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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Development in vitro and in vivo of aggregated parthenogenetic bovine embryos Development in bcche-de-mer production in Indonesia during the last decade Development cycle of Tubifek tubifek in experiment culture. Development changes in Screlotia of the rice Sheath Blight Fungus Development capacity of in vitro matured and fertilized oocytes from prepubertal and adult goats Development and vegetation dynamics of lowland ombrogenous peat swamp in Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia Development and survival of the two-striped grasshopper, Melanoplus bivittatus (Say) (Orthoptera: Acrididae), on various single and multiple plant diets Development and survival of Cer-cospora zeaemaydis Germlings in different relative humidity environments Development and economic injury level of the green cloverworm on soybean in Iowa Development and application of ultrasonic methods for measuring fat thickness and rib eye area in cattle and hogs Boedono, A., S J. Reprod. Fert. Dev Tuwo, A, Bechc-de-mer Bulletin, 4 : 2-3 Kosiorek, D Pol. Arch Hydrobiol. 21: 411-422. Hashiba, T. Phytopathology Mogas T Theriogenology Morley, R.J J. Biogeography MacFarlane, J. H., Acrida 9: 63-76. Thorson, P.R. Phytopathology Stone, J.D. J. Econ. Entomol. (65): 197-201 Stouffer, J.R. J. Anim. Sci., 20: 759-767. Development and application of PFM011 as a possible food-grade cloning vector Froseth, B. R. J. Dairy Sci. Developmen. Hydraulic Engineering, Volurr Elsevier Novak, P applied Sci Publishers, London. Developing nomenclature for genes of unknown function: a case study of ABA-responsive genes Developing a selectivee breeding program for penaid shrimp mericulture Detritus Food Webs In Conventional and No-Tillage Agroecosystem Detoksiifikasi Al dari Tanah Ultisol pada Tanaman Jagung Bermikoriza dengan Pemberian Bahan Organik dan Batu Fosfat Determining Small Amount of Calcium in Plant Material. A Colorimeter Method. Determining optimal heat treatment of soybeans by measuring available lysin chemically and biologically with rats to maximixe protein utilization by ruminants Mundy, J. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 1: 276-383. Lester, L.J. Aquaculture 33: 41-50 Hendrix. P.F BioScience Prasetya, B Tyner, E.H Analytical Chemistry. 20:76-80. Faldet, M. A. J. Nutr. Determination of Water Quality. Ellis, M. M, Res. Report 9. 122 pp. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 618 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Determination of water holding capacity of ground cooked lean meat. Determi-nation of total, insoluble and soluble dietary fiber and resistant starch in processed corn and rice products Determination Of Total Organic C on Soils By an Improved Chromic acid Digestion and Spectrophotometric Procedure Determination of total dietary fiber in foods and food products and total diets: interlaboratory study Determination of the macrophage chemiluminiscent response in Fundulus heteroclitus as a function of pollution stress Determination of the energy expenditure of penned and grazing sheep from estimates of carbondioxide entry rate Determination of the degree of humification in peat samples. Determination of Protein: A Modification of The Lowry Method that Gives A Linier Photometric Response Determination Of Petroselinic Acid In UmbelliFlorae Seed Oils By Combined GC and 13C NMR Spectroscopy Analysis Determination Of Petroselinic Acid In Umbelliflorae Seed Oils By Combined GC and 13C NMR Spectroscopy Analysis Determination of peach firmness by analysis of impact farces Determination of Otal Soluble Al in Soil Solution Using Pyrocatecol Violet, Lanthanum and Iron to Discriminate Against Micro-particulate and Organic Ligands. Commun. Asselberg, E. A. Food tech. Corujo, J.L American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC) Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington Haines. D.L Communication Of Soil Science and Plant Analysis Prosky, L. J. A.O.A.C. 67: 1044-1053. Kelly-Reay, K. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 4.95-105. Corbett, J.L. Brit. J. Nutr. 26:277-291. Kaila, A J. Agric Sci. Finland 28: 18-35 Hartree, E.F, Anal. Biochem. 48. 422-427 Mallet. J.F J.Am. Oil. Chem Soc Mallet. J.F J. Am. Oil. Chem. Soc Dewilche, M. J Trans, of the ASAE Menzies, N.W., Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 23: 2525-2545. Determination of Organic Carbon in Soil and Plant Material. Shaw.K J. Of Soil Sci Determination of organic acid in soil extracts by ion chromatography Determination of optimum levels of light irradiation needed to control ripening of tomato Determination of nutrients digestibility, rumen fermentation parameters and microbial protein concentration on ongole crossbred cattle fed rice straw Determination of nitrate in vegetables using an ion selective electrode. Baziramakenga R Soil Biol Biochem 27:349-356. Lee, G.H. Trans. ASAE 39(1) 169-175. Utomo, R. Bulletin of anim. Sci., Suplement edition Consalter, A. J. Food Comp. Anal. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 619 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Development in vitro and in vivo of aggregated<br />

