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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Dietary flavonoids as potential natural biological response modifiers affecting the autoimune system Dietary fish protein modulates highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol and lipoprotein lipase activity in rabbits Dietary fish oil enhances plasma and LDL oxidative modification in rats. Dietary fish oil cnhances plasma and LDLoxidative modification in rats Dietary Fibres Reduce Blood Pessure, Serum Total Cholesterol and Platelet Aggregation in Rats Dietary Fibre, Complex Carbohydrate and Coronary artery disease Dietary fibre in health and dis-ease: An overview. Asia Pacific Nagami T J Food Sci 60(4):653-656 Bergeron, N J. Nutr Nardini, M. J. Nutr. Biochem Nardini, M Nutr. Biochem Bagger.M. British Journal of Nutriion Anderso.J.W Canadian Journal of Cardiologiy. Vol. 11 Kritchvesky, D J Clin Nutr Dietary Fibers are Troublemakers. Krogdahl, A. Poultry International Dietary fiber: the effect of partiële size of wheat bran on colonic function in young adult men Heller, S.N Am. J. Clin. Nutr Dietary fiber and lipids Miettinen, T. A. The American journal of clinical nutrition Dietary fiber and carbohydrate metabolism Wahlqvist, M. L. The American J. clinical nutr. Dietary fiber fractions in defatted rice bran and their hypocholesterolemic effect in cholesterol-fed rats Ayano, Y. J. Nutr Food (Japanese) 33: 283-291 Dietary fatty acids and progession of coronary artery disease in men Watts GF Am. J.Clin.Nutr Dietary fatquality and circulating cholesterol levels in humans: a review ofactions and Prog Mazier, J Food Nutr. Sci Dietary fat intake and the risk of coronary heart dissease in women Hu, FB N Eng. J. Med, Dietary fat intake & risk of coronary heart disease in women hu FB New Eng J Med. 337: 1491-1499 Dietary fat in the nutrition of the growing chicks. Rand, N. T. Poult. Sci. Dietary fat and fiber alter large bowel and portal venous volatile fatty acids and plasma cholesterol but not biliary steroids in pigs Topping, D.L J. Nutr Dietary fat & risk of coronary hearth disease in men : cohort follow up study in the United States Ascherio A British Med J. 313:84-90 Dietary factors as determinants of hypertension: A case control study in urban Indian population Kodali, V Asia Pasific J Clin Nutr Dietary energy allowances for beef cattle Perry, T.W Fedstuffs, Vol. 61, No. 31 Dietary effects on content of hepatic lipid, plasma minerals and tissue ascorbic acid in hens and estrogenized chicks Brenes, A Poult SCI 64(5): 947-954 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 612 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Dietary effects of (0-3 type polyunsaturated fatty acids on serum and liver lipid levels in rats Dietary effect of co-3 type polyunsaturated fatty acids on serum and liver lipid levels in rats Dietary Diversity and Subsequent Mortality in the First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Epidemiologic Follow up Study Dietary cholesterol effects on plasma and yolk cholesterol fractions in selected lines of Japanese quail Kobatake, Y J. Nutr. Sci Kobatake. Y J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol Kant AK The American Journal of Clinical Hammad, S. M. Poult. Sci. Dietary buffering requirements of the lactating dairy cow. A. Review. Erdinan, R.A. J. Dairy Sci. Dietary buffering requirement of the lactating dairy cows. A reviews Erdman, R.A., J. Dairy Sci Dietary ascorbic acid requirement of rainboow trout for growth and collagen formation. Sato, M., Bull. Jap. Soc. Fish, 44: 1029-1035. Dietary antioxidants and carotid artery wall thickness Kritchevsky SB Aric Study Am J Epidem 45: 454-569 Dietary animal proteins and cholesterol metabolism in rabbits Dietary alfa Iinolenic acid at i.3 g/kg maintain maximal DHA concentration in brain, heart and liver of adults rats Diet, Prey Selection and Daily Ration of Stomolophus rneleagris, A Filter-Feeding Scyphomedusa from The Northeast Gulf of Mexico Lovati, M.R British. J. Nutr Bourre. J M. J. Nutr. 123 1313-1319. Larson, R.J. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. Vol. 32: 511 -525. Diet selection for protein by poultry. Forbes, J. M. World's Poult. Sci. J. Diet selection by Ceratitis capitata larvae: influence of the rearing diet and genetic factors Canato C.M. Journal of Insect Physiology 39: 981- 985 Diet Atherosclerosis and Fish oil Connor, E.E. Adv. Intern. Med. 35: 139-172. Diet and the rate of food passage in the growing chick. Tuckey, R. Poult. Sci. Diet and health: what should we eat? Willet WC Science 264:532-537 Diet and health : what should we eat ? Willet WC science 264:532-537 Diet and coronary heart disease : beyond dietary fats and low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol Fraser GE Am. J.Clin.Nutr Diel variability of school structure with special reference to transition periods. ICES Freon, P., J. Mar. Sci. 53: 459-464. Die Theoritische Bestimmung des Gleichgewichzustandes im Plenterwald Prodan.M Schweiz. Zeitschr.F.Forstwesen Die Nutzung der LH-Analytik zur Bestimmung des Kanitz E. Monatshefte Veteri-narmedizin, 45 : optimalen Besamungszeitraumes nach Superovulationsbehandlungen 123-125 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 613 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Dietary effects of (0-3 type polyunsaturated fatty acids on<br />

