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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Effects of Salinity and Thiroxine on Larva survival, Growth<br />

and Development in the Carp Cyprinusca/p/o<br />

Effects of Rumen Degradable Protein Concentration in<br />

Diets on Digestion, Nitrogen Utilization and Milk Yield by<br />

Dairy Goats.<br />

Effects of resistance genes, heat tolerance genes and<br />

cytoplasms on expression of resistance to Pseudomonas<br />

solanacearum E.F. Smith in potato<br />

Effects of Ration Energy and Slaughter Weight on<br />

Composition of Empty Body and Carcass Gain of Beef<br />

Effects of rapeseed oil supplementation on digestion,<br />

microbial protein synthesis and duodenal microbial amino<br />

acid composition m ruminants<br />

Effects of pseudomonas fluorescens on potato plant growth<br />

and control of verticillium dahliae<br />

Effects of pseudomonas fluorescens on potato plant growth<br />

and control of verticillium dahliae<br />

Effects of protein concentration on responses to dietary<br />

lysine by chicks.<br />

Effects of Protein and Energy Levels on Performances of<br />

Broilers Fed with Different Levels of Palm Kernel Cake<br />

Rations.<br />

Effects of processing condition and antioxidant on the<br />

oxidative stability and carbon dioxide formation in lowfat dry<br />

milk.<br />

Effects of process modification and heat pump drying on<br />

physical and sensory properties of Chinese style shredded<br />

beef<br />

Effects of prenatal testoterone tratment and postnatal<br />

steroid implanations on growth performance and carcass<br />

traits of heifers and steers<br />

Effects of prenatal testosterone treatment and postnatal<br />

steroid implantation on growth performance and carcass<br />

traits of heifers and steers<br />

Effects of postpartum bodyweight changes on subsequent<br />

reproductive performance in N'Damacattle maintained<br />

under traditional husbandry system<br />

Effects of population density upon agronomic traits<br />

associated with genetic increases in yield of Zea mays L.<br />

Lam, T.J. Aquaculture44: 201-212<br />

Brun-Bellut, J. Small Ruminant Research.<br />

Tung, P.X Euphytica<br />

Jesse, G. W. J. Anim. Sci.<br />

Tesfa, A,T. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 41:313-328.<br />

Leben SD Phytopathology 77:1592-1595<br />

Leben SD Phytopathology 77:1592-1595<br />

Morris, T. R. Br. Poult. Sci.<br />

Watanasit, S. Songklanakarin J.<br />

Min, D. B. J. Food Sci.<br />

Chen, T Food Australia<br />

De Haan KC J. Anim Sci 68:2918-2207<br />

De Haan KC J Anim Sci 68: 2198-2207<br />

Agyemang, K. An. Reprod. Sci.<br />

Moll, R.H. Agron. J.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 544 dari 931

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