parthenogenetic bovine embryos<br />

Development in bcche-de-mer production in Indonesia<br />

during the last decade<br />

Development cycle of Tubifek tubifek in experiment<br />

culture.<br />

Development changes in Screlotia of the rice Sheath Blight<br />

Fungus<br />

Development capacity of in vitro matured and fertilized<br />

oocytes from prepubertal and adult goats<br />

Development and vegetation dynamics of lowland<br />

ombrogenous peat swamp in Kalimantan Tengah,<br />

Indonesia<br />

Development and survival of the two-striped grasshopper,<br />

Melanoplus bivittatus (Say) (Orthoptera: Acrididae), on<br />

various single and multiple plant diets<br />

Development and survival of Cer-cospora zeaemaydis<br />

Germlings in different relative humidity environments<br />

Development and economic injury level of the green<br />

cloverworm on soybean in Iowa<br />

Development and application of ultrasonic methods for<br />

measuring fat thickness and rib eye area in cattle and hogs<br />

Boedono, A., S J. Reprod. Fert. Dev<br />

Tuwo, A, Bechc-de-mer Bulletin, 4 : 2-3<br />

Kosiorek, D Pol. Arch Hydrobiol. 21: 411-422.<br />

Hashiba, T. Phytopathology<br />

Mogas T Theriogenology<br />

Morley, R.J J. Biogeography<br />

MacFarlane, J. H., Acrida 9: 63-76.<br />

Thorson, P.R. Phytopathology<br />

Stone, J.D. J. Econ. Entomol. (65): 197-201<br />

Stouffer, J.R. J. Anim. Sci., 20: 759-767.<br />

Development and application of PFM011 as a possible<br />

food-grade cloning vector<br />

Froseth, B. R. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Developmen. Hydraulic Engineering, Volurr Elsevier Novak, P applied Sci Publishers, London.<br />

Developing nomenclature for genes of unknown function: a<br />

case study of ABA-responsive genes<br />

Developing a selectivee breeding <strong>program</strong> for penaid<br />

shrimp mericulture<br />

Detritus Food Webs In Conventional and No-Tillage<br />

Agroecosystem<br />

Detoksiifikasi Al dari Tanah Ultisol pada Tanaman Jagung<br />

Bermikoriza dengan Pemberian Bahan Organik dan Batu<br />

Fosfat<br />

Determining Small Amount of Calcium in Plant Material. A<br />

Colorimeter Method.<br />

Determining optimal heat treatment of soybeans by<br />

measuring available lysin chemically and biologically with<br />

rats to maximixe protein utilization by ruminants<br />

Mundy, J. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 1: 276-383.<br />

Lester, L.J. Aquaculture 33: 41-50<br />

Hendrix. P.F BioScience<br />

Prasetya, B<br />

Tyner, E.H Analytical Chemistry. 20:76-80.<br />

Faldet, M. A. J. Nutr.<br />

Determination of Water Quality. Ellis, M. M, Res. Report 9. 122 pp.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 618 dari 931

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