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Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Field test oll Tricboderma harzianum ass; biocontrol agent of seedling disease in severai erop and Rhizoctonia root rot of sugar beet Chet, l Crop. Protection 2 Field studies to evaluate commercial disinfectants for turkey hatching egg sanitation. Ernst, R. A. Poultry Science. Field Studies on Effect of Soil Conditioner and Mulch an Run Off From Kaolitinic and Illitic Soil Stern. R. Aust. J. Soil. Res Field reaction of chiki germplasm to Anthracnose Kadu IK Indian Phytol 3(1) 378-379 Field experiment on the ability of earthworms ( Lumbricidae) to reduce the transmission of infective larvae of cooperia anchophera ( Trichostrongylidae) from cow pats to grass Gronvold.J J.Parasitol Field Evaluation of Three Method for Monitoring Populations of House Flies (Mucsa Domestica) (Diptera : Muscidae) and Other Filth Flies in Three Types of Poultry Housing Systems. Field evaluation of a commercial formulation of the Spodoptera exigua ( Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) nuclear polyhedrosis virus for control of beet armyworm on vegetable crops in Thailand Lysyk, T. J. J. Econ. Entomol. Kolodny-Hirsch DM Biocontrol Science and Technology Field epidemiology and forecasting technologi of rice tungro disease vectored by green leafhopper Suzuki, Y. JARQ Field Competition Between Tall Morningglory (Ipomoea hederaceae) and Soybean (Glycine max) Cordes, R.C Weed Sci Field Comparison of Twelve Dinitroaniline Herbicides Harvey, R.G Weed Sci Fiber digestion & utilization in rabbits Cheeke PR J Appl rabbit Res 9:25-30 FIavor components of onion oil Brodnitz, M. H J. Agric. Food Chem Fetal viability and fetal growth after prolonged uterine constraction induced by progesterone withdrawal in late pregnancy in rats Arkaraviehien, W. K. J. Reprod. Fertil Fertilizer N Uptake Efficiency By Intercrop Corn and Soybean Under Different Tillage Systems Yasin. I Fertilizer in Indonesian Agriculture : The subsidy issue . Hadley , D.D. Fertilizer in Indonesian Agriculture : The subsidy issue . Fertilizer experimentation on oil palm in North Sumatra Akbar U Oleagineux (31) 7:305-312 Fertilization in vitro of bovine oocytes. analysis of some factors affecting the fertilization rates Fertilization and Strp Thinning in 45-year-old Jack Pine in Ontario Bousquet, D. Can.J.Vet.Res. 52(2): 277-9 Winston.D.A Great Lakes Forest Research Centre, Canadian Forestry Sevice, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 498 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Fertilization and Strip Thinning in 45-year-old Jack Pine in Ontario Winston.D.A Great Lakes Forest Research Centre, Canadian Forestry Service, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Fertility Rate of Dairy Collected and Cryopreserved Fowl Semen. Van Voorst, H. Poult. Sci. Fertility of Goat Following Synchronization of Oestrus with Prostaglandin F2a Nelson, D.R. Theriogenology 5: 341-344. Fertility of fresh and frozen-thawed semen of the Angora goat Ritar AJ Aust Biol Sci 36:49-59. Fertility of closprostenol treated dairy cows. Drew, S.B. Vet. Record. Fertility in The Afrikaner Cows. 2. Ovarian Recovery and Conception in Suckled and Non-Suckled Cows Post- Partum. Well, P. L. Anim. Rep. Sci. Fertility in cows after treatment with a prostaglandin analogue with or progesterone. Roche, J.F. J. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl. Fertility following intraurine insemination near the time oviposition Howart Jr B Poult Sci 69: 138-141 Fertility choice in a model of economic growth Barro, R.J. Econometrica. 57: 481-501. Fertility and Weed Stress Effect on Performance of Maize/Soybean Intercrop Weil. R.R Agron. J Fertility and Weed Stress Effect on Performance of Maize/Soybean Intercrop Weil. R.R Agron. J Fertile somatic hybrids between Petunia hybrida and a wild species, Petunia variabitis. Taguchi, T., Theor. Appl. Genet. 87: 75-80. Ferritin as an exogenous yolk protein in snails Bottke, W Wilhelm Roux’s Archives Dev Biol 186: 71-75. Fermentor cultivation of Thermoplasma acidophilum for the production of cell mass and of the main phospholipid fraction Freisleben, H.-J. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 40:745- 752. Fermented Foods and Food Safety Nout. M.J.R Food Res. International Fermentative Reduction of Phytate In rye. White and Whole Wheat Breads Hariand, B. F. Cereal Chem. 57: 226. Fermentation tubes tor in vitro digestion of forages Moore. M. J Journal of Dary Science Fermentation of poultry manure for poultry diets. Vuori, A.T. Br. Poultry diet. Br. Polutry Sci. Fermentation of extremophilic microorganisms Krahe, M. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 18:271-285. Fermentation of D-Xylose by Yeast Candida shehatae dan Pichia spitipis Prospects and Problems Prior, B.A. Froc. Biochem., 24 : 21-32. Fermentation Methods for Protein Enrichrnent of cassava. Brook, E.J., Biotech, Bioeng-11: 1271-1284. Fermentasi silase sorghum-bijidan kedelai yang ditanam tumpang sari Hartadi, H. Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 499 dari 931

