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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Economie analysis of sheep grazing in rubber piantation : a case study of OPMM Membang Muda Kartamulia Working paper Economics of decision making in pest management. Mumford JD Annu Rev Entomol Economics of decision making in pest management Mumford, J.D. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 29: 157-174. Economics of decision making in pest management Mumford JD Ann Rev Entomol 29:157-174 Economics of decision making in pest management Mumford JD Ann Rev Entomol 29:157-174 Economics of Commercial Giant Clam Mariculture Tisdell, C. ACIAR Monograph 25. 306 p Economic stabilization and social safety net: Achieving public prosperity Economic production of estuary grouper, Epinephelus salmoides Maxwell, reared in floating net cages. Sumodiningrat, G. Indonesia’s Economic Crisis: Effects on Agriculture and Policy Responses. P. Simatupang, S. Pasaribu, S. Bahri, and R. Stringer (Eds.), CASE, AARD- CIES, University of Adelaide, Australia. p. 111-139. Chua, T E Aquaculture, 20:187-228. Economic of decision making in Pest management Munford, J. D. Ann. Rev. Entomol. Economic Evluation of iodine interventions Hartoyo Economic Evluation of iodine interventions Hartoyo Economic considerations in wastewater treatment with duckweed for effluent and nitrogen renovation Oron, G. Res. J. Water Pollut. Fed. Economic Consideration In Wastewater Treatment With Duckweed For Effluent and Nitrogen Renovation Oron. G Res. J. Water Pollut. Fed Economic and Chemistry Prospect of Cajanus Cajan. Rozzaque, M.A. Journal of Forest Science Bano Bigyan Patrika Bangladesh, Chittagong. Ecologycal studies of the seastar, Astropectenlatespinosus Meissner, III. Seasonal change in the daily activity Ecologycal studies of the seastar, Astropecten latespinosus Meissner, IV, Growth curve Ecologycal studies of the seastar, Astropecten latespinosus Meissner, II. Growth rate and differences in growth pattern of immature and mature seastar Ecologycal feeding analysis of south-eastern australian scincids (Reptilia:Lacertilia) Ecology, reproductive biology, and systematics of Neoplatymops mattogrossensis (Chiroptera : Molossidae). Nojima, S. Publ. Amakusa Mar, Biol, Lab. 6 (1): 9- 21. Nojima, S. Amakusa Mar, Biol Lab.,6(2):85-94. Nojima, S. Publ. Amakusa Mar. Biol. Lab., 6 (2): 65-84. Brown, G.W. Australian Journal Zoology. 39 : 9-29. Willig, M.R. Journal of Mammalogy. 66(4):618-620. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 594 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Ecology of juvenile and adolescent banana prawn, penaeus merguensis, in a mangrove estuary and adjacent off-shore area of the Gulf of Carpentaria. I. Imigration and settlement of postlarvae Ecology of Japanese encephalitis virus in Japan. 1. Mosquito and pig infection with the virus in relation to human incidences Staples, D.J Autralian Journal of Marine and Fukumi, H. Trop. Mod. 17(3): 97-110. Ecology of infochemical use by natural enemies in a tritrophic context Vet LEM Ann Rev Entomol Ecology of common insect pest of rice Pathak, M.D. Ann. Rev. Entomol (13): 257294. Ecology of common insect pest of rice Pathak, M.D. Ann. Rev. Entomot. 13p.Peter Ecology and management of soybean arthropods Kogan, M. Ann. Rev. Entomol. (32): 507-538. Ecology and management of soybean arthropods Kogand, M. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 32: 507-538. Ecology and habitats of extremophiles Kristjansson JK World J Microbiol Biotechnol 11:7-25. Ecology and demography of a population of Anserepoda placenta (Echinodermata : Asteroidea) in the Bay of Brest/ Brittany Ecology and control of Pseudomonas solanacearum in Taiwan Ecological studies on the larval colony hatched from an egg mass of the stemborer Ecological studies on the jelly fish, A. aurita, in Urazoko Bay, Fukul prefecture. Occurrence pattern of the ephyrae. Ecological studies of rice sheath blight caused by Rhizoma solani: III cultural method and disease development Guillou, M. J. Mar, biol. Ass, U. K , 64 : 41-64. Hsu, S.T. Plant Protection Bulletin Taiwan 33:72- 79. Sato, K. Japan J. Appl. Entomol. Zool. 6: 95- 101. Yasuda, T Jap Soc Sci Fish Kim, C.K. Korean J. Pl. Prot Ecological Feeding Analysis of Southastem Australian Scincids (Reptilia : Lacertilia) Brown, G.W. Australian Journal Zoology. 39:9- 29. Ecological constrains on nitrogen fixation in agricultural ecosystems Alexander, M. Adv. Microbiol. Ecol. 8: 163-183. Ecological Characteristics of Nematode-Trapping Hypomycetes Cooke. R.C Annals of Applied Biology Ecological aspect of microbial cheniostatic behavior. Chet, I. Ann. Rev. Microbiol, 30:221-239. Echo-location among Collocalia Medway, L Nature Eating Your Way To A Auccesful Old Age, With Special Reference To Older Women Eating and rumination behaviour in sheep given silage made from the fibrous residue of ladino dover Eating and rumination behaviour in .sheep fed only erass diets in either the fresli or dried form Horwath. C Asia Pasific Journal Of Clinical Nutrition Fujihara, T., J. Agric. Sci Fujihara, T J. Agric. Sci. Earthworms and soil fertility Syers JK Plant soil 76:93-103 Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 595 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Ecology of juvenile and adolescent banana prawn,<br />

