacillus thuringiensis and Related Insects Pathogens Aronson, A.L Microbiol Rev B3(beta)-adrenergic receptors on whit and brown adipocytes mediate B3-selective agonist-induced effects on energy expenditure, insulin secretion on food intake. B3(Beta)-adrenergic agonist induces a functionally active twitch uncoupling protein in fat and slow-muscle fibres Awspirillum halopraeferans sp. nov., a nitrogen-fixing organism associated with roots of Kallar grass (Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth.) Grujic,D. J. Biol. Chem. Vol.272 Yoshida, T Am. J. Physiol Reinhold B Int J Syst Bact 37:43-51. Avoiding false positives with PCR Kwok, S. Nature. 339: 237-338. Avocado Mesocarp; Browning Potential, Carotenoid Content, Polyphenol Oxidase, Calatase and Peroxidase Activities; Comparison Between Six Avocado Cultivars. Sharon-Raber, O. J. Food Science 48 (6): 1874 -1875 Avocado Fruit Development And Ripening Physiology Bower. J.P Horticulture Review Avocado (Persea Americana Mill) Quality Changes In Response to Low Temperature Storage Zauberman. G Postharvest Biol. And Technology Aviability of Residual Phosporus in Manured Soils Sharpley.A.N Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J Average Genetic Correlations Among Offspring From Open Polinated Forest Trees Squillace.A.E Silvae Genetica Avaliable Phosporus in Relation To Form Phosphates in Soils Chang. S.C Soil sci Available phosphorus requirements of food-size channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus} fed practical diets in ponds. Eya, J.C. Aquaculture 154:283-291. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 698 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Available phosphorus in poultry. 1. Effect of phosphorus levels on the performance of laying hens and their egg quality, hatchability, bone analysis and phosphorus in blood plasma. El Boushy, A. R. Netherlands J. Agric. Sci. Availability to rats of iron from spinach: effect of oxalic acids Van Campean D.R Journal of Nutrition, I Availability of residual phosphorus in manured soils Sharpley, A.N Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J Availability of phosphorus in fish bone meal and inorganic salts to Atlantic salmon (Saimo salar) as determined by retention Nordrum, S. Aquaculture 157:51-61. Availability of phosphorus in calcareous soil tretarated with rock phosphate or superphosphate as efected by phosphate-dissolving fungi. Salih, H. M. Plant and Soil Availability of phosphate applied to calcareous soils of West Asia and North Africa Afif, E Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J Availability of phosphate applied to calcareous soils of West Asia and North Africa Afif,E Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J Availability of phosphate applied to calcareous soils of West Asia and North Africa Afif, E Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J Availability for poults on phosphorus from meat and bone meals of different particle size. Sell, J. L. Poult. Sci. Availability and utilization of amino acids for growing pigs Batterham ES Nutr Resc Rev 5: 1-18 Availability and Potential Utilization of Oil Palm Trunks and Fronds up to The Year 2000. Avail Azospirillum Brasilenselity of Phosphorus in Acalcareous Soil Treated With Rock Phosphate or Superphosphate as Affected by Phosphate Dissolving Fungi Auxin-induced chenges in the patterns of protein synthesis in soybean hypocotyl Auxin inducibility and developmental expression of axi 1: a gene directing auxin independent growth in tobacco protoplasts Autoxidation of biological molecules. 1. The antioxidant activity of vitamin E anf related chain breaking phenolic antioxidants in vitro Autoradio-graphic analysis of amina acid uptake by the gill of Mytilus. Auto-oxidation of ethyl eiosapentaenoate and docusahexaenoate Autooxidation of ethyl eicosapentaenoic Acid and docosaheexaenoic Acid Husin, M. A. PORIM Occasional Paper. Saleh. H. M Plant Soil Zufluh LL Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci 77:357-361 Walden R. EMBO J. 13: 4729-4736. Burton GW J Am Chen Soc 103: 6472-6477 Wright, S.H., J. Comp. Physiol. 154: 249-256. Choo SY J Am Oil Chem Soc 64(6):876-879 Cho SY JAOCS 64 (6): 876-879 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 699 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Available phosphorus in poultry. 1. Effect of phosphorus<br />

levels on the performance of laying hens and their egg<br />

quality, hatchability, bone analysis and phosphorus in blood<br />

plasma.<br />

El Boushy, A. R. Netherlands J. Agric. Sci.<br />

Availability to rats of iron from spinach: effect of oxalic<br />

acids<br />

Van Campean D.R Journal of Nutrition, I<br />

Availability of residual phosphorus in manured soils Sharpley, A.N Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Availability of phosphorus in fish bone meal and inorganic<br />

salts to Atlantic salmon (Saimo salar) as determined by<br />

retention<br />

Nordrum, S. Aquaculture 157:51-61.<br />

Availability of phosphorus in calcareous soil tretarated with<br />

rock phosphate or superphosphate as efected by<br />

phosphate-dissolving fungi.<br />

Salih, H. M. Plant and Soil<br />

Availability of phosphate applied to calcareous soils of<br />

West Asia and North Africa<br />

Afif, E Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Availability of phosphate applied to calcareous soils of<br />

West Asia and North Africa<br />

Afif,E Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Availability of phosphate applied to calcareous soils of<br />

West Asia and North Africa<br />

Afif, E Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<br />

Availability for poults on phosphorus from meat and bone<br />

meals of different particle size.<br />

Sell, J. L. Poult. Sci.<br />

Availability and utilization of amino acids for growing pigs Batterham ES Nutr Resc Rev 5: 1-18<br />

Availability and Potential Utilization of Oil Palm Trunks and<br />

Fronds up to The Year 2000.<br />

Avail Azospirillum Brasilenselity of Phosphorus in<br />

Acalcareous Soil Treated With Rock Phosphate or<br />

Superphosphate as Affected by Phosphate Dissolving<br />

Fungi<br />

Auxin-induced chenges in the patterns of protein synthesis<br />

in soybean hypocotyl<br />

Auxin inducibility and developmental expression of axi 1: a<br />

gene directing auxin independent growth in tobacco<br />

protoplasts<br />

Autoxidation of biological molecules. 1. The antioxidant<br />

activity of vitamin E anf related chain breaking phenolic<br />

antioxidants in vitro<br />

Autoradio-graphic analysis of amina acid uptake by the gill<br />

of Mytilus.<br />

Auto-oxidation of ethyl eiosapentaenoate and<br />

docusahexaenoate<br />

Autooxidation of ethyl eicosapentaenoic Acid and<br />

docosaheexaenoic Acid<br />

Husin, M. A. PORIM Occasional Paper.<br />

Saleh. H. M Plant Soil<br />

Zufluh LL Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci 77:357-361<br />

Walden R. EMBO J. 13: 4729-4736.<br />

Burton GW J Am Chen Soc 103: 6472-6477<br />

Wright, S.H., J. Comp. Physiol. 154: 249-256.<br />

Choo SY J Am Oil Chem Soc 64(6):876-879<br />

Cho SY JAOCS 64 (6): 876-879<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 699 dari 931

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