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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Distribution pattern of Aphis gossypii and its coccinellid<br />

predator Menochilus sexmaculatus in the chilli ecosystem<br />

Distribution of residual autocorrelation in autogressive-<br />

Integral Moving Average time series models<br />

Distribution of repetitive DNA sequences in eubacteria and<br />

application to fingerprinting of bacterial genomes.<br />

Distribution of Phytate and Nutritionally Important Elements<br />

Among the Morphological Components of Cereal Grains.<br />

Distribution of pathogenic Vibrio and other bacteria in<br />

imported frozen shrimps and their decontamination by<br />

gamma irradiation<br />

Distribution of Nitrogen Mineralization Potential Within<br />

Surface Layers of Upland Soil In South Kalimantan<br />

Wagiman FX Indon J Plant Protect 4(1):32-37.<br />

Box GEP Journal of the American Statistical<br />

Association (Dec) : 1509-1526<br />

Versalovic, J., Nucleic Acids Res. 19: 6823-6831.<br />

O'Dell, B. L., J. Agr. Food Chem. 20: 718.<br />

Rashid, H.O World Journal of Microbiol and<br />

Bacteriology<br />

Purnomo. E<br />

Distribution of myrosinase in rapeseed tissues Hoglund A-S Plant Physiol. 95:213-221<br />

Distribution of Latex in the Plant Kingdom. Metcalfe, C.R., Econ. Bot. 21: 115-127.<br />

Distribution of juvenile, subadultand adult Scylla serrata<br />

(Crustacea: Portunidae) on tidal flats in Australia.<br />

Hill, B.J. Mar. Biol. 69:117-120.<br />

Distribution of Jembrana Disease in Cattle in Indonesia Hartaningsih.N vet Microbial<br />

Distribution of heavy metals among different bonding form<br />

in tropical peat soils.<br />

Distribution of eicosapentenaoic and arachidonic acids in<br />

different species of Gracilaria.<br />

Distribution of early developmental stages of pink shrimp,<br />

penaeus duorarum, in florita waters<br />

Distribution of coral communities on reef slopes in the<br />

Mascarene archipelago, Indian Ocean,<br />

Distribution of chloropicrin douglas-fir pole 1- to 7-years<br />

after remedial trcatinenl.<br />

Distribution and Redistribution of Sulphur Taken Up From<br />

Nutrient Solution During Vegetative Growth in Barley<br />

Distribution and Redistribution of Sulphur Supplied as (35S)<br />

Sulphate to Roots During Vegetative Growth of Soybean<br />

Distribution and Redistribution Of Sulphur Supplied as<br />

(35S) Sulfate to Roots During Vegetative Growth Of<br />

Soybean<br />

Yonebayashi, K Soil Sci. plant Nutr.<br />

Khotimchenko, S.V. Phytochemistry, 30: 207-209.<br />

Jones, A.C Bulletin of marine science<br />

Faure, G., Mar. Res. Indonesia, 17: 73-97.<br />

Schneider, P.P., Forest Products Journall, 45(1):55-56.<br />

Adiputra. I.G.K Physoil. Plant<br />

Sunarpi Physiol. Plant<br />

Sunarpi Plant Physiology<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 602 dari 931

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