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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Effect of Age and Gender on Adolescents Food and Preferences. Effect of Agc and Sex On The Evisceratcd Yield. Musclc and Edible Offal of A Commercial Broiler Strain. Effect of aeration conditions on the production of red pigments by Monascus purpureus growth on prickly pear juice. Effect of administration of Bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria to newborn calves and piglets Effect of administering progesterone at selected interval after insemination of synchronized heifers on pregnancy rates and resynchronization of returns to service. Effect of additives on nutrient losses and feeding value of silage. Effect of Adaptation to Phenol on Biodegradation of Monosubstituted Phenols by Aquatic Microbial Communities Effect of activated carbon on growth, ruminal caracteristics and blood profiles in japanese brown growing cattle Effect of acidity on the composition of an indigenous soil population of Rhiwbium trifotii found in nodules of Trifolium subterraneum L effect of acid soil infertility factors on growth and nodulation of soybean Effect of Acid Soil Infertility Factors on Growth and Modulation of Soybean. Effect of acetylene on autotrophic and heerotrophic nitrification Effect of Acacia saligna with and without administration of polyethylene glycol on dietary intake in desert sheep Effect of AC 263,222, imazethapyr, and nicosulfuron on weed control and imidazolinone-tolerant corn (Zea mays) yield Effect of abscisic acid application on root isoflavonoid concentration and nodulation of wild-type and nodulationmutant soybean plants. Nu, C. T. Food Qual. Pref. Grey.T.C-, British Poult. Sa. 23 : 289 - 298. Hamdi, M. Process Biochem. 31: 543-547. Abe, F J. Dairy Sci Cleff, J.V. Theriogenology. Parker, J. W. G. J. Sci. Food Agric. Shimp, R.J App. Environ. Microbiol Tobioka, H. CLSU. Scientific journal. Vol. XIV. No.2 p. 22-28 Dughri MH Appi Environ Microbiol 46:1207-1213. Alva, A.K Agron.J Alva, A.K., Agron. J. 79: 302-306. Hynes R.K Can. J. Microbial Degen, A. A. J. Anim. Sci. Monks, C.D Weed Tech Cho, M.J Plant and soil. Effect of ABA on vitellogenin in Sarcophaga bullata De Man, W. Entomol. Exp. Appl. Effect of ABA application to the culture solution on the growth, water relations, and temperature in tomato plants Takahashi, H J. Jpn. Soc. Hort. Sci Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 590 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Effect of a quaternary ammonium sanitize for hatching eggs on their contamination, permeability, water loss and hatchability. Effect of A Parenteral Supplement of Folic Acid and its Interaction with Level of Feed Intake on Hepatic Tissues and Growth Perfor-mance of Young Dairy Heifers Effect of a dominant follicle on ovarian follicular dynamics during the oestrous cycle in heifer. Effect of a B3(beta)-adrenergic agonist, BRL 35135A, on glucose uptake in rat skletal muscle in vivo and in vitro Effect of a B3(beta)-adrenergic agonist cimaterol and dietary protein level on fat young sheep given diets containing submaintenance levels of dietary energy Effect of 17-B-dehydroequilin sulfate, a conjugated equine estrogen and ethynylestradiol on atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits Effect of 17 a-dihydroequilin sulfate, a conjugated equine estrogen, and ethynylestradiol on atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits Effect of 17 a MT on spermatogenesis and spermation in the grey mullet, Mugil cephalus. Effect of cell density and irradiance on growth, proximate composition and eicosapentanoic acid production of Phaeodactylum tricornuium grown in a tubular photobioreactor. Effect leaf and pod removal on distribution of 14C labelled assimilat in soybean Effect intravagina progesterone on pregnancy and synchronization rates in beef cattle. Effect Docosahexaenoic Acid and Phospholipids on Stress Tolerance of Fish Effect days post partum and endogenous reproductive hormoneson GnRH-induced LH release in dairy cows Effect Cooking Procedure on Oxytetracycline Residues in Lamb Muscle Effect of peripheral concentrations of progesterone on follicular growth and fertility in ewes Brake, J. Poultry Science Dumoulin, P.G J. Anim. Sci. Ko, J. C.H. J. Reprod. Fert. Pierson, R.A. and Ginther,O.J. Ultrasonography of the bovine ovary Theriogenology Abe, H. J. Endro Galbraith, H Anim. Sci Sulistiyani Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol Sulistiyani Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 15:837-46. Weber.G.M., Journal Fish Biology 26 Chrismadha, T. J.Appl. Phycol, 6: 67-74. Egli, D. B. Crop. Sci Rauchalz, K.C. Anim. Breed. Abstr. Kanazawa, A. Aquaculture, 155: 135-148. Kesler, D. J. J. Anim. Sci. Ibrahim, A., J. Agric. Food -Chem Johnson SK Dom. Anim. Endocrinol Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 591 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effect of a quaternary ammonium sanitize for hatching<br />

