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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Biotite weathering and clay formation in arid and humid<br />

region of California<br />

Biotit Weathering and Clay Formation in Arid and Humid<br />

Region California<br />

Biotin requiremen of broiler breeders fed diets of different<br />

protein content and effect of insufficient biotin on the<br />

viability of progeny.<br />

Bioteknologi untuk Pelestarian dan Pemanfaatan Plasma<br />

Nutfah BPPT dan PT. Fitotek Unggul. 12 Desember.<br />

Jakarta.<br />

Ismail. FT Soil Sci. 109: 257-261<br />

Ismail.F.T Soil. Sci.<br />

Pearson, R. A. British Poultry Science.<br />

Sastrapradja, S. Bioteknologi untuk Pelestarian dan<br />

Pemanfaatan Plasma Nutfah BPPT<br />

dan PT. Fitotek Unggul. 12 Desember.<br />

Jakarta.<br />

Bioteknologi untuk menunjang peningkatan mutu benih<br />

kehutanan<br />

Sudarmonowati, E. Keluarga Benih. VII(1): 66-74.<br />

Bioteknologi Tanah : Strategi Mengatasi Permasalahan<br />

TSP<br />

Adinurani.P.G. Majalah Gula Indonesia XVII (1)<br />

Bioteknologi Re-produksi : Penelitian dan Aplikasi dalam<br />

Prosising Lo-kakarya Nasional l<br />

Tappa, B Bioteknologi Peternakan<br />

Bioteknologi molekuler: mengoptimalkan manfaat<br />

keanekaan hayati melalui teknologi DNA rekombinan<br />

Suwanto, A.<br />

Biotechnology of microbial flavour production. 55-61. Yong, F.M. In Z. Merican, H. Midon, L.B. Tong,<br />

A.M. Yatim, and W.Y.W. Abaulah<br />

(Eds.) Proc. ASEAN Workshop on the<br />

Production of Natural Flavour for<br />

Food, Kuala Lumpur.<br />

Biotechnology In Forest Tree Improvement With Special<br />

Rference to Developing Countries<br />

Haines.R.J FAO Forestry Paper No. 118<br />

Biotechnology and Effluent Treatment Wheatley, A.D. Biotech. and Gen. Eng. 2:261-309.<br />

Biotechnological Strategies tbr the Modification of Food<br />

Lipids<br />

Willis, W.M., Biotech. Genetic Eng. Rev<br />

Biotechnological aspects of onion breeding Kik, C. Acta Hort. 433: 291-297<br />

Biosynthesis of cryptoporic acids H and I Ganodrma neojaponicum<br />

Hirotani, m Phytochemistry<br />

Biosynthesis of capsainoids in Capsicum annum Kopp, B. Journal of Med. Plant Research 39 (3):<br />

289.<br />

Biosurfaktan. Aplikasi dan peluang minyak sawit sebaai<br />

bahan bakunya<br />

Herawan T<br />

Biosurfactants-A review Ghazali R ELAIS. Special issue:31-53<br />

Biosurfactants: Recent advances. Lin SC J. Chem. Tech Biotechnol 66(2):109-<br />

120<br />

Biosurfactants. Zajic, J.E. CRC Critical Reviews in Biotechnology<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 682 dari 931

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