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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Enbryogenic protoplats cultures of orenge jassamine (Murraya paniculata) and the their regenaration into plant flowering in vitro. Empulur Ampas Tebu sebagai Pengganti Onggok dalam Ransum Sapi Potong. Empirican relationship for marine primary production: the effect of environmental variables. Emisi gas formaldehida dari beberapa tingkat ketebalan kayu lapis. EMF and ELF Fact Sheet, Electrotechnic, Vol. 75, pp 255- 260. Emergence Seedling Growth And Yield Of Sweet Corn After Pregermination At High Temperature Emergence and dispersal of margarodes meridionalts (Homoptera : Coccoidea) in hibrid bermuda grass Emergence and dispersal of margarodes meridionalts (Homoptera : Coccoidea) in hibrid bermuda grass Jumin.H. B. Plant Cell. Tiss. Org. Cult .41:277-279 Wardhani, N. K. Buletin BP3G. La Fontaine. Y. Oceanologica acta. 9 (1) :65-72 Kliwon, S. Grotel E. EMF and ELF Fact Sheet, Electrotechnic, Vol. 75, pp 255-260. Gubbels. G.H Canadian Journal Of Plant Science Hoffman E J. Econ Entomol 6 (1) : 1668-1671 Hoffman E J. Econ Entomol 6 (1) : 1668-1671 Embryonic development and fetal growth Dziuk, P. J. Anim. Reprod. Sci. Embryogenic protoplast cultures of orange jessamine (Murraya Panicullata) and their regeneration into plant flowering in vitro Jumin, H.B Plant Cell. Tiss. Org. Cult Embryogenic protoplast cultures of orange jessamine (Murraya paniculata) and their regeneration into plant flowering in vitro. Embryo-genesis of gymnospermeae: advances in synthetic seed teehnology of conifers Embryogenesis in reciprocal crosses of Arachis hypogaea cv No. 6 with a duranesis and A. stenosperma Embryogenesis & plant regeneration from microspore of both indica & japonica rice (O. sativa) Embryogenese somatique de cacaoyer Theobroma cacao L. a portir de pieces florale. C.R. Jumin, H. B. Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult. Attree, S.M. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture (Review article). 68: 30-34. Pattee, H. E. Int. J. Plant Sci. Datta, SK Plant Science 67:83-88 Lopez-Baez, O., Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences dala vie/Life Sciences 316: 579-584. Embryo transfer in goats Pandiya, S.C. Indian Vet. J. Embryo Transfer in Cattle Mohan. G.E. the Ayrhire Journal Embryo morfology, developmental rates and maternal age are correlated with chromosome abnormalities Munne S Fertil.Steril Embriogenesis somatik pada kelapa sawit untuk perbanyakan secara invitro klon unggul Ginting G Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 534 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Elongation and desaturation of dietary fatty acid in Turbot (Scopthalamun maximus) and rainbow trout. Elite selection of tuber-bearing Solanum species germplasm. Owen, J.M., Lipid, 10:258-271. Bamberg, J.B., Inter-Regional Potato Introduction Station, NRSP-6, Wisconsin, Madison, USA. Elimination of E. coli 0157:h7 in meat by gamma irradiation Thayer, D. W. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Elicitor-stimulation of monoterpene indole alkaloid formation in suspension cultures of Catharaitthus roseus Elicitors: their significance and primary modes of action in the induction of plant defense reactions Elicitor Stimulation of Monoterpene Indole Alkaloid in Suspension Culture of Catharanthus roseus Elicitation of anthocyanin production in cell cultures of carrot (Daucus carota L.) by using elicitors and abiotic stress Elicitation of Anthocyanin Production in Cell Cultures of Carrot (Daucus carota L.) by Using Elicitors and Abiotic Stress Elevated levels of superoxide dismutase protect transgenic plants against ozone damage. Elevated levels of dietary ascorbic acid Increase immune responses in Channel Calfish Elevated levels of ascorbic acid increase immune responses in channel catfish Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration effects interactions between Spodoplera exigua (l,epidoptera:Noctuidae) larva and two host plant species outdoors Elektron Mikroskopi dan Imunogenisitas Baculovirus Orytes Isolat Yogyakarta Electrophoretic variation of isozymes in plumule of rice (Oryza sativa L.) a key to identification of 76 alleles to 24 loci. Electrophoretic Patterns of European Cheese : Comparison and Quantitation Electrophoretic analysis of selected isozymes in BBcultivars of Philippine bananas Eilert, U. J. Plant Physiol. 126:11-22. Yoshikawa, M. Plant Cell Physiol. 34:1163-1173. Eilert, U. J. Plant Physiology. 126:11-22. Suvarnalatha, G. Biotech. Lett. 16:1275-1280. Suvamalatha, G. Biotechnology Letters. 16 (12):1275- 1280. Van Camp W. Biotechnology 12: 165-168. Li. Y J of Nutr. 115 (1) 123-131. Li, L. J. Nutr. 115:123-131. Caulfidd, F. Environ Enlomol 23:999-1005 Sumardiyono. Y.B Glaszmann, J.C., IRRI Research Paper Series 134. Marcos, A J. Dairy Sci. Espino RRC Jarret RL (ed). Identification of Genetic Diversity in the Genus Musa. INIBAP. Proceedings of an international workshop. Los Banos, 5-10 Sep 1988. him 36-40. Electrophoretic characterization of strawberry cultivars. Bringhurst. R.S., J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 106 (5): 684- 687. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 535 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Elongation and desaturation of dietary fatty acid in Turbot<br />