eggs on their contamination, permeability, water loss and<br />

hatchability.<br />

Effect of A Parenteral Supplement of Folic Acid and its<br />

Interaction with Level of Feed Intake on Hepatic Tissues<br />

and Growth Perfor-mance of Young Dairy Heifers<br />

Effect of a dominant follicle on ovarian follicular dynamics<br />

during the oestrous cycle in heifer.<br />

Effect of a B3(beta)-adrenergic agonist, BRL 35135A, on<br />

glucose uptake in rat skletal muscle in vivo and in vitro<br />

Effect of a B3(beta)-adrenergic agonist cimaterol and<br />

dietary protein level on fat young sheep given diets<br />

containing submaintenance levels of dietary energy<br />

Effect of 17-B-dehydroequilin sulfate, a conjugated equine<br />

estrogen and ethynylestradiol on atherosclerosis in<br />

cholesterol-fed rabbits<br />

Effect of 17 a-dihydroequilin sulfate, a conjugated equine<br />

estrogen, and ethynylestradiol on atherosclerosis in<br />

cholesterol-fed rabbits<br />

Effect of 17 a MT on spermatogenesis and spermation in<br />

the grey mullet, Mugil cephalus.<br />

Effect of cell density and irradiance on growth, proximate<br />

composition and eicosapentanoic acid production of<br />

Phaeodactylum tricornuium grown in a tubular<br />

photobioreactor.<br />

Effect leaf and pod removal on distribution of 14C labelled<br />

assimilat in soybean<br />

Effect intravagina progesterone on pregnancy and<br />

synchronization rates in beef cattle.<br />

Effect Docosahexaenoic Acid and Phospholipids on Stress<br />

Tolerance of Fish<br />

Effect days post partum and endogenous reproductive<br />

hormoneson GnRH-induced LH release in dairy cows<br />

Effect Cooking Procedure on Oxytetracycline Residues in<br />

Lamb Muscle<br />

Effect of peripheral concentrations of progesterone on<br />

follicular growth and fertility in ewes<br />

Brake, J. Poultry Science<br />

Dumoulin, P.G J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Ko, J. C.H. J. Reprod. Fert. Pierson, R.A. and<br />

Ginther,O.J. Ultrasonography of the<br />

bovine ovary Theriogenology<br />

Abe, H. J. Endro<br />

Galbraith, H Anim. Sci<br />

Sulistiyani Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol<br />

Sulistiyani Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and<br />

Vascular Biology 15:837-46.<br />

Weber.G.M., Journal Fish Biology 26<br />

Chrismadha, T. J.Appl. Phycol, 6: 67-74.<br />

Egli, D. B. Crop. Sci<br />

Rauchalz, K.C. Anim. Breed. Abstr.<br />

Kanazawa, A. Aquaculture, 155: 135-148.<br />

Kesler, D. J. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Ibrahim, A., J. Agric. Food -Chem<br />

Johnson SK Dom. Anim. Endocrinol<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 591 dari 931

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