penaeus merguensis, in a mangrove estuary and adjacent<br />

off-shore area of the Gulf of Carpentaria. I. Imigration and<br />

settlement of postlarvae<br />

Ecology of Japanese encephalitis virus in Japan. 1.<br />

Mosquito and pig infection with the virus in relation to<br />

human incidences<br />

Staples, D.J Autralian Journal of Marine and<br />

Fukumi, H. Trop. Mod. 17(3): 97-110.<br />

Ecology of infochemical use by natural enemies in a<br />

tritrophic context<br />

Vet LEM Ann Rev Entomol<br />

Ecology of common insect pest of rice Pathak, M.D. Ann. Rev. Entomol (13): 257294.<br />

Ecology of common insect pest of rice Pathak, M.D. Ann. Rev. Entomot. 13p.Peter<br />

Ecology and management of soybean arthropods Kogan, M. Ann. Rev. Entomol. (32): 507-538.<br />

Ecology and management of soybean arthropods Kogand, M. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 32: 507-538.<br />

Ecology and habitats of extremophiles Kristjansson JK World J Microbiol Biotechnol 11:7-25.<br />

Ecology and demography of a population of Anserepoda<br />

placenta (Echinodermata : Asteroidea) in the Bay of Brest/<br />

Brittany<br />

Ecology and control of Pseudomonas solanacearum in<br />

Taiwan<br />

Ecological studies on the larval colony hatched from an egg<br />

mass of the stemborer<br />

Ecological studies on the jelly fish, A. aurita, in Urazoko<br />

Bay, Fukul prefecture. Occurrence pattern of the ephyrae.<br />

Ecological studies of rice sheath blight caused by Rhizoma<br />

solani: III cultural method and disease development<br />

Guillou, M. J. Mar, biol. Ass, U. K , 64 : 41-64.<br />

Hsu, S.T. Plant Protection Bulletin Taiwan 33:72-<br />

79.<br />

Sato, K. Japan J. Appl. Entomol. Zool. 6: 95-<br />

101.<br />

Yasuda, T Jap Soc Sci Fish<br />

Kim, C.K. Korean J. Pl. Prot<br />

Ecological Feeding Analysis of Southastem Australian<br />

Scincids (Reptilia : Lacertilia)<br />

Brown, G.W. Australian Journal Zoology. 39:9- 29.<br />

Ecological constrains on nitrogen fixation in agricultural<br />

ecosystems<br />

Alexander, M. Adv. Microbiol. Ecol. 8: 163-183.<br />

Ecological Characteristics of Nematode-Trapping<br />

Hypomycetes<br />

Cooke. R.C Annals of Applied Biology<br />

Ecological aspect of microbial cheniostatic behavior. Chet, I. Ann. Rev. Microbiol, 30:221-239.<br />

Echo-location among Collocalia Medway, L Nature<br />

Eating Your Way To A Auccesful Old Age, With Special<br />

Reference To Older Women<br />

Eating and rumination behaviour in sheep given silage<br />

made from the fibrous residue of ladino dover<br />

Eating and rumination behaviour in .sheep fed only erass<br />

diets in either the fresli or dried form<br />

Horwath. C Asia Pasific Journal Of Clinical<br />

Nutrition<br />

Fujihara, T., J. Agric. Sci<br />

Fujihara, T J. Agric. Sci.<br />

Earthworms and soil fertility Syers JK Plant soil 76:93-103<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 595 dari 931

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