(Scopthalamun maximus) and rainbow trout.<br />

Elite selection of tuber-bearing Solanum species<br />

germplasm.<br />

Owen, J.M., Lipid, 10:258-271.<br />

Bamberg, J.B., Inter-Regional Potato Introduction<br />

Station, NRSP-6, Wisconsin, Madison,<br />

USA.<br />

Elimination of E. coli 0157:h7 in meat by gamma irradiation Thayer, D. W. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.<br />

Elicitor-stimulation of monoterpene indole alkaloid<br />

formation in suspension cultures of Catharaitthus roseus<br />

Elicitors: their significance and primary modes of action in<br />

the induction of plant defense reactions<br />

Elicitor Stimulation of Monoterpene Indole Alkaloid in<br />

Suspension Culture of Catharanthus roseus<br />

Elicitation of anthocyanin production in cell cultures of<br />

carrot (Daucus carota L.) by using elicitors and abiotic<br />

stress<br />

Elicitation of Anthocyanin Production in Cell Cultures of<br />

Carrot (Daucus carota L.) by Using Elicitors and Abiotic<br />

Stress<br />

Elevated levels of superoxide dismutase protect transgenic<br />

plants against ozone damage.<br />

Elevated levels of dietary ascorbic acid Increase immune<br />

responses in Channel Calfish<br />

Elevated levels of ascorbic acid increase immune<br />

responses in channel catfish<br />

Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration effects<br />

interactions between Spodoplera exigua<br />

(l,epidoptera:Noctuidae) larva and two host plant species<br />

outdoors<br />

Elektron Mikroskopi dan Imunogenisitas Baculovirus Orytes<br />

Isolat Yogyakarta<br />

Electrophoretic variation of isozymes in plumule of rice<br />

(Oryza sativa L.) a key to identification of 76 alleles to 24<br />

loci.<br />

Electrophoretic Patterns of European Cheese : Comparison<br />

and Quantitation<br />

Electrophoretic analysis of selected isozymes in BBcultivars<br />

of Philippine bananas<br />

Eilert, U. J. Plant Physiol. 126:11-22.<br />

Yoshikawa, M. Plant Cell Physiol. 34:1163-1173.<br />

Eilert, U. J. Plant Physiology. 126:11-22.<br />

Suvarnalatha, G. Biotech. Lett. 16:1275-1280.<br />

Suvamalatha, G. Biotechnology Letters. 16 (12):1275-<br />

1280.<br />

Van Camp W. Biotechnology 12: 165-168.<br />

Li. Y J of Nutr. 115 (1) 123-131.<br />

Li, L. J. Nutr. 115:123-131.<br />

Caulfidd, F. Environ Enlomol 23:999-1005<br />

Sumardiyono. Y.B<br />

Glaszmann, J.C., IRRI Research Paper Series 134.<br />

Marcos, A J. Dairy Sci.<br />

Espino RRC Jarret RL (ed). Identification of Genetic<br />

Diversity in the Genus Musa. INIBAP.<br />

Proceedings of an international<br />

workshop. Los Banos, 5-10 Sep 1988.<br />

him 36-40.<br />

Electrophoretic characterization of strawberry cultivars. Bringhurst. R.S., J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 106 (5): 684-<br />

687.<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 535 dari 931

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