Judul Artikel Penulis Utama Nama Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah<br />

Field test oll Tricboderma harzianum ass; biocontrol<br />

agent of seedling disease in severai erop and Rhizoctonia<br />

root rot of sugar beet<br />

Chet, l Crop. Protection 2<br />

Field studies to evaluate commercial disinfectants for<br />

turkey hatching egg sanitation.<br />

Ernst, R. A. Poultry Science.<br />

Field Studies on Effect of Soil Conditioner and Mulch an<br />

Run Off From Kaolitinic and Illitic Soil<br />

Stern. R. Aust. J. Soil. Res<br />

Field reaction of chiki germplasm to Anthracnose Kadu IK Indian Phytol 3(1) 378-379<br />

Field experiment on the ability of earthworms (<br />

Lumbricidae) to reduce the transmission of infective larvae<br />

of cooperia anchophera ( Trichostrongylidae) from cow<br />

pats to grass<br />

Gronvold.J J.Parasitol<br />

Field Evaluation of Three Method for Monitoring<br />

Populations of House Flies (Mucsa Domestica) (Diptera :<br />

Muscidae) and Other Filth Flies in Three Types of Poultry<br />

Housing Systems.<br />

Field evaluation of a commercial formulation of the<br />

Spodoptera exigua ( Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) nuclear<br />

polyhedrosis virus for control of beet armyworm on<br />

vegetable crops in Thailand<br />

Lysyk, T. J. J. Econ. Entomol.<br />

Kolodny-Hirsch DM Biocontrol Science and Technology<br />

Field epidemiology and forecasting technologi of rice<br />

tungro disease vectored by green leafhopper<br />

Suzuki, Y. JARQ<br />

Field Competition Between Tall Morningglory (Ipomoea<br />

hederaceae) and Soybean (Glycine max)<br />

Cordes, R.C Weed Sci<br />

Field Comparison of Twelve Dinitroaniline Herbicides Harvey, R.G Weed Sci<br />

Fiber digestion & utilization in rabbits Cheeke PR J Appl rabbit Res 9:25-30<br />

FIavor components of onion oil Brodnitz, M. H J. Agric. Food Chem<br />

Fetal viability and fetal growth after prolonged uterine<br />

constraction induced by progesterone withdrawal in late<br />

pregnancy in rats<br />

Arkaraviehien, W. K. J. Reprod. Fertil<br />

Fertilizer N Uptake Efficiency By Intercrop Corn and<br />

Soybean Under Different Tillage Systems<br />

Yasin. I<br />

Fertilizer in Indonesian Agriculture : The subsidy issue . Hadley , D.D. Fertilizer in Indonesian Agriculture :<br />

The subsidy issue .<br />

Fertilizer experimentation on oil palm in North Sumatra Akbar U Oleagineux (31) 7:305-312<br />

Fertilization in vitro of bovine oocytes. analysis of some<br />

factors affecting the fertilization rates<br />

Fertilization and Strp Thinning in 45-year-old Jack Pine in<br />

Ontario<br />

Bousquet, D. Can.J.Vet.Res. 52(2): 277-9<br />

Winston.D.A Great Lakes Forest Research Centre,<br />

Canadian Forestry Sevice, Sault Ste.<br />

Marie, Ontario<br />

Jurnal/Buletin Ilmiah Hlm 498 dari 931

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