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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Earthworms and soil fertility Syers JK Plant soil 76:93-103<br />

Earthworm fauna in southern Karnathaka, india Bano K Applied soil ecology 6(1997):17-35<br />

Early testing of inbred lines of corn Sprague, G.F. J. Am. Soc. Agron. 38: 108-117.<br />

Early skypa-day feeding of female broiler chicks fed highprotein<br />

realimentation diets.Performance and Body<br />

Composition<br />

Santoso U Poultry.Sci<br />

Early skip-a-day feeding of female broiler chicks fed highpro-tein<br />

reatimentation diets. Perfor-mance and body<br />

composition<br />

Early skip-a-day feeding of female broiler chicks fed highprotein<br />

realimentation diets. Performance and body<br />

composition.<br />

Santoso, U. Poul-try Sci<br />

Santoso, U. Poultry Sci.<br />

Early selection in hybrid tea rose seedlings for cut stem<br />

leght<br />

de Vries DP Euphytica 26:761-764<br />

Early prediction on carcass traits of beef bulls. Harada, H. Jpn. J. Zootech. Sci., 56: 250-256.<br />

Early performance of oil palm clones produced by IOPRI. Ginting, G. Indon. J.Oil Palm Res 3(1) :11-26<br />

Early performance of oil palm clones produced by IOPRI Ginting G Indonesia J Oil palm Res 3(1):11-26<br />

Early Morphological Events of in Vitro Fertilized Bovine<br />

Oocytes with Frozen-Thawed Spernatozoa<br />

Early mental and neurological sequelae after Japanese B.<br />

encephalitis<br />

Early Maturity soybean production systems : Genotyupe x<br />

environmental interaction between regions of adaptation<br />

Early larval development of seabass, Lates calcarifer, with<br />

emphasis on the transition of energy sources<br />

Early feed restriction in male turkey: growth pattern, feed<br />

efficiency and body composition.<br />

Early feed restriction in chicks: effect of age, duration, and<br />

sex<br />

Early developmental events associated with changeover of<br />

nutrient sources in the grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus<br />

larvae.<br />

Early developmental events associated with change over of<br />

nutrient sources in grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus<br />

larvae<br />

Early Development Events Associated With Changeover of<br />

Nutrient Sources In The Grouper, Epinephelus<br />

fuscoguttatus Larvae<br />

Saeki, K. Theriogenology<br />

Bui, V.H. Southeast Asian. J. Trop. Med. Public.<br />

Hlth. 25(3): 549-553.<br />

Pfeiffer, T.W Crop Sci<br />

Kohno, H. Bull. Jab. Soc. Sci. Fish, 52 (10): 1719-<br />

1725.<br />

Plavnik, I. Poult. Sci.<br />

Plavnik I Poultry.Sci<br />

Kohno, H., Bull. Pen. Perikanan, Special Edition<br />

1:51-64.<br />

H. Kohno Bull Pen. Perikanan, Special Edition<br />

Kohno. H<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 596 dari 931

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