serum and liver lipid levels in rats<br />

Dietary effect of co-3 type polyunsaturated fatty acids on<br />

serum and liver lipid levels in rats<br />

Dietary Diversity and Subsequent Mortality in the First<br />

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey<br />

Epidemiologic Follow up Study<br />

Dietary cholesterol effects on plasma and yolk cholesterol<br />

fractions in selected lines of Japanese quail<br />

Kobatake, Y J. Nutr. Sci<br />

Kobatake. Y J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol<br />

Kant AK The American Journal of Clinical<br />

Hammad, S. M. Poult. Sci.<br />

Dietary buffering requirements of the lactating dairy cow. A.<br />

Review.<br />

Erdinan, R.A. J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Dietary buffering requirement of the lactating dairy cows. A<br />

reviews<br />

Erdman, R.A., J. Dairy Sci<br />

Dietary ascorbic acid requirement of rainboow trout for<br />

growth and collagen formation.<br />

Sato, M., Bull. Jap. Soc. Fish, 44: 1029-1035.<br />

Dietary antioxidants and carotid artery wall thickness Kritchevsky SB Aric Study Am J Epidem 45: 454-569<br />

Dietary animal proteins and cholesterol metabolism in<br />

rabbits<br />

Dietary alfa Iinolenic acid at i.3 g/kg maintain maximal<br />

DHA concentration in brain, heart and liver of adults rats<br />

Diet, Prey Selection and Daily Ration of Stomolophus<br />

rneleagris, A Filter-Feeding Scyphomedusa from The<br />

Northeast Gulf of Mexico<br />

Lovati, M.R British. J. Nutr<br />

Bourre. J M. J. Nutr. 123 1313-1319.<br />

Larson, R.J. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science.<br />

Vol. 32: 511 -525.<br />

Diet selection for protein by poultry. Forbes, J. M. World's Poult. Sci. J.<br />

Diet selection by Ceratitis capitata larvae: influence of the<br />

rearing diet and genetic factors<br />

Canato C.M. Journal of Insect Physiology 39: 981-<br />

985<br />

Diet Atherosclerosis and Fish oil Connor, E.E. Adv. Intern. Med. 35: 139-172.<br />

Diet and the rate of food passage in the growing chick. Tuckey, R. Poult. Sci.<br />

Diet and health: what should we eat? Willet WC Science 264:532-537<br />

Diet and health : what should we eat ? Willet WC science 264:532-537<br />

Diet and coronary heart disease : beyond dietary fats and<br />

low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol<br />

Fraser GE Am. J.Clin.Nutr<br />

Diel variability of school structure with special reference to<br />

transition periods. ICES<br />

Freon, P., J. Mar. Sci. 53: 459-464.<br />

Die Theoritische Bestimmung des Gleichgewichzustandes<br />

im Plenterwald<br />

Prodan.M Schweiz. Zeitschr.F.Forstwesen<br />

Die Nutzung der LH-Analytik zur Bestimmung des<br />

Kanitz E. Monatshefte Veteri-narmedizin, 45 :<br />

optimalen Besamungszeitraumes nach Superovulationsbehandlungen<br />

123-125<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 613 dari 931

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